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Forked from cayblood/rake_autocomplete.rb
Last active December 23, 2015 07:49
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Autocomplete bash script in Iced CoffeeScript for Jake/Jakefiles
#!/usr/bin/env iced
# Complete jake tasks script for bash
# Save it somewhere and then add
# complete -C path/to/script -o default jake
# to your ~/.bashrc
# Bug-fix from Xavier Shay's version
# ported from Ruby/Rakefile version
# to Node/IcedCoffee/Jakefile by doublerebel
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
util = require 'util'
jake = require 'jake'
{exec} = require('child_process')
RegExp.escape = (s) -> s.replace /[$-\/?[-^{|}]/g, '\\$&'
cache_dir = path.join process.env.HOME, '.jake', 'tc_cache'
cwd = process.cwd()
cline = process.env.COMP_LINE
jakefile = do -> return jf for jf in JAKEFILES when fs.existsSync path.join cwd, jf
process.exit 0 unless jakefile or /^jake\b/.test cline
after_match = (cline.substr 4).trim()
task_match = after_match.split(" ")[-1..][0] unless after_match is ""
jake.mkdirP cache_dir
jakefile_path = path.join cwd, jakefile
cache_file = path.join cache_dir, (jakefile_path.replace /\//g, '_')
if (fs.existsSync cache_file) and (fs.statSync cache_file).mtime.getTime() >= (fs.statSync jakefile).mtime.getTime()
# File.mtime( cache_file ) >= (Dir['lib/tasks/*.rake'] << jakefile).collect {|x| File.mtime(x) }.max
task_lines = fs.readFileSync cache_file, 'utf-8'
await exec 'jake --tasks 2>/dev/null', defer err, task_lines
fs.writeFileSync cache_file, task_lines, 'utf-8'
task_lines = task_lines.replace /.\[([0-9]{1,2}([0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]/g, ''
tasks = (line.split(/\s/)[1] for line in task_lines.split("\n") when /\s/.test line)
tasks = (task for task in tasks when (new RegExp "^#{RegExp.escape task_match}").test task) if task_match
# handle namespaces
if match = task_match?.match /^([-\w:]+:)/
upto_last_colon = match[0]
after_match = task_match.split(":")
after_match.join "\n"
tasks = for task in tasks
if match = task.match (new RegExp "^#{RegExp.escape upto_last_colon}([-\\w:]+)$")
else task
util.puts tasks.join "\n"
process.exit 0
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No extension or .iced extension is required for iced-coffee-script to load and parse the file correctly. Otherwise it can be compiled to vanilla JS. The .coffee extension is just for highlighting. Otherwise Github thinks this script is Ruby.

Special thanks to for the terminal colors stripping regexp.

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