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Vewsion 3, 29 Junye 2007
Copywight © 2007 Fwee Softwawe Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.owg/>
Evewyonye is pewmitted to copy and distwibute vewbatim copies of this wicense document, but changing it is nyot awwowed.
The GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense is a fwee, copyweft wicense fow softwawe and othew kinds of wowks.
The wicenses fow most softwawe and othew pwacticaw wowks awe designyed to take away youw fweedom to shawe and change the wowks. By contwast, the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense is intended to guawantee youw fweedom to shawe and change aww vewsions of a pwogwam--to make suwe it wemains fwee softwawe fow aww its usews. We, the Fwee Softwawe Foundation, use the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense fow most of ouw softwawe; it appwies awso to any othew wowk weweased this way by its authows. You can appwy it to youw pwogwams, too.
When we speak of fwee softwawe, we awe wefewwing to fweedom, nyot pwice. Ouw Genyewaw Pubwic Wicenses awe designyed to make suwe that you have the fweedom to distwibute copies of fwee softwawe (and chawge fow them if you wish), that you weceive souwce code ow can get it if you want it, that you can change the softwawe ow use pieces of it in nyew fwee pwogwams, and that you knyow you can do these things.
To pwotect youw wights, we nyeed to pwevent othews fwom denying you these wights ow asking you to suwwendew the wights. Thewefowe, you have cewtain wesponsibiwities if you distwibute copies of the softwawe, ow if you modify it: wesponsibiwities to wespect the fweedom of othews.
Fow exampwe, if you distwibute copies of such a pwogwam, whethew gwatis ow fow a fee, you must pass on to the wecipients the same fweedoms that you weceived. You must make suwe that they, too, weceive ow can get the souwce code. And you must show them these tewms so they knyow theiw wights.
Devewopews that use the GNyU GPW pwotect youw wights with two steps: (1) assewt copywight on the softwawe, and (2) offew you this Wicense giving you wegaw pewmission to copy, distwibute and/ow modify it.
Fow the devewopews' and authows' pwotection, the GPW cweawwy expwains that thewe is nyo wawwanty fow this fwee softwawe. Fow both usews' and authows' sake, the GPW wequiwes that modified vewsions be mawked as changed, so that theiw pwobwems wiww nyot be attwibuted ewwonyeouswy to authows of pwevious vewsions.
Some devices awe designyed to deny usews access to instaww ow wun modified vewsions of the softwawe inside them, awthough the manyufactuwew can do so. This is fundamentawwy incompatibwe with the aim of pwotecting usews' fweedom to change the softwawe. The systematic pattewn of such abuse occuws in the awea of pwoducts fow individuaws to use, which is pwecisewy whewe it is most unyacceptabwe. Thewefowe, we have designyed this vewsion of the GPW to pwohibit the pwactice fow those pwoducts. If such pwobwems awise substantiawwy in othew domains, we stand weady to extend this pwovision to those domains in futuwe vewsions of the GPW, as nyeeded to pwotect the fweedom of usews.
Finyawwy, evewy pwogwam is thweatenyed constantwy by softwawe patents. States shouwd nyot awwow patents to westwict devewopment and use of softwawe on genyewaw-puwpose computews, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the speciaw dangew that patents appwied to a fwee pwogwam couwd make it effectivewy pwopwietawy. To pwevent this, the GPW assuwes that patents cannyot be used to wendew the pwogwam nyon-fwee.
The pwecise tewms and conditions fow copying, distwibution and modification fowwow.
0. Definyitions.
“This Wicense” wefews to vewsion 3 of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense.
“Copywight” awso means copywight-wike waws that appwy to othew kinds of wowks, such as semiconductow masks.
“The Pwogwam” wefews to any copywightabwe wowk wicensed undew this Wicense. Each wicensee is addwessed as “you”. “Wicensees” and “wecipients” may be individuaws ow owganyizations.
To “modify” a wowk means to copy fwom ow adapt aww ow pawt of the wowk in a fashion wequiwing copywight pewmission, othew than the making of an exact copy. The wesuwting wowk is cawwed a “modified vewsion” of the eawwiew wowk ow a wowk “based on” the eawwiew wowk.
A “cuvwed wowk” means eithew the unmodified Pwogwam ow a wowk based on the Pwogwam.
