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Created January 6, 2024 11:39
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A MeekSTV JavaScript implementation, licensed under MIT. Original Python implementation can be found at
* @typedef {{
* names: string[];
* numCandidates: number;
* numSeats: number;
* title: string;
* withdrawn?: number[];
* uniqueBallots: string[];
* uniqueBallotsWeight: number[];
* dirtyBallotsCount: number;
* }} ElectionInfo
export default class BallotParser {
* @summary parses a ballot file
* @param {string} fileContent the text contents of the .blt file
* @returns {ElectionInfo}
parse(fileContent) {
/** @type {Pick<ElectionInfo, "uniqueBallots"|"uniqueBallotsWeight"|"names"> & Partial<ElectionInfo>} */
const info = {
/** @type string[] */ uniqueBallots: [],
/** @type number[] */ uniqueBallotsWeight: [],
/** @type string[] */ names: []
const candidateNameRegex = /# Candidate \d+$/
fileContent.split('\n').forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
if (lineIndex === 0) { // first line: get number of candidates and seats
// "x y" => x candidates running for y seats
const [candidates, seats] = line.split(' ').map(Number);
info.numCandidates = candidates;
info.numSeats = seats;
} else if (line.startsWith('-')) { // withdrawn/excluded candidates
const withdrawnIds = line
.split(' ')
.map(id => Math.abs(id))
info.withdrawn = => id - 1);
} else if (line.startsWith('1 ') && line.endsWith('0')) { // ballots have weight 1 on SE elections
const ballot = line
.slice(2, -2)
.split(' ')
.map(choice => Number(choice) - 1)
.join(' ');
const ballotIndex = info.uniqueBallots.indexOf(ballot);
if (ballotIndex === -1) { // first time ballot is seen => push to arrays
} else { // ballot exists => increase weight
info.uniqueBallotsWeight[ballotIndex] += 1;
} else if (candidateNameRegex.test(line)) { // candidate names
const [, candidateName] = line.split('"');
} else if (line.endsWith('"')) { // election title
info.title = line.slice(1, -1);
info.dirtyBallotsCount = info.uniqueBallotsWeight.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
return this.clean(/** @type {ElectionInfo} */(info));
* @summary cleans dirty ballots by removing withdrawn candidates
* @param {ElectionInfo} parsed the election info object
* @returns {ElectionInfo}
clean(parsed) {
const withdrawnCandidates = parsed.withdrawn;
/** @type number[] */
let c2c = [...Array(parsed.numCandidates).keys()];
let n = 0;
if (withdrawnCandidates?.length) {
[...Array(parsed.numCandidates).keys()].forEach(candidate => {
if (withdrawnCandidates.includes(candidate)) {
c2c[candidate] = -1;
n += 1;
} else {
c2c[candidate] -= n;
const cleanedBallots = [];
const cleanedBallotsWeight = [];
parsed.uniqueBallots.forEach(key => {
const cleanedKey = key
.split(' ') // candidate ids in a ballot are separated by a space
.map(Number) // convert ids to integers
.map(candidateId => c2c[candidateId]) // replace with new id
.filter(id => id !== -1); // exclude nulls
const uniqueC = [ Set(cleanedKey)].join(' '); // remove dupes
if (!uniqueC) return; // only withdrawn candidates were voted
const parsedIndex = parsed.uniqueBallots.indexOf(key);
const ballotWeight = parsed.uniqueBallotsWeight[parsedIndex];
const cleanedIndex = cleanedBallots.indexOf(uniqueC);
// work as in this.parse(), just increase or set to already parsed ballot weight
if (cleanedIndex === -1) {
} else {
cleanedBallotsWeight[cleanedIndex] += ballotWeight;
parsed.uniqueBallots = cleanedBallots;
parsed.uniqueBallotsWeight = cleanedBallotsWeight;
parsed.names = parsed.names.filter((_, nameIndex) => !withdrawnCandidates?.includes(nameIndex));
parsed.numCandidates -= withdrawnCandidates?.length || 0;
return parsed;
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 double-beep
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
function pluralise(word, count) {
if (count === 1) return word;
if (word === 'is') return 'are';
else if (word === 'has') return 'have';
else return `${word}s`;
* @summary Compare two arrays
* @param {number[]} array1
* @param {number[]} array2
* @returns {boolean} whether the arrays are equal
function arrayEqual(array1, array2) {
return array1.length === array2.length && array1.every((value, index) => value === array2[index]);
* @typedef {import("./ballotparser").ElectionInfo} ElectionInfo
export default class MeekSTV {
* @summary A data structure that stores the votes in a tree and allows for faster
* algorithms. The first level (below the root) contains the current active
* first choices. When a candidate has exceeded the winning threshold, then
* that node of the tree is expanded to another level. When a candidate is
* eliminated, the tree is rebuilt to remove that canddiate entirely as if
* the candidate had never been in the election.
tree = {};
* @summary Each candidate is assigned a keep factor that is initially set to 1.
