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Last active August 3, 2021 16:27
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# pypy3 recommended for speed (210ms, vs 17 seconds with cpython)
# usage:
# ensure LOAD_BASE is correct, then:
# '===1' kernelcache.release.mac13g
# lines starting with * are adjacent, compatible instructions,
# although non-adjacent instructions might be relevant too.
import sys
import struct
import re
LOAD_BASE = 0xFFFFFE0007004000
def get_hw(d): return (d >> 21) & 3
def get_imm16(d): return (d >> 5) & 0xFFFF
def is_MOVZ_32_movewide(d): return (d & 0xff800000) == 0x52800000
def is_MOVK_32_movewide(d): return (d & 0xff800000) == 0x72800000
def get_Rd(d): return (d >> 0) & 0x1F
def main(magicstr, filenames):
for filename in filenames:
find_magic(magicstr, filename)
def find_magic_in_file(filename, text, magic):
magic_high = magic >> 16
magic_low = magic & 0xFFFF
last_result = None
last_hw = 0
last_rd = 0
last_movz = False
for i in range(0, len(text), 4):
d = struct.unpack_from('<I', text, i)[0]
if (is_MOVZ_32_movewide(d) or is_MOVK_32_movewide(d)) and ((get_imm16(d) == magic_high and get_hw(d) == 1) or (get_imm16(d) == magic_low and get_hw(d) == 0)):
prefix = ' '
if i - 4 == last_result and get_hw(d) != last_hw and last_rd == get_Rd(d) and last_movz != is_MOVZ_32_movewide(d):
prefix = '*'
print(prefix, '%x' % (LOAD_BASE + i), ('MOVZ' if is_MOVZ_32_movewide(d) else 'MOVK'), 'W' + str(get_Rd(d)) + ',', hex(get_imm16(d) << (get_hw(d) * 16)))
last_rd = get_Rd(d)
last_result = i
last_hw = get_hw(d)
last_movz = is_MOVZ_32_movewide(d)
def find_magic(magicstr, filename):
text = open(filename, 'rb').read()
# little endian
magic = struct.unpack('<I', magicstr.encode('latin-1'))[0]
find_magic_in_file(filename, text, magic)
# big endian
magic = struct.unpack('>I', magicstr.encode('latin-1'))[0]
find_magic_in_file(filename, text, magic)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])
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