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Created May 9, 2012 20:35
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AwesomePrint initializer aliasing
# The following snippet handles any calls to ap or awesome_print hanging out in your code,
# which can be particularly troublesome in a production environment where awesome_print isn't
# included in your Gemfile.
# If you have any inline "ap" or "awesome_print" calls, they will be aliased to
# puts (not using the alias method, that wasn't optimal). The output will also be logged at
# info level (feel free to change this depending on your needs) with the calling file and
# line number so you can find the offending calls.
# You can grep through your log files for "[ AP called from " to find any calls to ap.
# Throw this code in an initializer (awesome_print.rb) and modify as you wish.
# I only wrote code for ap and awesome_print - I don't really use ai or awesome_inspect,
# but the code would be very similar. Look at the code in the awesome_print repository
# under lib/awesome_print/core_ext/kernel.rb and override the ai method in a similar manner.
unless Rails.env.development? # only run when not in development
module Kernel
def ap(object, level=nil)
puts object "[ AP called from #{caller(0).last} ]: #{object}"
# i'm not sure if this line is absolutely necessary, but it works.
alias :awesome_print :ap
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