* When a candidate's vote exceeds the winning threshold, the keep
* factor is reduced to transfer surplus votes to other candidates.
* @type {number[][]}
keepFactor = [];
* @summary A list containing the surplus votes at each round.
* @type {number[]}
surplus = [];
* @summary A list contiaining the winning threshold at each round.
* @type {number[]}
thresh = [];
* @summary A list containing strings describing each round of the count.
* @type {string[]}
messages = [];
* @summary Stores information about what happened during each round.
* `roundInfo[r]` is an array that stores information
* about round `r`.
* Possible values include
* - `roundInfo[r].action = ["first", []]`
* - `roundInfo[r].action = ["surplus", [list of candidates]]`
* - `roundInfo[r].action = ["eliminate", [list of candidates]]`
* - `roundInfo[r].winners = "Text describing winners"`
* - `roundInfo[r].surplus = "Text describing surplus transfer"`
* - `roundInfo[r].eliminate = "Text describing candidate elimination"`
* @type {{
* action?: ["first" | "surplus" | "eliminate", number[]];
* eliminate?: string;
* surplus?: string;
* winners?: string;
* }[]}
roundInfo = [];
* @summary Contains the vote counts for candidates for each round.
* `count[r][c]` stores candidate `c`'s vote count at
* round `r`.
* @type {number[][]}
count = [];
* @summary A list of exhausted votes at each round.
* @type {number[]}
exhausted = [];
* @summary The number of the current round.
* @type {number}
round = 0;
* @summary The total number of rounds.
* @type {number}
numRounds = 0;
* @summary A scale factor for doing fixed-point computations.
* Set to `10 ** this.prec`.
* @type {number}
p = 0;
* @summary The number of digits of precision for the Meek method.
* @type {number}
prec = 6;
* @summary Initially set to `true`. Set to `false` after the first
* elimination round.
* @type {boolean}
firstEliminationRound = true;
* @summary Index numbers of winning candidates.
* @type {Set<number>}
winners = new Set();
* @summary Index numbers of winning candidates who still have a surplus.
* @type {Set<number>}
winnersOver = new Set();
* @summary Contains the rounds at which a winner was determined.
* Candidate `r` won at round `wonAtRound[r]`.
* @type {number[]}
wonAtRound = [];
* @summary Contains the rounds at which a candidate was elimincated.
* Candidate `r` was eliminated at round `wonAtRound[r]`.
* @type {number[]}
lostAtRound = [];
* @summary Index numbers of candidates who have been eliminated.
* @type {Set<number>}
losers = new Set();
* @summary Index numbers of candidates who are not losers or winners.
* @type {Set<number>}
continuing = new Set();
* @param {ElectionInfo} electionInfo
constructor(electionInfo) {
this.numCandidates = electionInfo.numCandidates;
this.numSeats = electionInfo.numSeats;
this.names = electionInfo.names;
this.uniqueBallots = electionInfo.uniqueBallots;
this.uniqueBallotsWeight = electionInfo.uniqueBallotsWeight;
this.numBallots = this.uniqueBallotsWeight.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
this.dirtyBallotsCount = electionInfo.dirtyBallotsCount;
this.title = electionInfo.title;
this.withdrawn = electionInfo.withdrawn;
this.continuing = new Set([...Array(this.numCandidates).keys()]);
this.p = 10 ** this.prec;
* Get the union of continuing and winners
* @returns {number[]} The non-losing candidates
get continuingAndWinners() {
const continuingAndWinners = [].concat([...this.continuing]);
return [ Set(continuingAndWinners)];
* Get all elements common between two arrays
* @param {any[] | Set<number>} array1 the first array
* @param {any[] | Set<number>} array2 the second array
* @returns {any[]} the intersection
intersect(array1, array2) {
const arr1 = [...array1];
const arr2 = [...array2];
const intersection = arr1
.filter(value => arr1.includes(value) && arr2.includes(value));
return [ Set(intersection)];
/** Count the votes with MeekSTV. */
countBallots() {
// Count first place votes
// Transfer surplus votes or eliminate candidates until done
while (!this.electionOver()) {
this.round += 1;
if (this.isSurplusToTransfer()) this.transferSurplusVotes();
else this.eliminateCandidates();
// this.round is zero-based
this.numRounds = this.round + 1;
/** Add keep factor allocation. */
allocateRound() {
/** @type {number[]} */
const toFill = Array(this.numCandidates).fill(0);
/** Initialize the tree data structure and candidate keep factors. */
initialVoteTally() {
// The tree stores exactly the ballot information needed to count the
// votes. The first level of the tree is the top active candidate
// (winner or in continuing). Since for winning candidates, a portion
// of the ballot goes to the next candidate, the tree is extended until
// it reaches a candidate in continuing or the ballot is exhausted.
