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Last active April 9, 2021 23:51
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  • Save dougbu/26ad82aec0a6d75f2063b100b63ceb9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dougbu/26ad82aec0a6d75f2063b100b63ceb9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find all git repos under current location and report on their branches
# This script will find all subdirectories in the current directory that are Git repos
# and whose official GitHub repo has migrated to main but you still have master or dev branches.
[string[]] $local:repos = @()
if (Test-Path -PathType Container .git) {
$repos += "$PWD"
} else {
$repos = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse |
Where-Object { Test-Path -PathType Container (Join-Path "$_" ".git") } |
ForEach-Object FullName
foreach ($repo in $repos) {
Set-Location $repo
$local:officialRemote = ""
$local:remotes = git remote
$local:url = ""
foreach ($remote in $remotes) {
$url = git remote get-url $remote
$local:isOfficialRemote =
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*" -or
$url -like "*"
if ($isOfficialRemote) {
# Let's fetch the remote to make sure we know about all branches.
git fetch $remote --prune 2>&1 >$NUL
$officialRemote = $remote
if ($officialRemote -eq "") {
# This repo didn't have any remotes pointing to an official GitHub repo, so let's skip.
# Does this remote have a branch called 'main'?
git rev-parse "$officialRemote/main" 2>&1 >$NUL
$local:branchExists = $?
if ($branchExists) {
foreach ($remote in $remotes) {
# Fix up our HEAD for this remote.
git remote set-head $remote --auto >$NUL
# Does this remote have a branch called 'master'?
git rev-parse "$remote/master" 2>&1 >$NUL
$branchExists = $?
if ($branchExists) {
Write-Output "Repo '$url' was migrated to 'main' but there is still a branch called '$remote/master' in $repo"
# Does this remote have a branch called 'dev'?
git rev-parse "$remote/dev" 2>&1 >$NUL
$branchExists = $?
if ($branchExists) {
Write-Output "Repo $url was migrated to 'main' but there is still a branch called '$remote/dev' in $repo"
# Does this repo have a local branch called 'master'?
git rev-parse master 2>&1 >$NUL
$branchExists = $?
if ($branchExists) {
Write-Output "Repo $url was migrated to 'main' but you still have a local branch called 'master' in $repo"
# Does this repo have a local branch called 'dev'?
git rev-parse dev 2>&1 >$NUL
$branchExists = $?
if ($branchExists) {
Write-Output "Repo $url was migrated to 'main' but you still have a local branch called 'dev' $repo"
else {
Write-Output "Repo $url was not migrated to 'main'."
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