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Last active February 9, 2018 17:12
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Vanilla JavaScript implementation of the Caesar Cipher
const CaesarCipher = (function() {
const alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split("");
const encrypt = function encrypt(msg, key) {
if ( !typeof msg == 'string' || !Number.isInteger(key) ) {
return false;
return Array.from(msg)
.map(function(el) {
el = el.toLowerCase();
return alphabet.indexOf(el) === -1 ? el : alphabet[
(alphabet.indexOf(el) + key) % alphabet.length
const decrypt = function decrypt(msg, key) {
if ( !typeof msg == 'string' || !Number.isInteger(key) ) {
return false;
return Array.from(msg)
.map(function(el) {
elIndex = alphabet.indexOf(el);
alphLength = alphabet.length;
return elIndex === -1 ? el : alphabet[
((elIndex % alphLength - key % alphLength) + alphLength)
% alphLength
return {
encrypt: encrypt,
decrypt: decrypt
// usage:
const msg = 'Gandalf and dwarves';
const key = 2232;
console.log(CaesarCipher.encrypt(msg, key));
console.log(CaesarCipher.decrypt(CaesarCipher.encrypt(msg, key), key));
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