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Last active April 14, 2020 07:18
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# Setup
# pip install colored tabulate
# brew install jq (mac)
# sudo apt-get install jq (ubuntu)
alias json_tabulate='python -c "from colored import fg, bg, attr; import json; import fileinput; import tabulate; lines=[line for line in fileinput.input() if line.strip()]; dicts=json.loads(\" \".join(lines)); keys = (dicts and dicts[0].keys()) or []; keys = {k:fg(\"yellow\") + attr(\"bold\")+ k + attr(\"reset\") for k in keys}; print(tabulate.tabulate(dicts, headers=keys))"'
alias update_covid_ind='curl > ~/tmp/covid_ind.json'
alias covid_ind_tests='jq ".tested | map({totalpositivecases, totalindividualstested, samplereportedtoday, as_of: .updatetimestamp})" ~/tmp/covid_ind.json | json_tabulate'
alias covid_ind_states='jq ".statewise | map({state, confirmed, new: .deltaconfirmed, last_updated: .lastupdatedtime})" ~/tmp/covid_ind.json | json_tabulate'
alias covid_ind_daily='jq ".cases_time_series | map({date, dailyconfirmed, totalconfirmed}) | .[-20:]" ~/tmp/covid_ind.json | json_tabulate'
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