// In the beginning, all candidates are in continuing so there is only
// one level in the tree.
this.roundInfo[this.round].action = ['first', []];
[...Array(this.numCandidates).keys()].forEach(index => {
this.keepFactor[0][index] = this.p;
[...Array(this.uniqueBallots.length).keys()].forEach((_, index) => {
this.addBallotToTree(this.tree, index);
* @summary The root of the tree is an object that has as keys the indicies of all
* continuing and winning candidates. For each candidate, the value is also
* an object, and the keys of that dictionary include `n` and `bi`.
* - `tree[c].n` is the number of ballots that rank candidate `c` first.
* - `tree[c].bi` is a list of ballot indices where the ballots rank `c` first.
* If candidate `c` is a winning candidate, then that portion of the tree
* is expanded to indicate the breakdown of the subsequently ranked candidates.
* In this situation, additional keys are added to the tree[c] object corresponding
* to subsequently ranked candidates.
* - `tree[c].n` is the number of ballots that rank candidate `c` first.
* - `tree[c].bi` is a list of ballot indices where the ballots rank `c` first.
* - `tree[c][d].n` is the number of ballots that rank `c` first and `d` second.
* - `tree[c][d].bi` is a list of the corresponding ballot indices.
* Where the second ranked candidates is also a winner, then the tree is
* expanded to the next level.
* Losing candidates are ignored and treated as if they do not appear on the
* ballots. For example, `tree[c][d].n` is the total number of ballots
* where candidate `c` is the first non-losing candidate, `c` is a winner,
* and `d` is the next non-losing candidate. This will include the following
* ballots, where `x` represents a losing candidate:
* - `[c d]`
* - `[x c d]`
* - `[c x d]`
* - `[x c x x d]`
* During the count, the tree is dynamically updated as candidates change
* their status.
* @param {any} tree The root of the tree or a sub-tree
* @param {number} ballotIndex The ballot index (bi)
* @param {number[] | string} [ballotPassed] A ballot optionally passed
addBallotToTree(tree, ballotIndex, ballotPassed) {
const weight = this.uniqueBallotsWeight[ballotIndex];
// Add the complete ballot to the tree
const biArr = this.uniqueBallots[ballotIndex].split(' ').map(Number);
// empty array
if (Array.isArray(ballotPassed) && ballotPassed.length === 0) return;
const candidates = ballotPassed || biArr;
/** @type {number | null} */
let candidate = null;
// Get the top choice among candidates still in the running
for (const c of candidates) {
const isTopChoice = this.continuingAndWinners.includes(Number(c));
if (isTopChoice) {
candidate = Number(c);
break; // c is the top choice so stop
// No candidates left on this ballot.
// This will happen if the ballot contains only winning and losing
// candidates. The ballot index will not need to be transferred
// again so it can be thrown away.
if (candidate === null) return;
// Create space if necessary.
if (!tree[candidate]) {
tree[candidate] = {};
tree[candidate].n = 0;
tree[candidate].bi = [];
tree[candidate].n += weight;
if ( {
// Because candidate is a winner, a portion of the ballot goes to
// the next candidate. Pass on a truncated ballot so that the same
// candidate doesn't get counted twice.
// @ts-ignore
const index = candidates.indexOf(candidate);
const ballot2 = candidates.slice(index + 1);
this.addBallotToTree(tree[candidate], ballotIndex, ballot2);
} else {
// Candidate is in continuing so we stop here.
/** Update count, exhausted, threshold, and surplus and find new winners. */
updateRound() {
* Traverse the tree to count the ballots.