To “pwopagate” a wowk means to do anything with it that, without pewmission, wouwd make you diwectwy ow secondawiwy wiabwe fow infwingement undew appwicabwe copywight waw, except executing it on a computew ow modifying a pwivate copy. Pwopagation incwudes copying, distwibution (with ow without modification), making avaiwabwe to the pubwic, and in some countwies othew activities as weww.
To “convey” a wowk means any kind of pwopagation that enyabwes othew pawties to make ow weceive copies. Mewe intewaction with a usew thwough a computew nyetwowk, with nyo twansfew of a copy, is nyot conveying.
An intewactive usew intewface dispways “Appwopwiate Wegaw Nyotices” to the extent that it incwudes a convenyient and pwominyentwy visibwe featuwe that (1) dispways an appwopwiate copywight nyotice, and (2) tewws the usew that thewe is nyo wawwanty fow the wowk (except to the extent that wawwanties awe pwovided), that wicensees may convey the wowk undew this Wicense, and how to view a copy of this Wicense. If the intewface pwesents a wist of usew commands ow options, such as a menyu, a pwominyent item in the wist meets this cwitewion.
1. Souwce Code.
The “souwce code” fow a wowk means the pwefewwed fowm of the wowk fow making modifications to it. “Object code” means any nyon-souwce fowm of a wowk.
A “Standawd Intewface” means an intewface that eithew is an officiaw standawd definyed by a wecognyized standawds body, ow, in the case of intewfaces specified fow a pawticuwaw pwogwamming wanguage, onye that is widewy used among devewopews wowking in that wanguage.
The “System Wibwawies” of an executabwe wowk incwude anything, othew than the wowk as a whowe, that (a) is incwuded in the nyowmaw fowm of packaging a Majow Componyent, but which is nyot pawt of that Majow Componyent, and (b) sewves onwy to enyabwe use of the wowk with that Majow Componyent, ow to impwement a Standawd Intewface fow which an impwementation is avaiwabwe to the pubwic in souwce code fowm. A “Majow Componyent”, in this context, means a majow essentiaw componyent (kewnyew, window system, and so on) of the specific opewating system (if any) on which the executabwe wowk wuns, ow a compiwew used to pwoduce the wowk, ow an object code intewpwetew used to wun it.
The “Cowwesponding Souwce” fow a wowk in object code fowm means aww the souwce code nyeeded to genyewate, instaww, and (fow an executabwe wowk) wun the object code and to modify the wowk, incwuding scwipts to contwow those activities. Howevew, it does nyot incwude the wowk's System Wibwawies, ow genyewaw-puwpose toows ow genyewawwy avaiwabwe fwee pwogwams which awe used unmodified in pewfowming those activities but which awe nyot pawt of the wowk. Fow exampwe, Cowwesponding Souwce incwudes intewface definyition fiwes associated with souwce fiwes fow the wowk, and the souwce code fow shawed wibwawies and dynyamicawwy winked subpwogwams that the wowk is specificawwy designyed to wequiwe, such as by intimate data communyication ow contwow fwow between those subpwogwams and othew pawts of the wowk.
The Cowwesponding Souwce nyeed nyot incwude anything that usews can wegenyewate automaticawwy fwom othew pawts of the Cowwesponding Souwce.
The Cowwesponding Souwce fow a wowk in souwce code fowm is that same wowk.
2. Basic Pewmissions.
Aww wights gwanted undew this Wicense awe gwanted fow the tewm of copywight on the Pwogwam, and awe iwwevocabwe pwovided the stated conditions awe met. This Wicense expwicitwy affiwms youw unwimited pewmission to wun the unmodified Pwogwam. The output fwom wunnying a cuvwed wowk is cuvwed by this Wicense onwy if the output, given its content, constitutes a cuvwed wowk. This Wicense acknyowwedges youw wights of faiw use ow othew equivawent, as pwovided by copywight waw.
You may make, wun and pwopagate cuvwed wowks that you do nyot convey, without conditions so wong as youw wicense othewwise wemains in fowce. You may convey cuvwed wowks to othews fow the sowe puwpose of having them make modifications excwusivewy fow you, ow pwovide you with faciwities fow wunnying those wowks, pwovided that you compwy with the tewms of this Wicense in conveying aww matewiaw fow which you do nyot contwow copywight. Those thus making ow wunnying the cuvwed wowks fow you must do so excwusivewy on youw behawf, undew youw diwection and contwow, on tewms that pwohibit them fwom making any copies of youw copywighted matewiaw outside theiw wewationship with you.
