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Last active February 14, 2022 01:32
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import pathlib
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from typing import List, Dict, Set
import colored
import flask
WRONG = "dark_gray"
RIGHT_POS = "green"
WRONG_POS = "yellow"
WRONG: '⬛',
ALL_LETTERS = [chr(i + ord("a")) for i in range(26)]
class Output:
def expand_lambda(v):
LAMBDA = lambda: 0
is_lambda = isinstance(v, type(LAMBDA)) and v.__name__ == LAMBDA.__name__
if is_lambda:
return v()
return v
def trace(self, *args):
def debug_print(self, *args):
def print(self, *args):
def color_fn(self, col, text):
return text
class StdOutput(Output):
def debug_print(self, *args):
def print(self, *args):
print(" ".join(Output.expand_lambda(v) for v in args))
def color_fn(self, col, text):
return colored.fg(col) + text + colored.attr('reset')
class HtmlOutput(Output):
def __init__(self, debug):
self._out = []
self._debug = debug
self._color_map = {
WRONG: "gray",
RIGHT_POS: "green",
WRONG_POS: "yellow",
def debug_print(self, *args):
if self._debug:
def print(self, *args):
txt = " ".join(Output.expand_lambda(v) for v in args)
txt = txt.replace(" ", "&nbsp;").replace("####SPACE####", " ").replace("\n", "<br>")
txt = txt + "<br>"
def color_fn(self, col, text):
return f'<span####SPACE####style="color:{self._color_map[col]}">{text}</span>'
def get_html(self):
body = "\n".join(self._out)
out_txt = f"""
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {{
font-family: 'Monaco', monospace;
background-color: black;
return out_txt
class WordSpec:
def __init__(self, word: str, match_res: List[str]):
self.word = word
self.match_res = match_res
self.is_solved = set(match_res) == {RIGHT_POS}
def debug_str(self, output: Output):
res = "".join(
[output.color_fn(m, ch) for m, ch in zip(self.match_res, self.word)]
res_without_chars = "".join(COLOR_TO_EMOJI[m] for m in self.match_res)
return res, res_without_chars
class Checker:
def __init__(self, correct_word):
self.correct_word = correct_word
def mode(self):
return "bot"
def match(self, word) -> List[str]:
res = [WRONG for _ in self.correct_word]
leftover_target = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(len(self.correct_word)):
if word[i] == self.correct_word[i]:
res[i] = RIGHT_POS
leftover_target[self.correct_word[i]] += 1
for i in range(len(word)):
if res[i] == RIGHT_POS:
if leftover_target.get(word[i], 0) > 0:
res[i] = WRONG_POS
leftover_target[word[i]] -= 1
return res
def match_with_wordspec(self, word) -> "WordSpec":
return WordSpec(word, self.match(word))
class Solver:
def __init__(self, ro_word_cache: "WordCache", checker: Checker, output: Output):
# options[i] = possible letters at position i
self.options = [set(ALL_LETTERS).copy() for _ in range(LENGTH)]
self.all_words = ro_word_cache.all_words.copy()
# These characters dont exist in the word
self.blocked_chars = set()
# These characters exist in the word
self.confirmed_chars = Counter()
self.output = output
self.checker = checker
def remove_from_set(s: Set[str], c: str):
if c in s:
# debug_print(f"{s} - {c}")
def print_word_scores(self, feasile_words, word_scores):
feasile_words = feasile_words if len(feasile_words) < 10 else feasile_words[:10] + ["..."]
word_scores = word_scores if len(word_scores) < 10 else word_scores[:10] + [("...", "")]
self.output.debug_print(lambda: ' ' * (LENGTH + 1) + ' '.join(feasile_words))
lambda: ' ' * (LENGTH + 1) + ' '.join([f'{w}->{s}' for w, s in word_scores]))
def _options_str(self):
return " ".join(["".join(sorted(x)) for x in self.options])
def _confirmed_chars_str(self):
return "".join(sorted(self.confirmed_chars.elements()))
def _debug_info(self):
self.output.trace("==========DEBUG INFO============")
self.output.trace(f"options -> {self._options_str()}")
self.output.trace(f"blocked_chars -> {self.blocked_chars}")
self.output.trace(f"confirmed_chars -> {self._confirmed_chars_str()}")
# Use the word spec and update the state
def _update_char_info(self, w: WordSpec):
# Confirmed chars based on this guess
confirmed_chars_per_spec = Counter()
for c, match in zip(w.word, w.match_res):
if match in (WRONG_POS, RIGHT_POS):
confirmed_chars_per_spec[c] += 1
for ind, c, match in zip(range(len(w.word)), w.word, w.match_res):
# debug_print(ind, c, match)
if match == WRONG:
Solver.remove_from_set(self.options[ind], c)
# c does not exist in the word. Add it to blocked chars and remove from self.options
# Note that if num_occurances(`c`, word) >= num_occurances(`c`, soln) then
# match(c) will be wrong atleast once. So dont remove c if its in
# confirmed_chars_per_spec
# E.g - soln=abcde guess=aaaaa => [RIGHT_POS, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG]
if c not in confirmed_chars_per_spec:
for i in range(LENGTH):
Solver.remove_from_set(self.options[i], c)
elif match == WRONG_POS:
Solver.remove_from_set(self.options[ind], c)
elif match == RIGHT_POS:
self.options[ind] = {c}
for c, cnt in confirmed_chars_per_spec.items():
self.confirmed_chars[c] = max(cnt, self.confirmed_chars[c])
def _is_word_possible(self, word: str) -> bool:
for c in word:
if c in self.blocked_chars:
return False
chr_counter = Counter(word)
for c, confirmed_cnt in self.confirmed_chars.items():
if confirmed_cnt > chr_counter.get(c, 0):