* @param {any} [treePassed] The root of the tree or a sub-tree
* @param {number} [remainderPassed] The remainder from the previous call
* @param {number[]} [roundCount] The counts for a given round
* @param {number[]} [kf] The keep factors for a given round
* @param {number} [pPassed] Make `this.p` accessible
* @param {Function} [thisF] This function, as used previously
updateCount(treePassed, remainderPassed, roundCount, kf, pPassed, thisF) {
const tree = treePassed || this.tree;
const remainder = remainderPassed || this.p;
const count = roundCount || this.count[this.round];
const keepFactor = kf || this.keepFactor[this.round];
const p = pPassed || this.p;
// note: since we can't access this after we assign
// this.updateCount to updateCount and call it,
// we have to pass the necessary properties as parameters
const updateCount = thisF || this.updateCount;
// Iterate over the next candidates on the ballots
for (const candidate of Object.keys(tree)) {
if (candidate === 'n' || candidate === 'bi') continue;
let rrr = remainder;
count[candidate] += Math.floor(rrr * keepFactor[candidate] * tree[candidate].n / p);
rrr = Math.floor(rrr * (p - keepFactor[candidate]) / p);
// If ballot not used up, keep going
if (rrr > 0) {
updateCount(tree[candidate], rrr, count, keepFactor, p, updateCount);
/** Compute the number of exhausted votes */
updateExhaustedVotes() {
const votesSum = this.count[this.round].reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const exhausted = (this.p * this.numBallots) - votesSum;
this.exhausted[this.round] = exhausted;
/** Compute the value of the winning threshold. */
updateThresh() {
// droop
const threshDen = this.numSeats + 1;
// dynamic
const threshNum = this.p * this.numBallots - this.exhausted[this.round];
// fractional
const threshold = Math.floor(threshNum / threshDen) + 1;
this.thresh[this.round] = threshold;
/** Compute the surplus for current round. */
updateSurplus() {
this.surplus[this.round] = 0;
for (const candidate of this.continuingAndWinners) {
const candidateVotes = this.count[this.round][candidate];
const roundThresh = this.thresh[this.round];
if (candidateVotes > roundThresh) {
this.surplus[this.round] += candidateVotes - roundThresh;
/** Find new winning candidates. */
updateWinners() {
const winners = [...this.continuing]
.filter(candidate => this.count[this.round][candidate] >= this.thresh[this.round]);
if (!winners.length) return; // no winners
const text = this.newWinners(winners);
this.roundInfo[this.round].winners = text;
* @summary Perform basic accounting when a new winner is found.
* @param {Set<number> | number[]} winners
* @param {"over" | "under"} [status = "over"] whether the winners have reached the threshold
* @returns {string} Text announcing the new winners
newWinners(winners, status = 'over') {
const newWinnersList = [].sort((a, b) => a - b);
newWinnersList.forEach(winner => {
if (this.count[this.round][winner] <= 0) return;
this.wonAtRound[winner] = this.round;
}); = this.winnersOver;
return this.getNewWinnersText(newWinnersList, status);
* @summary Joins candidate names and returns winning announcement.
* @param {number[]} candidates the list of new winners
* @param {"over" | "under"} [status = "over"] whether the winners have reached the threshold
* @returns {string} the winning announcement
getNewWinnersText(candidates, status = 'over') {
const list = this.joinList(candidates);
const textStart = `${pluralise('Candidate', candidates.length)} ${list}`;
const textEnd = `${pluralise('is', candidates.length)} elected. `;
return status === 'over'
? `${textStart} ${pluralise('has', candidates.length)} reached the threshold and ${textEnd}`
: `${textStart} ${textEnd}`
* @summary Perform basic accounting when a new loser is found.
* @param {number[]} newLosersList The list of candidates to eliminate
newLosers(newLosersList) {
newLosersList.forEach(loser => {
this.lostAtRound[loser] = this.round;
* @summary Convert a list of candidate ids to a readable one.
* @param {(number | string)[]} candidates The candidate list
* @param {boolean} [mapNames] Whether to convert candidate ids to names
joinList(candidates, mapNames) {
const names = mapNames
? candidates
: => this.names[candidateId]);
// change separator from , to ; if at least one name contains a comma
const containComma = names.some(name => name.includes?.(','));
const separator = containComma ? ';' : ',';
if (names.length === 1) {
return names[0];
} else if (names.length === 2) {
return names.join(' and ');
} else {
const allExceptLast = names.slice(0, -1).join(separator + ' ');
const lastName = names[names.length - 1];
return `${allExceptLast}${separator} and ${lastName}`;
/** Update round information */
describeRound() {
const roundInfo = this.roundInfo[this.round];
let text;
switch (roundInfo.action?.[0]) {
case 'first':
text = 'Count of first choices. ';
case 'surplus':
text = roundInfo.surplus;
case 'eliminate':
text = roundInfo.eliminate;
if ( {
text +=;
if (text) {
this.messages[this.round] = text;
* @summary Determine whether the election is over.
* @returns {boolean} whether the election has ended
electionOver() {
// Election is over when:
return === this.numSeats // all winners have been identified
|| this.continuing.size + <= this.numSeats // fewer than N candidates remain
|| this.round > 1000; // oops! something went wrong
* @summary Decide whether to transfer surplus votes or eliminate candidates.