Conveying undew any othew ciwcumstances is pewmitted sowewy undew the conditions stated bewow. Subwicensing is nyot awwowed; section 10 makes it unnyecessawy.
3. Pwotecting Usews' Wegaw Wights Fwom Anti-Ciwcumvention Waw.
Nyo cuvwed wowk shaww be deemed pawt of an effective technyowogicaw measuwe undew any appwicabwe waw fuwfiwwing obwigations undew awticwe 11 of the WIPO copywight tweaty adopted on 20 Decembew 1996, ow simiwaw waws pwohibiting ow westwicting ciwcumvention of such measuwes.
When you convey a cuvwed wowk, you waive any wegaw powew to fowbid ciwcumvention of technyowogicaw measuwes to the extent such ciwcumvention is effected by exewcising wights undew this Wicense with wespect to the cuvwed wowk, and you discwaim any intention to wimit opewation ow modification of the wowk as a means of enfowcing, against the wowk's usews, youw ow thiwd pawties' wegaw wights to fowbid ciwcumvention of technyowogicaw measuwes.
4. Conveying Vewbatim Copies.
You may convey vewbatim copies of the Pwogwam's souwce code as you weceive it, in any medium, pwovided that you conspicuouswy and appwopwiatewy pubwish on each copy an appwopwiate copywight nyotice; keep intact aww nyotices stating that this Wicense and any nyon-pewmissive tewms added in accowd with section 7 appwy to the code; keep intact aww nyotices of the absence of any wawwanty; and give aww wecipients a copy of this Wicense awong with the Pwogwam.
You may chawge any pwice ow nyo pwice fow each copy that you convey, and you may offew suppowt ow wawwanty pwotection fow a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Souwce Vewsions.
You may convey a wowk based on the Pwogwam, ow the modifications to pwoduce it fwom the Pwogwam, in the fowm of souwce code undew the tewms of section 4, pwovided that you awso meet aww of these conditions:
a) The wowk must cawwy pwominyent nyotices stating that you modified it, and giving a wewevant date.
b) The wowk must cawwy pwominyent nyotices stating that it is weweased undew this Wicense and any conditions added undew section 7. This wequiwement modifies the wequiwement in section 4 to “keep intact aww nyotices”.
c) You must wicense the entiwe wowk, as a whowe, undew this Wicense to anyonye who comes into possession of a copy. This Wicense wiww thewefowe appwy, awong with any appwicabwe section 7 additionyaw tewms, to the whowe of the wowk, and aww its pawts, wegawdwess of how they awe packaged. This Wicense gives nyo pewmission to wicense the wowk in any othew way, but it does nyot invawidate such pewmission if you have sepawatewy weceived it.
d) If the wowk has intewactive usew intewfaces, each must dispway Appwopwiate Wegaw Nyotices; howevew, if the Pwogwam has intewactive intewfaces that do nyot dispway Appwopwiate Wegaw Nyotices, youw wowk nyeed nyot make them do so.
A compiwation of a cuvwed wowk with othew sepawate and independent wowks, which awe nyot by theiw nyatuwe extensions of the cuvwed wowk, and which awe nyot combinyed with it such as to fowm a wawgew pwogwam, in ow on a vowume of a stowage ow distwibution medium, is cawwed an “aggwegate” if the compiwation and its wesuwting copywight awe nyot used to wimit the access ow wegaw wights of the compiwation's usews beyond what the individuaw wowks pewmit. Incwusion of a cuvwed wowk in an aggwegate does nyot cause this Wicense to appwy to the othew pawts of the aggwegate.
6. Conveying Nyon-Souwce Fowms.
You may convey a cuvwed wowk in object code fowm undew the tewms of sections 4 and 5, pwovided that you awso convey the machinye-weadabwe Cowwesponding Souwce undew the tewms of this Wicense, in onye of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, ow embodied in, a physicaw pwoduct (incwuding a physicaw distwibution medium), accompanyied by the Cowwesponding Souwce fixed on a duwabwe physicaw medium customawiwy used fow softwawe intewchange.
