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Created November 4, 2017 18:58
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This is an extract if googles unit test framework to get the AlmostEquals functionaliy for floats
// Copyright 2005, Google Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This is an extract if googles unit test framework to get the AlmostEquals
// functionaliy for floats
// see
#pragma once
namespace testing {
// be inserted into the message.
template <size_t size>
class TypeWithSize {
// This prevents the user from using TypeWithSize<N> with incorrect
// values of N.
typedef void UInt;
// The specialization for size 4.
template <>
class TypeWithSize<4> {
typedef int Int;
typedef unsigned int UInt;
// The specialization for size 8.
template <>
class TypeWithSize<8> {
typedef __int64 Int;
typedef unsigned __int64 UInt;
typedef long long Int; // NOLINT
typedef unsigned long long UInt; // NOLINT
// Integer types of known sizes.
typedef TypeWithSize<4>::Int Int32;
typedef TypeWithSize<4>::UInt UInt32;
typedef TypeWithSize<8>::Int Int64;
typedef TypeWithSize<8>::UInt UInt64;
typedef TypeWithSize<8>::Int TimeInMillis;
template <typename RawType>
class FloatingPoint {
// Defines the unsigned integer type that has the same size as the
// floating point number.
typedef typename TypeWithSize<sizeof(RawType)>::UInt Bits;
// Constants.
// # of bits in a number.
static const size_t kBitCount = 8*sizeof(RawType);
// # of fraction bits in a number.
static const size_t kFractionBitCount =
std::numeric_limits<RawType>::digits - 1;
// # of exponent bits in a number.
static const size_t kExponentBitCount = kBitCount - 1 - kFractionBitCount;
// The mask for the sign bit.
static const Bits kSignBitMask = static_cast<Bits>(1) << (kBitCount - 1);
// The mask for the fraction bits.
static const Bits kFractionBitMask =
~static_cast<Bits>(0) >> (kExponentBitCount + 1);
// The mask for the exponent bits.
static const Bits kExponentBitMask = ~(kSignBitMask | kFractionBitMask);
// How many ULP's (Units in the Last Place) we want to tolerate when
// comparing two numbers. The larger the value, the more error we
// allow. A 0 value means that two numbers must be exactly the same
// to be considered equal.
// The maximum error of a single floating-point operation is 0.5
// units in the last place. On Intel CPU's, all floating-point
// calculations are done with 80-bit precision, while double has 64
// bits. Therefore, 4 should be enough for ordinary use.
// See the following article for more details on ULP:
static const size_t kMaxUlps = 4;
// Constructs a FloatingPoint from a raw floating-point number.
// On an Intel CPU, passing a non-normalized NAN (Not a Number)
// around may change its bits, although the new value is guaranteed
// to be also a NAN. Therefore, don't expect this constructor to
// preserve the bits in x when x is a NAN.
explicit FloatingPoint(const RawType& x) { u_.value_ = x; }
// Static methods
// Reinterprets a bit pattern as a floating-point number.
// This function is needed to test the AlmostEquals() method.
static RawType ReinterpretBits(const Bits bits) {
FloatingPoint fp(0);
fp.u_.bits_ = bits;
return fp.u_.value_;
// Returns the floating-point number that represent positive infinity.
static RawType Infinity() {
return ReinterpretBits(kExponentBitMask);
// Returns the maximum representable finite floating-point number.
static RawType Max();
// Non-static methods
// Returns the bits that represents this number.
const Bits &bits() const { return u_.bits_; }
// Returns the exponent bits of this number.
Bits exponent_bits() const { return kExponentBitMask & u_.bits_; }
// Returns the fraction bits of this number.
Bits fraction_bits() const { return kFractionBitMask & u_.bits_; }
// Returns the sign bit of this number.
Bits sign_bit() const { return kSignBitMask & u_.bits_; }
// Returns true iff this is NAN (not a number).
bool is_nan() const {
// It's a NAN if the exponent bits are all ones and the fraction
// bits are not entirely zeros.
return (exponent_bits() == kExponentBitMask) && (fraction_bits() != 0);
// Returns true iff this number is at most kMaxUlps ULP's away from
// rhs. In particular, this function:
// - returns false if either number is (or both are) NAN.
// - treats really large numbers as almost equal to infinity.
// - thinks +0.0 and -0.0 are 0 DLP's apart.
bool AlmostEquals(const FloatingPoint& rhs) const {
// The IEEE standard says that any comparison operation involving
// a NAN must return false.
if (is_nan() || rhs.is_nan()) return false;
return DistanceBetweenSignAndMagnitudeNumbers(u_.bits_, rhs.u_.bits_)
<= kMaxUlps;
// The data type used to store the actual floating-point number.
union FloatingPointUnion {
RawType value_; // The raw floating-point number.
Bits bits_; // The bits that represent the number.
// Converts an integer from the sign-and-magnitude representation to
// the biased representation. More precisely, let N be 2 to the
// power of (kBitCount - 1), an integer x is represented by the
// unsigned number x + N.
// For instance,
// -N + 1 (the most negative number representable using
// sign-and-magnitude) is represented by 1;
// 0 is represented by N; and
// N - 1 (the biggest number representable using
// sign-and-magnitude) is represented by 2N - 1.
// Read
// for more details on signed number representations.
static Bits SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(const Bits &sam) {
if (kSignBitMask & sam) {
// sam represents a negative number.
return ~sam + 1;
} else {
// sam represents a positive number.
return kSignBitMask | sam;
// Given two numbers in the sign-and-magnitude representation,
// returns the distance between them as an unsigned number.
static Bits DistanceBetweenSignAndMagnitudeNumbers(const Bits &sam1,
const Bits &sam2) {
const Bits biased1 = SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(sam1);
const Bits biased2 = SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(sam2);
return (biased1 >= biased2) ? (biased1 - biased2) : (biased2 - biased1);
FloatingPointUnion u_;
// Typedefs the instances of the FloatingPoint template class that we
// care to use.
typedef FloatingPoint<float> Float;
typedef FloatingPoint<double> Double;
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