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Last active January 22, 2016 19:16
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"Campus Events" for EGI event page

Updating Campus Events


Overriding the-event-calendar plugin content.php file with a custom version located:


Insert custom content.php snippit after the following lines of code:

<!-- List Title -->`
<?php do_action( 'tribe_events_before_the_title' ); ?>
<!-- START Custom "Campus Events"-->
<h2 class="tribe-events-page-title">Campus Events</h2>
<div class="tribe-events-loop type-tribe_events" style="margin-bottom:30px;">
<div class="campus">
<h2 class="tribe-events-list-event-title">
<a href="/downloads/event_flyers/Courtenay-Strong-Graduate-Seminar-Jan-20.pdf" target="_blank" class="tribe-event-url">The Science of Climate Change</a>
<div class="tribe-events-event-meta">
<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">Graduate Seminar: Courtenay Strong</div>
<span>January 20 &ndash; 3:00-4:00 pm &ndash; WEB 2250</span>
<div class="campus">
<h2 class="tribe-events-list-event-title">
<strong>Overview of the EGI FORGE Project (DOE funding)</strong>
<div class="tribe-events-event-meta">
<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">Dr. Joe Moore</div>
<span>January 27</span>
<div class="campus">
<h2 class="tribe-events-list-event-title">
<strong>The Use of Tracers for Constraining Fracture Surface Area in<br>Geothermal and Petroleum Reservoirs</strong>
<div class="tribe-events-event-meta">
<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">Dr. Peter Rose</div>
<span>March 23</span>
<style media="screen">
.campus{margin-bottom: 25px;}
.campus h2{font-size:1.4em !important;}
.campus strong{color:#666;}
<!-- END Custom "Campus Events"-->
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