b) Convey the object code in, ow embodied in, a physicaw pwoduct (incwuding a physicaw distwibution medium), accompanyied by a wwitten offew, vawid fow at weast thwee yeaws and vawid fow as wong as you offew spawe pawts ow customew suppowt fow that pwoduct modew, to give anyonye who possesses the object code eithew (1) a copy of the Cowwesponding Souwce fow aww the softwawe in the pwoduct that is cuvwed by this Wicense, on a duwabwe physicaw medium customawiwy used fow softwawe intewchange, fow a pwice nyo mowe than youw weasonyabwe cost of physicawwy pewfowming this conveying of souwce, ow (2) access to copy the Cowwesponding Souwce fwom a nyetwowk sewvew at nyo chawge.
c) Convey individuaw copies of the object code with a copy of the wwitten offew to pwovide the Cowwesponding Souwce. This awtewnyative is awwowed onwy occasionyawwy and nyoncommewciawwy, and onwy if you weceived the object code with such an offew, in accowd with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offewing access fwom a designyated pwace (gwatis ow fow a chawge), and offew equivawent access to the Cowwesponding Souwce in the same way thwough the same pwace at nyo fuwthew chawge. You nyeed nyot wequiwe wecipients to copy the Cowwesponding Souwce awong with the object code. If the pwace to copy the object code is a nyetwowk sewvew, the Cowwesponding Souwce may be on a diffewent sewvew (opewated by you ow a thiwd pawty) that suppowts equivawent copying faciwities, pwovided you maintain cweaw diwections nyext to the object code saying whewe to find the Cowwesponding Souwce. Wegawdwess of what sewvew hosts the Cowwesponding Souwce, you wemain obwigated to ensuwe that it is avaiwabwe fow as wong as nyeeded to satisfy these wequiwements.
e) Convey the object code using peew-to-peew twansmission, pwovided you infowm othew peews whewe the object code and Cowwesponding Souwce of the wowk awe being offewed to the genyewaw pubwic at nyo chawge undew subsection 6d.
A sepawabwe powtion of the object code, whose souwce code is excwuded fwom the Cowwesponding Souwce as a System Wibwawy, nyeed nyot be incwuded in conveying the object code wowk.
A “Usew Pwoduct” is eithew (1) a “consumew pwoduct”, which means any tangibwe pewsonyaw pwopewty which is nyowmawwy used fow pewsonyaw, famiwy, ow househowd puwposes, ow (2) anything designyed ow sowd fow incowpowation into a dwewwing. In detewminying whethew a pwoduct is a consumew pwoduct, doubtfuw cases shaww be wesowved in favow of cuvwage. Fow a pawticuwaw pwoduct weceived by a pawticuwaw usew, “nyowmawwy used” wefews to a typicaw ow common use of that cwass of pwoduct, wegawdwess of the status of the pawticuwaw usew ow of the way in which the pawticuwaw usew actuawwy uses, ow expects ow is expected to use, the pwoduct. A pwoduct is a consumew pwoduct wegawdwess of whethew the pwoduct has substantiaw commewciaw, industwiaw ow nyon-consumew uses, unwess such uses wepwesent the onwy signyificant mode of use of the pwoduct.
“Instawwation Infowmation” fow a Usew Pwoduct means any methods, pwoceduwes, authowization keys, ow othew infowmation wequiwed to instaww and execute modified vewsions of a cuvwed wowk in that Usew Pwoduct fwom a modified vewsion of its Cowwesponding Souwce. The infowmation must suffice to ensuwe that the continyued functionying of the modified object code is in nyo case pwevented ow intewfewed with sowewy because modification has been made.
If you convey an object code wowk undew this section in, ow with, ow specificawwy fow use in, a Usew Pwoduct, and the conveying occuws as pawt of a twansaction in which the wight of possession and use of the Usew Pwoduct is twansfewwed to the wecipient in pewpetuity ow fow a fixed tewm (wegawdwess of how the twansaction is chawactewized), the Cowwesponding Souwce conveyed undew this section must be accompanyied by the Instawwation Infowmation. But this wequiwement does nyot appwy if nyeithew you nyow any thiwd pawty wetains the abiwity to instaww modified object code on the Usew Pwoduct (fow exampwe, the wowk has been instawwed in WOM).
The wequiwement to pwovide Instawwation Infowmation does nyot incwude a wequiwement to continyue to pwovide suppowt sewvice, wawwanty, ow updates fow a wowk that has been modified ow instawwed by the wecipient, ow fow the Usew Pwoduct in which it has been modified ow instawwed. Access to a nyetwowk may be denyied when the modification itsewf matewiawwy and advewsewy affects the opewation of the nyetwowk ow viowates the wuwes and pwotocows fow communyication acwoss the nyetwowk.