* @returns {boolean} whether to transfer surplus votes
isSurplusToTransfer() {
return this.surplus[this.round - 1] >= 1 // the surplus is below the surplus limit
&& this.getSureLosers()?.length === 0 // there are losers
&& !this.inInfiniteLoop(); // we are stuck in an infinite loop.
* Return all candidates who are sure losers.
* @returns {number[]} the candidates to eliminate
getSureLosers() {
// Return all candidates who are sure losers but do not look at previous
// rounds to break ties.
const round = this.round - 1;
const maxNumLosers = this.continuing.size + - this.numSeats;
if (maxNumLosers >= this.continuing.size) return [];
let losers = [];
// If all continuing candidates have zero votes and there is no surplus
// then they are all sure losers.
const totalContinuingVote = [...this.continuing]
.map(candidate => this.count[round][candidate])
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
if (totalContinuingVote === 0 && this.surplus[round] === 0) {
return [...this.continuing];
// We need to make sure that all candidates with the same number of votes
// are treated the same, so group candidates with the same number of votes
// together and sort clusters in order of votes (fewest first).
const continuing = [...this.continuing].sort((a, b) => {
const roundCount = this.count[round];
return roundCount[a] - roundCount[b];
const clustered = [[continuing[0]]];
for (const candidate of continuing.slice(1)) {
const roundCount = this.count[round];
const lastElement = clustered[clustered.length - 1];
if (roundCount[candidate] === roundCount[lastElement?.[0]]) {
} else {
const potentialLosers = [];
let s = this.surplus[round];
clustered.slice(0, -1).forEach((cluster, i) => {
const currentClusterCount = this.count[round][cluster[0]];
const nextClusterCount = this.count[round][clustered[i + 1][0]];
s += cluster.length * currentClusterCount;
if (s < nextClusterCount && potentialLosers.length <= maxNumLosers) {
return [ Set(losers)];
/** Detect stable state as infinite loop. */
inInfiniteLoop() {
return this.round > 1 && arrayEqual(this.keepFactor[this.round - 1], this.keepFactor[this.round - 2]);
/** Transfer the surplus votes */
transferSurplusVotes() {
this.roundInfo[this.round].action = ['surplus', []];
this.updateTree(this.tree, this.losers);
const description = this.updateKeepFactors();
this.roundInfo[this.round].surplus = 'Count after transferring surplus votes. ' + description;
* @summary Update the tree data structure to account for new winners and losers.
* @param {any} tree The tree to update
* @param {Set<number>} loserSet The losers
updateTree(tree, loserSet) {
this.updateLoserTree(tree, loserSet);
this.updateWinnerTree(tree, loserSet);
* @summary Update the tree data structure to account for new winners.
* @param {any} tree The tree to update
* @param {Set<number>} loserSet The losers
updateWinnerTree(tree, loserSet) {
const treeCandidates = Object.keys(tree).map(Number);
for (const candidate of this.intersect(treeCandidates, {
if (tree[candidate].bi.length > 0) {
// The current candidate is a new winner (has ballot indices), so
// expand this node to the next level. There is no need to call
// updateTree() recursively since addBallotToTree() will appropriately
// expand lower nodes.
tree[candidate].bi.forEach(index => {
const ballot = this.uniqueBallots[index].split(' ').map(Number);
const j = ballot.indexOf(candidate);
const ballot2 = ballot.slice(j + 1);
this.addBallotToTree(tree[candidate], index, ballot2);
tree[candidate].bi = [];
} else {
// The current candidate is an old winner, so recurse to see if
// anything needs to be done at lower levels.
this.updateTree(tree[candidate], loserSet);
* Update the tree data structure to account for new losers.
* @param {any} tree The root of the tree to update or a sub-tree
* @param {Set<number>} loserSet The losing candidates
updateLoserTree(tree, loserSet) {
const treeCandidates = Object.keys(tree).map(Number);
for (const candidate of this.intersect(treeCandidates, loserSet)) {
tree[candidate].bi.forEach(index => {
const ballot = this.uniqueBallots[index].split(' ').map(Number);
const j = ballot.indexOf(candidate);
const ballot2 = ballot.slice(j + 1);
this.addBallotToTree(tree, index, ballot2);
delete tree[candidate];
* @summary Update the candidate keep factors.
