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Created December 18, 2010 15:39
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Save dougalcorn/746600 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
copied from harvest api docs with some tweaks
# harvest-sample.rb
# Basic API demo. Use this sample as a starting point on how to
# connect, authenticate, and send requests to the Harvest API and
# handle the API throttle limit. This is not a libary, if you want one
# for Ruby, we recommend investigating ActiveResource::Base.
# To execute this sample, save this file to your computer and
# run the following command from your console:
# ruby harvest-sample.rb
# You will then see output for the series of action scripted below.
# You can also use this as an inspiration for your own integration in
# another language. Basically you just need to send HTTP requests, a
# fairly common task that can be accomplished from nearly all programming
# languages. We receive requests from Python, Javascript, PHP, Perl,
# Java, C# and others.
# The full HARVEST API documentation can be found at:
# Please review the documentation before sending in your questions.
# First set some variables specific to your account.
# Insert your subdomain i.e.
SUBDOMAIN = 'xxxx'
# Your email. Note that features hidden from non-administrator
# accounts on the WEB UI will be inaccessible in the API as well. The
# full API is available to users with admin privileges only!
# Your password. Harvest uses HTTP Basic Auth.
# Your application should send an unique User Agent value out of
# politeness.
USER_AGENT = 'Experimenting with API Sample'
# Business accounts have ssl support enabled. Set this to false if your
# WEB UI is accessible via http:// instead of https://. Note that
# Harvest will redirect you to the proper protocol regardless of
# this. You just need to handle the redirection pragmatically. This
# sample does this, your implementation should save the last known
# protocol to avoid increased latency.
HAS_SSL = true
# Define a basic client.
# everything is in utf8
$KCODE = 'u'
require 'base64'
require 'bigdecimal'
require 'date'
require 'jcode'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'time'
class Harvest
def initialize
@company = SUBDOMAIN
@preferred_protocols = [HAS_SSL, ! HAS_SSL]
# HTTP headers you need to send with every request.
def headers
# Declare that you expect response in XML after a _successful_
# response.
"Accept" => "application/xml",
# Promise to send XML.
"Content-Type" => "application/xml; charset=utf-8",
# All requests will be authenticated using HTTP Basic Auth, as
# described in rfc2617. Your library probably has support for
# basic_auth built in, I've passed the Authorization header
# explicitly here only to show what happens at HTTP level.
"Authorization" => "Basic #{auth_string}",
# Tell Harvest a bit about your application.
"User-Agent" => USER_AGENT
def auth_string
def request path, method = :get, body = ""
response = send_request( path, method, body)
if response.class < Net::HTTPSuccess
# response in the 2xx range
return response
elsif response.class == Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable
# response status is 503, you have reached the API throttle
# limit. Harvest will send the "Retry-After" header to indicate
# the number of seconds your boot needs to be silent.
raise "Got HTTP 503 three times in a row" if retry_counter > 3
sleep(response['Retry-After'].to_i + 5)
request(path, method, body)
elsif response.class == Net::HTTPFound
# response was a redirect, most likely due to protocol
# mismatch. Retry again with a different protocol.
raise "Failed connection using http or https" if @preferred_protocols.empty?
request(path, method, body)
dump_headers = { |h,v| [h.upcase,v].join(': ') }.join("\n")
raise "#{response.message} (#{response.code})\n\n#{dump_headers}\n\n#{response.body}\n"
def connect!
port = has_ssl ? 443 : 80
@connection ="#{@company}", port)
@connection.use_ssl = has_ssl
@connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if has_ssl
def has_ssl
def send_request path, method = :get, body = ''
case method
when :get
@connection.get(path, headers)
when :post, body, headers)
when :put
@connection.put(path, body, headers)
when :delete
@connection.delete(path, headers)
def on_completed_request
@retry_counter = 0
def retry_counter
@retry_counter ||= 0
@retry_counter += 1
# Demo the following: - list all tasks
# - create a new task
# - read a specific task by id
# - update an existing task
# - delete task (commented out)
harvest =
puts "----------------------------"
puts "Reading all your tasks"
response = harvest.request '/tasks', :get
puts response.body
new_task_name = "ApiSample#{}"
puts "----------------------------"
puts "Creating a new task with name #{new_task_name}"
response = harvest.request '/tasks', :post, "<task> <name>#{new_task_name}</name> </task>"
new_task_location = response['Location']
new_task_id = new_task_location.gsub(/\/tasks\//, '')
puts "new task can be reached at #{new_task_location}"
puts "and has the task_id of #{new_task_id}"
puts "----------------------------"
puts "Read a single task only (task_id=#{new_task_id})"
response = harvest.request new_task_location, :get
puts response.body
puts "----------------------------"
new_task_name = new_task_name + '-updated'
puts "Change name of task with id #{ new_task_id} to be #{new_task_name}"
harvest.request new_task_location, :put, "<task> <name>#{new_task_name}</name> </task>"
# puts "----------------------------"
# puts "Delete the new task (with id = #{new_task_id})"
# harvest.request new_task_location, :delete
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