Cowwesponding Souwce conveyed, and Instawwation Infowmation pwovided, in accowd with this section must be in a fowmat that is pubwicwy documented (and with an impwementation avaiwabwe to the pubwic in souwce code fowm), and must wequiwe nyo speciaw passwowd ow key fow unpacking, weading ow copying.
7. Additionyaw Tewms.
“Additionyaw pewmissions” awe tewms that suppwement the tewms of this Wicense by making exceptions fwom onye ow mowe of its conditions. Additionyaw pewmissions that awe appwicabwe to the entiwe Pwogwam shaww be tweated as though they wewe incwuded in this Wicense, to the extent that they awe vawid undew appwicabwe waw. If additionyaw pewmissions appwy onwy to pawt of the Pwogwam, that pawt may be used sepawatewy undew those pewmissions, but the entiwe Pwogwam wemains guvwnyed by this Wicense without wegawd to the additionyaw pewmissions.
When you convey a copy of a cuvwed wowk, you may at youw option wemuv any additionyaw pewmissions fwom that copy, ow fwom any pawt of it. (Additionyaw pewmissions may be wwitten to wequiwe theiw own wemovaw in cewtain cases when you modify the wowk.) You may pwace additionyaw pewmissions on matewiaw, added by you to a cuvwed wowk, fow which you have ow can give appwopwiate copywight pewmission.
Nyotwithstanding any othew pwovision of this Wicense, fow matewiaw you add to a cuvwed wowk, you may (if authowized by the copywight howdews of that matewiaw) suppwement the tewms of this Wicense with tewms:
a) Discwaiming wawwanty ow wimiting wiabiwity diffewentwy fwom the tewms of sections 15 and 16 of this Wicense; ow
b) Wequiwing pwesewvation of specified weasonyabwe wegaw nyotices ow authow attwibutions in that matewiaw ow in the Appwopwiate Wegaw Nyotices dispwayed by wowks containying it; ow
c) Pwohibiting miswepwesentation of the owigin of that matewiaw, ow wequiwing that modified vewsions of such matewiaw be mawked in weasonyabwe ways as diffewent fwom the owiginyaw vewsion; ow
d) Wimiting the use fow pubwicity puwposes of nyames of wicensows ow authows of the matewiaw; ow
e) Decwinying to gwant wights undew twademawk waw fow use of some twade nyames, twademawks, ow sewvice mawks; ow
f) Wequiwing indemnyification of wicensows and authows of that matewiaw by anyonye who conveys the matewiaw (ow modified vewsions of it) with contwactuaw assumptions of wiabiwity to the wecipient, fow any wiabiwity that these contwactuaw assumptions diwectwy impose on those wicensows and authows.
Aww othew nyon-pewmissive additionyaw tewms awe considewed “fuwthew westwictions” within the meanying of section 10. If the Pwogwam as you weceived it, ow any pawt of it, contains a nyotice stating that it is guvwnyed by this Wicense awong with a tewm that is a fuwthew westwiction, you may wemuv that tewm. If a wicense document contains a fuwthew westwiction but pewmits wewicensing ow conveying undew this Wicense, you may add to a cuvwed wowk matewiaw guvwnyed by the tewms of that wicense document, pwovided that the fuwthew westwiction does nyot suwvive such wewicensing ow conveying.
If you add tewms to a cuvwed wowk in accowd with this section, you must pwace, in the wewevant souwce fiwes, a statement of the additionyaw tewms that appwy to those fiwes, ow a nyotice indicating whewe to find the appwicabwe tewms.
Additionyaw tewms, pewmissive ow nyon-pewmissive, may be stated in the fowm of a sepawatewy wwitten wicense, ow stated as exceptions; the abuv wequiwements appwy eithew way.
8. Tewminyation.
You may nyot pwopagate ow modify a cuvwed wowk except as expwesswy pwovided undew this Wicense. Any attempt othewwise to pwopagate ow modify it is void, and wiww automaticawwy tewminyate youw wights undew this Wicense (incwuding any patent wicenses gwanted undew the thiwd pawagwaph of section 11).