* @returns {string} Text that announces winning candidates' keep factors.
updateKeepFactors() {
const winners = [];
let desc =
? 'Keep factors of candidates who have exceeded the threshold: '
: '';
const candidateList = this.continuingAndWinners.sort((a, b) => a - b);
for (const candidate of candidateList) {
if (this.count[this.round - 1][candidate] > this.thresh[this.round - 1]) {
const prevKeep = this.keepFactor[this.round - 1][candidate];
const prevThresh = this.thresh[this.round - 1];
const keepThresh = prevKeep * prevThresh;
const prevCount = this.count[this.round - 1][candidate];
let kf = keepThresh / prevCount;
const rem = keepThresh % prevCount;
if (rem > 0) kf += 1;
this.keepFactor[this.round][candidate] = Math.floor(kf);
const candidateName = this.names[candidate];
const keepF = this.keepFactor[this.round][candidate] / this.p;
winners.push(`${candidateName}, ${keepF.toPrecision(6)}`);
} else {
this.keepFactor[this.round][candidate] = this.keepFactor[this.round - 1][candidate];
if ( {
desc += this.joinList(winners, true) + '. ';
return desc;
/** Eliminate candidates. */
eliminateCandidates() {
const [elimList, descChoose] = this.selectCandidatesToEliminate();
this.roundInfo[this.round].action = ['eliminate', elimList];
const descTrans = this.transferVotesFromCandidates(elimList);
this.roundInfo[this.round].eliminate = descTrans + descChoose;
this.updateTree(this.tree, this.losers);
* @summary Transfer votes from losing candidates
* @param {number[]} elimList The list of candidates to transfer votes from
* @returns {string} Text regarding elimination and vote transferral
transferVotesFromCandidates(elimList) {
const sorted = elimList.sort((a, b) => a - b);
return `Count after eliminating ${this.joinList(sorted)} and transferring votes. `;
* @summary Eliminate any losing candidates.
* @returns {[number[], string]} The list of losing candidates and text describing the elimination
selectCandidatesToEliminate() {
if (this.inInfiniteLoop()) {
const continuing = [...this.continuing];
const [candidate, desc] = this.breakWeakTie(this.round - 1, continuing, 'candidates to eliminate');
this.firstEliminationRound = false;
return [[candidate], `Candidates tied within precision of computations. ${desc}`];
} else {
let desc = 'All losing candidates are eliminated. ';
let elimList = this.getSureLosers();
// First elimination round is different for some methods
// Skipped if no candidates would be eliminated
// We can eliminate one more candidate if all of the following are satisfied:
// 1. The surplus is zero
// 2. The candidates selected for elimination all have zero votes
// 3. There are enough candidates remaining
if (this.firstEliminationRound && this.surplus[this.round - 1] === 0) {
const ctng = [...this.continuing].filter(c => !elimList.includes(c));
if (ctng.length + > this.numSeats) {
const counts = => this.count[this.round - 1][c]);
const elimListTotalCount = counts?.reduce((a, b) => a + b) || 0;
if (elimListTotalCount === 0) {
const [c, desc2] = this.breakWeakTie(this.round - 1, ctng, 'candidates to eliminate');
desc += desc2;
// Normal elimination round
// This happens if not firstEliminationRound or if the first
// elimination round didn't eliminate any candidates.
if (!this.firstEliminationRound || elimList.length === 0) {
elimList = this.getSureLosers();
if (elimList.length === 0) {
const [c, desc2] = this.breakWeakTie(this.round - 1, [...this.continuing], 'candidates to eliminate');
elimList = [c];
desc += desc2;
// Don't do first elimination again.
this.firstEliminationRound = false;
// Put losing candidates in the proper list
return [elimList, desc];
/** Update the candidate keep factors. */
copyKeepFactors() {
const { keepFactor, round } = this;
const prevRound = round - 1;
this.continuingAndWinners.forEach((c) => {
keepFactor[round][c] = keepFactor[prevRound][c];
/** Update candidate status at end of election. */
updateCandidateStatus() {
let desc = '';
if ( === this.numSeats) {
// All others are losers
} else {
// Candidates with no votes are losers
for (const candidate of this.continuing) {
if (this.count[this.round][candidate] === 0) {
// Eliminate (N+1)th candidate
if (this.continuing.size + > this.numSeats) {
let candidate;
[candidate, desc] = this.breakWeakTie(this.round, [...this.continuing], 'winners');
// Everyone else is a winner
if (this.continuing.size > 0) {
desc += this.newWinners([...this.continuing], 'under');
this.messages[this.round] += desc;
* @summary Break ties using previous rounds.
* A weak tie is a tie at a given round, and may be able to be broken by
* looking at other rounds. A strong tie occurs when candidates are tied at
* all rounds. Here, the weak tie is broken by starting at the previous round
* and going backward (backward).