return False
for i, c in enumerate(word):
if c not in self.options[i]:
return False
return True
def _score_all_words2(self, feasible_words) -> Dict[str, float]:
freq = Counter()
for w in feasible_words:
for c in w:
if c not in self.confirmed_chars:
freq[c] += 1
ret = defaultdict(float)
lambda: " " * (LENGTH + 1)
+ " ".join(
[f"{k}{v}" for k, v in sorted(freq.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])]
for w in self.all_words:
ret[w] = 1
for c in set(w): # score(abc) = score(aaabc)
if c not in self.confirmed_chars:
ret[w] += freq[c]
yellows_in_wrong_pos = set()
for i, c in enumerate(w):
if len(self.options[i]) == 1:
if c in self.confirmed_chars and c in self.options[i]:
if sum(self.confirmed_chars.values()) > 3:
yellow_guess_boost = 3 ** len(yellows_in_wrong_pos)
yellow_guess_boost = 1.2 ** len(yellows_in_wrong_pos)
ret[w] = ret[w] * yellow_guess_boost
return ret
def _score_all_words(self, feasible_words) -> Dict[str, float]:
freq = Counter()
for w in feasible_words:
for c in w:
if c not in self.confirmed_chars:
freq[c] += 1
ret = defaultdict(float)
lambda: " " * (LENGTH + 1)
+ " ".join(
[f"{k}{v}" for k, v in sorted(freq.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])]
for w in self.all_words:
ret[w] = 1
for c in set(w): # score(abc) score(aaabc)
if c not in self.confirmed_chars:
ret[w] += freq[c]
yellows_in_wrong_pos = set()
for i, c in enumerate(w):
if len(self.options[i]) == 1:
if c in self.confirmed_chars and c in self.options[i]:
if sum(self.confirmed_chars.values()) > 3:
yellow_guess_boost = 3 ** len(yellows_in_wrong_pos)
yellow_guess_boost = 1.2 ** len(yellows_in_wrong_pos)
ret[w] = ret[w] * yellow_guess_boost
return ret
def _find_possible_words(self) -> List[str]:
return [w for w in self.all_words if self._is_word_possible(w)]
def _next(self):
feasible_words = self._find_possible_words()
if len(feasible_words) == 1:
self.output.debug_print("Only one")
return feasible_words[0]
all_word_scores = sorted(
self._score_all_words(feasible_words).items(), key=lambda x: -x[-1]
if len(feasible_words) <= 3:
all_word_scores = [
(k, s) for k, s in all_word_scores if k in feasible_words
self.print_word_scores(feasible_words, all_word_scores)
if len(all_word_scores) == 0:
return None
return all_word_scores[0][0]
def solve(self):
shareable_res = ""
for i in range(20):
guess = self._next()
if not guess:
self.output.print(f"Failed to wordle the word")
spec = self.checker.match_with_wordspec(guess)
a, b = spec.debug_str(self.output)
lambda: f"{a} {self._options_str()}"
shareable_res += (b + "\n")
if spec.is_solved:
self.output.print(f"\n{i + 1} attempts by dotslash/")
return i + 1
return 30
class WordCache:
def __init__(self, word_list_path: pathlib.Path):
# wordle word list (all of the size LENGTH)
self.all_words: Set[str] = set(
w.strip() for w in word_list_path.read_text().splitlines()
def default_word_list_path():
pwd = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve())
return pathlib.Path(f"{pwd}/wordle.txt")
cache = WordCache(default_word_list_path())
# is a shame. I have to use flask 1.0
def solve_for_http_request(request):
def get_word():
word = request.path.strip("/").split("/")[-1]
if word:
return word
return request.args.get("word")
def plain_text_response_400(mesage):
resp = flask.make_response(mesage, 400)
resp.content_type = 'text/plain'
return resp
word = get_word()
usage_string = (
if not word:
return plain_text_response_400(f"bad request: word param missing{usage_string}")
elif len(word) != LENGTH:
return plain_text_response_400(
f"bad request: word should have length {LENGTH}{usage_string}")
elif word not in cache.all_words:
return plain_text_response_400(f"bad request: word seems to invalid{usage_string}")
checker = Checker(word)
ho = HtmlOutput(debug=request.args.get("debug") == "true")
s = Solver(ro_word_cache=cache, checker=checker, output=ho)
return ho.get_html()
def rate_algo():
distribution = Counter()
def print_distribution():
weighted_avg = sum(k * v for k, v in distribution.items()) / sum(
print(f"weighted_avg {weighted_avg}")
for i, w in enumerate(cache.all_words):
if i % 100 == 1:
s = Solver(ro_word_cache=cache, checker=Checker(w), output=Output())
distribution[s.solve()] += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
dictionary_default_val = f'{pathlib.Path(__file__).parent}/wordle.txt'
p = argparse.ArgumentParser("wordle_solver")
p.add_argument("--mode", choices=["normal", "cheat", "rate_algo", "local_server"],
help="(default: %(default)s)")
p.add_argument("--dictionary", default=str(default_word_list_path()),
help="path to wordlist file (default: %(default)s)")
p.add_argument("--word", help=f"{LENGTH} letter word to guess. Required in normal mode")
args = p.parse_args()
if args.mode == "rate_algo":
elif args.mode == "normal":
assert args.word and len(args.word) == LENGTH
s = Solver(ro_word_cache=WordCache(pathlib.Path(args.dictionary)),
elif args.mode == 'cheat':
print("TODO: support cheat")
elif args.mode == 'local_server':
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def solve_wordle_for_word(word):
return solve_for_http_request(flask.request)
def solve_wordle_for_word_no_args():
return solve_for_http_request(flask.request)"", port=7865)
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