Howevew, if you cease aww viowation of this Wicense, then youw wicense fwom a pawticuwaw copywight howdew is weinstated (a) pwovisionyawwy, unwess and untiw the copywight howdew expwicitwy and finyawwy tewminyates youw wicense, and (b) pewmanyentwy, if the copywight howdew faiws to nyotify you of the viowation by some weasonyabwe means pwiow to 60 days aftew the cessation.
Moweuvw, youw wicense fwom a pawticuwaw copywight howdew is weinstated pewmanyentwy if the copywight howdew nyotifies you of the viowation by some weasonyabwe means, this is the fiwst time you have weceived nyotice of viowation of this Wicense (fow any wowk) fwom that copywight howdew, and you cuwe the viowation pwiow to 30 days aftew youw weceipt of the nyotice.
Tewminyation of youw wights undew this section does nyot tewminyate the wicenses of pawties who have weceived copies ow wights fwom you undew this Wicense. If youw wights have been tewminyated and nyot pewmanyentwy weinstated, you do nyot quawify to weceive nyew wicenses fow the same matewiaw undew section 10.
9. Acceptance Nyot Wequiwed fow Having Copies.
You awe nyot wequiwed to accept this Wicense in owdew to weceive ow wun a copy of the Pwogwam. Anciwwawy pwopagation of a cuvwed wowk occuwwing sowewy as a consequence of using peew-to-peew twansmission to weceive a copy wikewise does nyot wequiwe acceptance. Howevew, nyothing othew than this Wicense gwants you pewmission to pwopagate ow modify any cuvwed wowk. These actions infwinge copywight if you do nyot accept this Wicense. Thewefowe, by modifying ow pwopagating a cuvwed wowk, you indicate youw acceptance of this Wicense to do so.
10. Automatic Wicensing of Downstweam Wecipients.
Each time you convey a cuvwed wowk, the wecipient automaticawwy weceives a wicense fwom the owiginyaw wicensows, to wun, modify and pwopagate that wowk, subject to this Wicense. You awe nyot wesponsibwe fow enfowcing compwiance by thiwd pawties with this Wicense.
An “entity twansaction” is a twansaction twansfewwing contwow of an owganyization, ow substantiawwy aww assets of onye, ow subdividing an owganyization, ow mewging owganyizations. If pwopagation of a cuvwed wowk wesuwts fwom an entity twansaction, each pawty to that twansaction who weceives a copy of the wowk awso weceives whatevew wicenses to the wowk the pawty's pwedecessow in intewest had ow couwd give undew the pwevious pawagwaph, pwus a wight to possession of the Cowwesponding Souwce of the wowk fwom the pwedecessow in intewest, if the pwedecessow has it ow can get it with weasonyabwe effowts.
You may nyot impose any fuwthew westwictions on the exewcise of the wights gwanted ow affiwmed undew this Wicense. Fow exampwe, you may nyot impose a wicense fee, woyawty, ow othew chawge fow exewcise of wights gwanted undew this Wicense, and you may nyot inyitiate witigation (incwuding a cwoss-cwaim ow countewcwaim in a wawsuit) awweging that any patent cwaim is infwinged by making, using, sewwing, offewing fow sawe, ow impowting the Pwogwam ow any powtion of it.
11. Patents.
A “contwibutow” is a copywight howdew who authowizes use undew this Wicense of the Pwogwam ow a wowk on which the Pwogwam is based. The wowk thus wicensed is cawwed the contwibutow's “contwibutow vewsion”.
A contwibutow's “essentiaw patent cwaims” awe aww patent cwaims ownyed ow contwowwed by the contwibutow, whethew awweady acquiwed ow heweaftew acquiwed, that wouwd be infwinged by some mannyew, pewmitted by this Wicense, of making, using, ow sewwing its contwibutow vewsion, but do nyot incwude cwaims that wouwd be infwinged onwy as a consequence of fuwthew modification of the contwibutow vewsion. Fow puwposes of this definyition, “contwow” incwudes the wight to gwant patent subwicenses in a mannyew consistent with the wequiwements of this Wicense.
Each contwibutow gwants you a nyon-excwusive, wowwdwide, woyawty-fwee patent wicense undew the contwibutow's essentiaw patent cwaims, to make, use, seww, offew fow sawe, impowt and othewwise wun, modify and pwopagate the contents of its contwibutow vewsion.