* @param {number} round The round to start checking
* @param {number[]} candidateList The list to check ties from
* @param {string} what Info regarding when the tie occurred
* @returns {[number, string]} The tie winner and text related to the tie
breakWeakTie(round, candidateList, what = '') {
// weakTieBreakMethod is 'backward'
const tiedCandidates = this.findTiedCand(candidateList, this.count[round]);
if (tiedCandidates.length === 1) {
return [tiedCandidates[0], '']; // no tie
const sorted = tiedCandidates.sort((a, b) => a - b);
// Let the user know what is going on.
let desc = `Candidates ${this.joinList(sorted)} were tied when choosing ${what}. `;
const order = [...Array(round).keys()].reverse();
for (const round of order) {
const tiedAtRound = this.findTiedCand(sorted, this.count[round]);
if (tiedAtRound?.length === 1) {
const [winnerFromTie] = tiedAtRound;
desc += `Candidate ${this.names[winnerFromTie]} was chosen by breaking`
+ `the tie at round ${round + 1}`;
return [winnerFromTie, desc];
// The tie can't be broken with other rounds so do strong tie break (random).
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * sorted.length)
const tieWinner = sorted[randomIndex];
const randomChosenDesc = `Candidate ${this.names[tieWinner]} was chosen by breaking the tie randomly. `;
return [tieWinner, desc + randomChosenDesc];
* @summary Find candidates tied for first or last.
* @param {number[]} candidateList Thee list of candidates to be considered.
* @param {number[]} values The metric to be used for comparing candidates.
* Usually `self.count[r]`, but could be anything.
* @returns {number[]} The tied candidates
findTiedCand(candidateList, values) {
if (candidateList.length === 0) return [];
const candidateListValues = => values[c]);
const minValue = Math.min(...candidateListValues);
const tied = candidateList.filter(c => values[c] === minValue);
return tied;
* Pluralise
* @param {string} word
* @param {number} count
function pluralise(word, count) {
if (count === 1) return word;
if (word === 'is') return 'are';
else if (word === 'has') return 'have';
else return `${word}s`;
* @typedef {import("./meekstv").default} MeekSTV
export default class TextReport {
maxWidth = 79;
/** @type {string[]} */
out = [];
* @param {MeekSTV} results
constructor(results) {
this.results = results;
* @summary Pretty print election results in text format.
* @returns {string} The text report
generate() {
const {
} = this.results;
// Find the largest number to appear on the report
const maxValue = Math.max(
...count.flatMap(counts => counts)
) / p;
// From the max value, compute the minimum column width needed
this.maxColWidth = Math.floor(Math.log10(maxValue)) + prec + 2;
// nCol is the total number of columns
// + exhausted + surplus + thresh (= +3)
const nCol = numCandidates + 3;
// maxnSubCol is the maximum number of columns that can fit in a
// single row. This is used to determine how many rows we need.
const maxnSubCol = Math.floor((this.maxWidth - 2) / (this.maxColWidth + 1));
// nRow is the number of rows needed to display all of the columns
let nRow = Math.floor(nCol / maxnSubCol);
const rRow = nCol % maxnSubCol;
if (rRow > 0) nRow += 1;
// nSubCol is the number of columns per row (distributed evenly across rows)
let nSubCol = Math.floor(nCol / nRow);
const rCol = nCol % nRow;
if (rCol > 0) nSubCol += 1;
// colWidth is the width of a column in characters
const colWidth = Math.floor((this.maxWidth - 2) / nSubCol) - 1;
// width is the actual width of the table
const width = 2 + nSubCol * (colWidth + 1);
// Find length of longest string in the table header
const nameLengths = => name.length);
const maxL = Math.max(...nameLengths, 9);// 9 letters in "Exhausted"
// Pad strings for table header to a multiple of colWidth
const maxNameLen = maxL + colWidth - (maxL % colWidth);
const header = [];
].map(value => value.padEnd(maxNameLen, ' ')));
// nSubRow is the number of rows needed to display the full candidate names
let nSubRow = Math.floor(maxNameLen / colWidth);
const rSubRow = maxNameLen % colWidth;
if (rSubRow > 0) nSubRow += 1;
const topText = this.generateHeader(dirtyBallotsCount, withdrawn || [], numBallots, title, numCandidates, numSeats);
// table header
[...Array(nRow).keys()].forEach(r => {
[...Array(nSubRow).keys()].forEach(sr => {
let line = '';
if (r === 0 && sr === 0) line += ' R';
else line += ' ';
const b = sr * colWidth;
const e = b + colWidth;
for (const sc of Array(nSubCol).keys()) {
const h = r * nSubCol + sc;
