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Last active October 28, 2021 16:24
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// ==UserScript==
// @name StackFocus
// @namespace
// @version 1.0.0+21AF26D3—-117B344092BD
// @author SpectricSO
// @contributor double-beep
// @match*
// @resource Clear
// @license MIT
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals Stacks */
(function () {
'use strict';
const configurationCacheKey = 'preferences';
const getConfiguration = () => GM_getValue(configurationCacheKey);
const defaultConfiguration = { // true => show, false => hide
findajob: true,
teamsadvert: true,
oblock: true,
linked: true,
related: true,
hotnetworkq: true
if (!getConfiguration()) GM_setValue(configurationCacheKey, defaultConfiguration); // first install, set the defaults for the user
/*function addRobotoFont(){
const roboto = document.createElement('link');
roboto.rel = 'stylesheet';
roboto.href = '';
function calibrate() {
const configuration = getConfiguration();
// because the elements sometimes may not exist, checking if they do will add some more lines of code, thus making it harder to read
// instead, we change the style of a fake element which always exists
const fake = document.createElement('fake');
// Find a job module
(document.querySelectorAll('li .fs-fine')[1] || fake).style.display = configuration.findajob ? 'block' : 'none';
[...document.querySelectorAll('#nav-jobs, #nav-companies')].forEach(element => (element || fake).style.display = configuration.findajob ? 'block' : 'none');
(document.querySelectorAll('.nav-links')[2] || fake).style.display = configuration.teamsadvert ? 'block' : 'none'; // SO Teams ad below sidebar
(document.querySelector('.s-sidebarwidget[data-tracker="cb=1"]') || fake).style.display = configuration.oblock ? 'block' : 'none';
(document.querySelector('.sidebar-linked') || fake).style.display = configuration.linked ? 'block' : 'none'; // linked questions
(document.querySelector('.sidebar-related') || fake).style.display = configuration.related ? 'block' : 'none'; // related questions
(document.querySelector('#hot-network-questions') || fake).style.display = configuration.hotnetworkq ? 'block' : 'none'; // hot network questions
function createCheckbox(labelText, configurationProperty) {
const shouldCheck = getConfiguration()[configurationProperty];
return `
<div class="grid gs4">
<div class="grid--cell">
<input class="s-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="stack-focus-config-options" id="stack-focus-${configurationProperty}-option"
data-property="${configurationProperty}"${shouldCheck ? ' checked' : ''}/>
<label class="grid--cell s-label fw-normal" for="stack-focus-${configurationProperty}-option">Show the ${labelText}</label>
function getAllCheckboxes() {
return [
createCheckbox('find a job module', 'findajob'),
createCheckbox('Teams ad below the left sidebar', 'teamsadvert'),
createCheckbox('Overflow Blog, Featured on Meta and Hot Meta Posts', 'oblock'),
createCheckbox('linked questions', 'linked'),
createCheckbox('related questions', 'related'),
createCheckbox('hot network questions', 'hotnetworkq')
function logic() {
const configurationModalHtml = `
<aside class="s-modal" id="stack-focus-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="stack-focus-modal-title" aria-describedby="stack-focus-modal-body"
role="dialog" aria-hidden="true" data-controller="s-modal" data-target="s-modal.modal">
<div class="s-modal--dialog ps-relative" data-controller="se-draggable" role="document">
<h1 class="s-modal--header fw-bold c-move" id="stack-focus-modal-title" data-target="se-draggable.handle">Stack Focus configuration</h1>
<div class="s-modal--body fs-body2" id="stack-focus-modal-body">${getAllCheckboxes()}</div>
<div class="grid gs8 gsx s-modal--footer">
<button class="grid--cell s-btn s-btn__primary" type="button" data-action="s-modal#hide">I'm done!</button>
<button class="s-modal--close s-btn s-btn__muted" href="#" aria-label="Close" data-action="s-modal#hide">${GM_getResourceText('Clear')}</button>
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', configurationModalHtml);
// listener to update the configuration on change
document.querySelectorAll('input[name="stack-focus-config-options"]').forEach(element => {
element.addEventListener('change', event => {
const isChecked =;
const configurationProperty ='data-property');
const configuration = getConfiguration();
if (!configuration || !configurationProperty) return; // something went wrong apparently
configuration[configurationProperty] = isChecked;
GM_setValue(configurationCacheKey, configuration);
$(document).on('keyup', event => {
// open on Ctrl + Q (81 is Q)
if (event.keyCode === 81 && event.ctrlKey) Stacks.showModal(document.querySelector('#stack-focus-modal'));
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