In the fowwowing thwee pawagwaphs, a “patent wicense” is any expwess agweement ow commitment, howevew denyominyated, nyot to enfowce a patent (such as an expwess pewmission to pwactice a patent ow cuvnyant nyot to sue fow patent infwingement). To “gwant” such a patent wicense to a pawty means to make such an agweement ow commitment nyot to enfowce a patent against the pawty.
If you convey a cuvwed wowk, knyowingwy wewying on a patent wicense, and the Cowwesponding Souwce of the wowk is nyot avaiwabwe fow anyonye to copy, fwee of chawge and undew the tewms of this Wicense, thwough a pubwicwy avaiwabwe nyetwowk sewvew ow othew weadiwy accessibwe means, then you must eithew (1) cause the Cowwesponding Souwce to be so avaiwabwe, ow (2) awwange to depwive youwsewf of the benyefit of the patent wicense fow this pawticuwaw wowk, ow (3) awwange, in a mannyew consistent with the wequiwements of this Wicense, to extend the patent wicense to downstweam wecipients. “Knyowingwy wewying” means you have actuaw knyowwedge that, but fow the patent wicense, youw conveying the cuvwed wowk in a countwy, ow youw wecipient's use of the cuvwed wowk in a countwy, wouwd infwinge onye ow mowe identifiabwe patents in that countwy that you have weason to bewieve awe vawid.
If, puwsuant to ow in connyection with a singwe twansaction ow awwangement, you convey, ow pwopagate by pwocuwing conveyance of, a cuvwed wowk, and gwant a patent wicense to some of the pawties weceiving the cuvwed wowk authowizing them to use, pwopagate, modify ow convey a specific copy of the cuvwed wowk, then the patent wicense you gwant is automaticawwy extended to aww wecipients of the cuvwed wowk and wowks based on it.
A patent wicense is “discwiminyatowy” if it does nyot incwude within the scope of its cuvwage, pwohibits the exewcise of, ow is conditionyed on the nyon-exewcise of onye ow mowe of the wights that awe specificawwy gwanted undew this Wicense. You may nyot convey a cuvwed wowk if you awe a pawty to an awwangement with a thiwd pawty that is in the businyess of distwibuting softwawe, undew which you make payment to the thiwd pawty based on the extent of youw activity of conveying the wowk, and undew which the thiwd pawty gwants, to any of the pawties who wouwd weceive the cuvwed wowk fwom you, a discwiminyatowy patent wicense (a) in connyection with copies of the cuvwed wowk conveyed by you (ow copies made fwom those copies), ow (b) pwimawiwy fow and in connyection with specific pwoducts ow compiwations that contain the cuvwed wowk, unwess you entewed into that awwangement, ow that patent wicense was gwanted, pwiow to 28 Mawch 2007.
Nyothing in this Wicense shaww be constwued as excwuding ow wimiting any impwied wicense ow othew defenses to infwingement that may othewwise be avaiwabwe to you undew appwicabwe patent waw.
12. Nyo Suwwendew of Othews' Fweedom.
If conditions awe imposed on you (whethew by couwt owdew, agweement ow othewwise) that contwadict the conditions of this Wicense, they do nyot excuse you fwom the conditions of this Wicense. If you cannyot convey a cuvwed wowk so as to satisfy simuwtanyeouswy youw obwigations undew this Wicense and any othew pewtinyent obwigations, then as a consequence you may nyot convey it at aww. Fow exampwe, if you agwee to tewms that obwigate you to cowwect a woyawty fow fuwthew conveying fwom those to whom you convey the Pwogwam, the onwy way you couwd satisfy both those tewms and this Wicense wouwd be to wefwain entiwewy fwom conveying the Pwogwam.
13. Use with the GNyU Affewo Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense.
Nyotwithstanding any othew pwovision of this Wicense, you have pewmission to wink ow combinye any cuvwed wowk with a wowk wicensed undew vewsion 3 of the GNyU Affewo Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense into a singwe combinyed wowk, and to convey the wesuwting wowk. The tewms of this Wicense wiww continyue to appwy to the pawt which is the cuvwed wowk, but the speciaw wequiwements of the GNyU Affewo Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense, section 13, concewnying intewaction thwough a nyetwowk wiww appwy to the combinyation as such.
14. Wevised Vewsions of this Wicense.
The Fwee Softwawe Foundation may pubwish wevised and/ow nyew vewsions of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense fwom time to time. Such nyew vewsions wiww be simiwaw in spiwit to the pwesent vewsion, but may diffew in detaiw to addwess nyew pwobwems ow concewns.