if (h === header.length) break;
line += `|${header[h].slice(b, e)}`;
if (r < nRow - 1) {
const dashes = '-'.repeat(colWidth);
this.out.push(` |${(dashes + "+").repeat(nSubCol - 1)}${dashes}\n`);
// Rounds
[...Array(numRounds).keys()].forEach(R => {
this.generateTextRoundResults(R, width, nSubCol, colWidth);
return this.out.join('');
* @summary Generate the report header
* @param {number} dirtyBCount The count of dirty ballots (including withdrawn candidates)
* @param {number[]} withdrawn A list of withdrawn candidates
* @param {number} numBallots The count of clean ballots (excluding withdrawn candidates)
* @param {string} title The title of the election
* @param {number} numCandidates The number of candidates running
* @param {number} numSeats The seats available
* @returns {string} the header
generateHeader(dirtyBCount, withdrawn, numBallots, title, numCandidates, numSeats) {
const dirtyCount = numCandidates + (withdrawn?.length || 0);
return `Ballot file contains ${dirtyCount} candidates and ${dirtyBCount} ballots.\n`
+ `${this.generateWithdrawnText(withdrawn)}\n`
+ `Ballot file contains ${numBallots} non-empty ballots.\n`
+ '\n'
+ `Counting votes for ${title} using Meek STV.\n`
+ `${numCandidates} candidates running for ${numSeats} ${pluralise('seat', numSeats)}.\n\n`;
* @summary Generate text for withdrawn candidates
* @param {number[]} withdrawn A list of withdrawn candidates
* @returns {string} the text
generateWithdrawnText(withdrawn) {
let withdrawnText;
if (!withdrawn?.length) {
withdrawnText = 'No candidates have withdrawn.';
} else if (withdrawn.length === 1) {
withdrawnText = `Removed withdrawn candidate ${withdrawn[0]} from the ballots.`;
} else {
const sorted = withdrawn.sort((a, b) => a - b);
withdrawnText = `Removed withdrawn candidates ${this.results.joinList(sorted, true)} from the ballots.`;
return withdrawnText;
* @summary Generate info for the given round
* @param {number} R The round to look
* @param {number} width The actual width of the table
* @param {number} nSubCol The number of columns per row
* @param {number} colWidth The width of a column
generateTextRoundResults(R, width, nSubCol, colWidth) {
const values = this.getValuesForRound(R);
this.printTableRow(values, width, nSubCol, colWidth);
// Pring message
this.out.push(` |${'-'.repeat(width - 3)}\n`);
const roundMessage = this.results.messages[R].trim();
const totalW = width - 4; // + ' | '
const padded = roundMessage.replace(
new RegExp(`(?![^\\n]{1,${totalW}}$)([^\\n]{1,${totalW}})\\s`, 'g'), '$1\n'
const complete = padded.split('\n').map(line => ` | ${line}`).join('\n');
this.out.push(complete + "\n");
* @summary Obtain the values required to generate round info
* @param {number} round The given round
* @returns {(number | "")[]} The wanted values
getValuesForRound(round) {
const {
} = this.results;
const values = [];
values.push(round + 1);
// Candidate vote totals for the round
count[round].forEach((numVotes, candidate) => {
// If candidate has lost and has no votes, leave blank
if (losers.has(candidate)
&& lostAtRound[candidate] <= round
&& numVotes === 0
) {
} else { // otherwise print the total.
values.push(numVotes / p);
// exhausted, surplus and threshold
values.push(exhausted[round] / p);
values.push(surplus[round] / p);
values.push(thresh[round] / p);
return values;
* @summary Create a table row
* @param {(number | "")[]} values The values required to create the row
* @param {number} width The actual width of the table
* @param {number} nSubCol The number of columns per row
* @param {number} colWidth The width of a column
printTableRow(values, width, nSubCol, colWidth) {
// separator line
this.out.push('='.repeat(width) + '\n');
let line = values.shift()?.toString().padStart(2, ' ') || ''; // round number
values.forEach((value, index) => {
if (index % nSubCol === 0 && index > 0) {
line += '\n ';
let field = value.toString();
// convert to specified precision (6)
if (typeof value === 'number') {
field = Number(value).toFixed(this.results.prec);
line += `|${field.padStart(colWidth)}`;
line += '\n';
* @summary Get the bottom text announcing final winners
* @param {Set<number>} winners The list of final winners
* @returns {string} The wanted text
getWinnerText(winners) {
const sorted = [].sort((a, b) => a - b);
if (sorted.length === 1) {
return `Winner is ${this.results.joinList(sorted)}.`;
} else {
return `Winners are ${this.results.joinList(sorted)}.`;
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