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Created July 4, 2016 07:54
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Magento 2 bin/magento commands
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
admin:user:create Creates an administrator
admin:user:unlock Unlock Admin Account
cache:clean Cleans cache type(s)
cache:disable Disables cache type(s)
cache:enable Enables cache type(s)
cache:flush Flushes cache storage used by cache type(s)
cache:status Checks cache status
catalog:images:resize Creates resized product images
cron:run Runs jobs by schedule
customer:hash:upgrade Upgrade customer's hash according to the latest algorithm
deploy:mode:set Set application mode.
deploy:mode:show Displays current application mode.
dev:source-theme:deploy Collects and publishes source files for theme.
dev:tests:run Runs tests
dev:urn-catalog:generate Generates the catalog of URNs to *.xsd mappings for the IDE to highlight xml.
dev:xml:convert Converts XML file using XSL style sheets
i18n:collect-phrases Discovers phrases in the codebase
i18n:pack Saves language package
i18n:uninstall Uninstalls language packages
indexer:info Shows allowed Indexers
indexer:reindex Reindexes Data
indexer:set-mode Sets index mode type
indexer:show-mode Shows Index Mode
indexer:status Shows status of Indexer
info:adminuri Displays the Magento Admin URI
info:backups:list Prints list of available backup files
info:currency:list Displays the list of available currencies
info:dependencies:show-framework Shows number of dependencies on Magento framework
info:dependencies:show-modules Shows number of dependencies between modules
info:dependencies:show-modules-circular Shows number of circular dependencies between modules
info:language:list Displays the list of available language locales
info:timezone:list Displays the list of available timezones
maintenance:allow-ips Sets maintenance mode exempt IPs
maintenance:disable Disables maintenance mode
maintenance:enable Enables maintenance mode
maintenance:status Displays maintenance mode status
mana:post-install Executes post installation code for all MANAdev Extensions.
mana:save-config Saves merged configuration in /var directory
mana:update Renames MANAdev modules' `registration.php` to `registration.php_` if it is disabled and sets it back to `registration.php` if it is enabled.
module:disable Disables specified modules
module:enable Enables specified modules
module:status Displays status of modules
module:uninstall Uninstalls modules installed by composer
queue:consumers:list List of MessageQueue consumers
queue:consumers:start Start MessageQueue consumer
sampledata:deploy Deploy sample data modules
sampledata:remove Remove all sample data packages from composer.json
sampledata:reset Reset all sample data modules for re-installation
setup:backup Takes backup of Magento Application code base, media and database
setup:config:set Creates or modifies the deployment configuration
setup:cron:run Runs cron job scheduled for setup application
setup:db-data:upgrade Installs and upgrades data in the DB
setup:db-schema:add-slave Move checkout quote related tables to a separate DB server
setup:db-schema:split-quote Move checkout quote related tables to a separate DB server
setup:db-schema:split-sales Move sales related tables to a separate DB server
setup:db-schema:upgrade Installs and upgrades the DB schema
setup:db:status Checks if DB schema or data requires upgrade
setup:di:compile Generates DI configuration and all non-existing interceptors and factories
setup:di:compile-multi-tenant Generates all non-existing proxies and factories, and pre-compile class definitions, inheritance information and plugin definitions
setup:install Installs the Magento application
setup:performance:generate-fixtures Generates fixtures
setup:rollback Rolls back Magento Application codebase, media and database
setup:static-content:deploy Deploys static view files
setup:store-config:set Installs the store configuration
setup:uninstall Uninstalls the Magento application
setup:upgrade Upgrades the Magento application, DB data, and schema
support:backup:code Create Code backup
support:backup:db Create DB backup
support:utility:check Check required backup utilities
support:utility:paths Create utilities paths list
theme:uninstall Uninstalls theme
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