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Created February 1, 2017 17:57
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  • Save doubleirish/b8af8e5fae83a281125b81f8c981801d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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bash script to automatically Log in to target page , extracts all relative urls in target page, crawl through each child page , scrape a html table and aggregate it
export OS_USERNAME="yourUser"
export OS_PASSWORD="yourPass"
# logs into protected page (your formdata params may be different), finds relative urls, converts them to full urls and stores them in a local file
wget -O- --post-data "os_username=${OS_USERNAME}&os_password=${OS_PASSWORD}" \
| grep href \
| sed -n 's/.*href="\([^"]*\).*/https\:\/\/www\.example\.com\1/p' \
| sort | uniq > urls.txt
# iterates through file of urls and aggrregates screen scrapes of selected xpath elements in each url into a single summary files
echo "<html><head><title>summary</title></head><body>" >summary.html;
while read url; do
echo "parsing $url ...";
echo "<h2> $url </h2> <table border='1'> " >>summary.html;
# download each url, auto logs into protected sourc
wget -O- --post-data "os_username=${OS_USERNAME}&os_password=${OS_PASSWORD}" $url > page.html ;
# uses xpath on xmllint to extract a target element e.g the contents of a table after a specific h2 entry
xmllint --html --htmlout --recover --nowarning --format --xpath "//h2[text()='Production Issues Encountered']/following::table/node()" page.html 2>/dev/null >>summary.html;
echo "</table> " >>summary.html;
done < urls.txt
echo "</body></html>" >>summary.html;
sed -i 's/[^[:print:]]//g' summary.html; # remove unprintables
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