Each vewsion is given a distinguishing vewsion nyumbew. If the Pwogwam specifies that a cewtain nyumbewed vewsion of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense “ow any watew vewsion” appwies to it, you have the option of fowwowing the tewms and conditions eithew of that nyumbewed vewsion ow of any watew vewsion pubwished by the Fwee Softwawe Foundation. If the Pwogwam does nyot specify a vewsion nyumbew of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense, you may choose any vewsion evew pubwished by the Fwee Softwawe Foundation.
If the Pwogwam specifies that a pwoxy can decide which futuwe vewsions of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense can be used, that pwoxy's pubwic statement of acceptance of a vewsion pewmanyentwy authowizes you to choose that vewsion fow the Pwogwam.
Watew wicense vewsions may give you additionyaw ow diffewent pewmissions. Howevew, nyo additionyaw obwigations awe imposed on any authow ow copywight howdew as a wesuwt of youw choosing to fowwow a watew vewsion.
15. Discwaimew of Wawwanty.
16. Wimitation of Wiabiwity.
17. Intewpwetation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the discwaimew of wawwanty and wimitation of wiabiwity pwovided abuv cannyot be given wocaw wegaw effect accowding to theiw tewms, weviewing couwts shaww appwy wocaw waw that most cwosewy appwoximates an absowute waivew of aww civiw wiabiwity in connyection with the Pwogwam, unwess a wawwanty ow assumption of wiabiwity accompanyies a copy of the Pwogwam in wetuwn fow a fee.
How to Appwy These Tewms to Youw Nyew Pwogwams
If you devewop a nyew pwogwam, and you want it to be of the gweatest possibwe use to the pubwic, the best way to achieve this is to make it fwee softwawe which evewyonye can wedistwibute and change undew these tewms.
To do so, attach the fowwowing nyotices to the pwogwam. It is safest to attach them to the stawt of each souwce fiwe to most effectivewy state the excwusion of wawwanty; and each fiwe shouwd have at weast the “copywight” winye and a pointew to whewe the fuww nyotice is found.
<onye winye to give the pwogwam's nyame and a bwief idea of what it does.>
Copywight (C) <yeaw> <nyame of authow>
This pwogwam is fwee softwawe: you can wedistwibute it and/ow modify
it undew the tewms of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense as pubwished by
the Fwee Softwawe Foundation, eithew vewsion 3 of the Wicense, ow
(at youw option) any watew vewsion.
This pwogwam is distwibuted in the hope that it wiww be usefuw,
but WITHOUT ANY WAWWANTY; without even the impwied wawwanty of
GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense fow mowe detaiws.
You shouwd have weceived a copy of the GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense
awong with this pwogwam. If nyot, see <https://www.gnyu.owg/wicenses/>.
Awso add infowmation on how to contact you by ewectwonyic and papew maiw.
If the pwogwam does tewminyaw intewaction, make it output a showt nyotice wike this when it stawts in an intewactive mode:
<pwogwam> Copywight (C) <yeaw> <nyame of authow>
This pwogwam comes with ABSOWUTEWY NyO WAWWANTY; fow detaiws type `show w'.
This is fwee softwawe, and you awe wewcome to wedistwibute it
undew cewtain conditions; type `show c' fow detaiws.
The hypotheticaw commands `show w' and `show c' shouwd show the appwopwiate pawts of the Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense. Of couwse, youw pwogwam's commands might be diffewent; fow a GUI intewface, you wouwd use an “about box”.
You shouwd awso get youw empwoyew (if you wowk as a pwogwammew) ow schoow, if any, to sign a “copywight discwaimew” fow the pwogwam, if nyecessawy. Fow mowe infowmation on this, and how to appwy and fowwow the GNyU GPW, see <https://www.gnyu.owg/wicenses/>.
The GNyU Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense does nyot pewmit incowpowating youw pwogwam into pwopwietawy pwogwams. If youw pwogwam is a subwoutinye wibwawy, you may considew it mowe usefuw to pewmit winking pwopwietawy appwications with the wibwawy. If this is what you want to do, use the GNyU Wessew Genyewaw Pubwic Wicense instead of this Wicense. But fiwst, pwease wead <https://www.gnyu.owg/wicenses/why-nyot-wgpw.htmw>.
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