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Last active August 26, 2022 07:46
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Sorry - I really thought this would be a throw-away for the one blog post.

Test Procedure

Time measured in nanoseconds using:

uint64_t nano() {
   return std::chrono::duration_cast< ::std::chrono::nanoseconds>(

Huge global buffers are used:

char input_buffer[64 * 1024 * 1024];
char output_buffer[64 * 1024 * 1024];

The output-size passed to the compressors is that huge-buffer size, whereas the input-size is the file size to time slow path behaviour. Actually some benchmark code for some compressors got this mixed up, but slow-path behaviour only makes a measurable difference on smaller files - retiming with this corrected did not change the results.

zlib-like compressors are called via the int uncompress(Bytef * dest, uLongf * destLen, const Bytef * source, uLong sourceLen); API.

isa-l was called via:

int isal_uncompress(void *out, size_t *size, void *in, size_t insize) {
	struct inflate_state state;
	state.next_out = (uint8_t *)out;
	state.avail_out = *size;
	state.next_in = (uint8_t *)in;
	state.avail_in = insize;
	state.crc_flag = ISAL_ZLIB;
	int status = isal_inflate_stateless(&state);
	if (status != ISAL_DECOMP_OK) {
		printf("isal_inflate_stateless failed %d\n", status);
		return 1;
	*size = state.total_out;
	return 0;

Take minimum of some number of runs (based on reciprocal of size):

File Runs
xml 100
reymont 53
ooffice 32
nci 31
mr 27
osdb 27
dickens 25
sao 18
samba 18
x-ray 16
webster 8
mozilla 5

Minimum gets consistent numbers on Firestorm, but for Icestorm testing it seems that sometimes the process can still be scheduled onto Firestorm cores, so median (well, sorted_times[num_runs/2]) is used instead.

Megabytes are decimal, not mibibytes.

Speed is measured in compressed/input megabytes per second, not uncompressed/output megabytes per second. Only uncompression speed (not compression speed) is measured.

Reported overall differences use the geometric mean of the speedup for each individual file in the corpus.

import subprocess
import os
import glob
CC = 'clang++'
# 'name': 'libdeflate-old',
# 'library': 'libdeflate-old/libdeflate.a',
# 'cflags': ['-DUSE_LIBDEFLATE'],
'name': 'libdeflate',
'library': 'libdeflate/libdeflate.a',
'cflags': ['-DUSE_LIBDEFLATE'],
TESTS = glob.glob('corpus/silesia.*.zlib6')
for target in TARGETS:[CC] + target.get('cflags', []) + ['', target['library'], '-o', 'harness-' + target['name']], check=True)
print('\t'.join(['test'] + [t['name'] for t in TARGETS]))
for test in TESTS:
last = None
runs = min(100, max(1, round((1000 * 1000 * 100) / os.path.getsize(test))))
results = []
for target in TARGETS:
r = float(subprocess.check_output(['./harness-' + target['name'], test, '1', str(runs)]))
results.append('%.1f' % (r,))
if last is not None:
results[-1] += (' (%.3fx)' % (r / last,))
last = r
print('\t'.join([test.split('/')[-1]] + results))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
#include "libdeflate/libdeflate.h"
#include <zlib.h>
char input_buffer[64 * 1024 * 1024];
char output_buffer[64 * 1024 * 1024];
uint64_t nano() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast< ::std::chrono::nanoseconds>(
struct libdeflate_decompressor *decompressor;
int uncompress(void *out, size_t *size, void *in, size_t insize) {
size_t outbytes = 0;
if (libdeflate_zlib_decompress(decompressor, in, insize, out, *size,
&outbytes) != LIBDEFLATE_SUCCESS) {
*size = outbytes;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
decompressor = libdeflate_alloc_decompressor();
FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
int iterations_per_run = atoi(argv[2]);
int runs = atoi(argv[3]);
int compressed_size = fread(input_buffer, 1, sizeof input_buffer, f);
size_t outlen = sizeof output_buffer;
int status = uncompress((uint8_t*)output_buffer, &outlen, (uint8_t*)input_buffer, sizeof input_buffer);
double times[100];
for (int j = 0; j < runs; j++) {
uint64_t start = nano();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations_per_run; i++) {
outlen = sizeof output_buffer;
uncompress((uint8_t*)output_buffer, &outlen, (uint8_t*)input_buffer, compressed_size);
uint64_t end = nano();
double bb = (end-start);
times[j] = bb;
double b = (end-start) / (double)(compressed_size*iterations_per_run) * 3.2;
std::sort(&times[0], &times[runs]);
printf("%lf\n", compressed_size * iterations_per_run / (times[0] / 1000.0));
return 0;
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