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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Scatterplot: Income Inequality
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"<p>Total employment in 2014: <strong>" + numberFormat(d.major_tot_emp_2014) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Avg income 1999: <strong>$" + numberFormat(1000*(d.major_avg_income_1999)) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Avg income 2014: <strong>$" + numberFormat(d.major_avg_income_2014) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Income growth, 1999-2014: <strong>" + numberFormatDetailed(d.major_income_growth_9914) + "% per year</strong></p>"
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.attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d.major_income_growth_9914); });
line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(d.major_avg_income_1999); })
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"<h2><strong>" + d.major_occupation + "</strong></h2>" +
"<p>Total employment in 2014: <strong>" + numberFormat(d.major_tot_emp_2014) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Avg income 1999: <strong>$" + numberFormat(1000*(d.major_avg_income_1999)) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Avg income 2014: <strong>$" + numberFormat(d.major_avg_income_2014) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Income growth, 1999-2014: <strong>" + numberFormatDetailed(d.major_income_growth_9914) + "% per year</strong></p>"
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"<p>Total employment in 2014: <strong>" + numberFormat(d.tot_emp_2014) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Avg income 1999: <strong>$" + numberFormat(1000*(d.avg_income_1999)) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Avg income 2014: <strong>$" + numberFormat(d.avg_income_2014) + "</strong></p>" +
"<p>Income growth, 1999-2014: <strong>" + numberFormatDetailed(d.income_growth_9914) + "% per year</strong></p>"
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code occupation typical_education tot_emp_1999 tot_emp_2014 avg_income_1999 avg_income_2014 emp_growth_9914 income_growth_9914 major_code major_occupation major_tot_emp_1999 major_tot_emp_2014 major_avg_income_1999 major_avg_income_2014 major_emp_growth_9914 major_income_growth_9914 count opacity cpi_u_rs pred_income_growth major_pred_income_growth
412031 Retail salespersons Less than high school 3729040 4562160 19210 25760 1.35338 1.9752 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.25733 2.36679
412011 Cashiers Less than high school 3162090 3398330 15290 20640 0.4815 2.02035 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.1739 2.36679
353021 Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food Less than high school 1950970 3131390 13810 19110 3.20461 2.18907 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.1424 2.05938
439061 Office clerks, general High school diploma or equivalent 2561300 2889970 21450 30820 0.80812 2.44569 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.30501 2.31985
434051 Customer service representatives High school diploma or equivalent 1789620 2511130 25360 33890 2.28389 1.95178 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.38823 2.31985
353031 Waiters and waitresses Less than high school 2039950 2445230 13430 21640 1.21542 3.23146 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.13431 2.05938
537062 Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand Less than high school 2035640 2400490 19750 27180 1.10515 2.15167 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.26883 2.3016
436014 Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive High school diploma or equivalent 1582080 2207220 24130 34500 2.24478 2.41199 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.36205 2.31985
372011 Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners Less than high school 2090560 2137730 18220 25460 0.14886 2.25566 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 4274200 4371450 18910 26370 0.1501 2.24166 5 0.16 2.37163 2.23626 2.14817
111021 General and operations managers Bachelor's degree 2305610 2049870 65910 117200 -0.78073 3.91185 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.25129 3.37755
435081 Stock clerks and order fillers Less than high school 1800840 1878860 19650 25380 0.28315 1.72053 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.2667 2.31985
533032 Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers Postsecondary non-degree award 1558400 1625290 31900 41930 0.28057 1.83935 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.52743 2.3016
433031 Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks High school diploma or equivalent 1619870 1575060 25250 38070 -0.18684 2.77515 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.38589 2.31985
431011 First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers High school diploma or equivalent 1312630 1404070 36110 54400 0.44996 2.76962 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.61703 2.31985
414012 Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products High school diploma or equivalent 1315900 1394640 43260 65800 0.38819 2.8354 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.76921 2.36679
252021 Elementary school teachers, except special education Bachelor's degree 1357340 1353020 39560 56830 -0.02125 2.44437 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.69046 2.60768
399021 Personal care aides Less than high school 300500 1257000 16060 21210 10.0101 1.87157 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.19029 2.18545
411011 First-line supervisors of retail sales workers High school diploma or equivalent 1237050 1199770 31430 42190 -0.20379 1.98219 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.51742 2.36679
259041 Teacher assistants Some college, no degree 1115820 1192590 17400 26000 0.44457 2.71368 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.21881 2.60768
132011 Accountants and auditors Bachelor's degree 843160 1187310 44320 73670 2.30816 3.44577 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.79177 2.87754
512092 Team assemblers High school diploma or equivalent 1302820 1125160 22200 30740 -0.97261 2.19353 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.32097 2.32226
352014 Cooks, restaurant Less than high school 656540 1104790 17730 23700 3.5304 1.95362 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.22583 2.05938
339032 Security guards High school diploma or equivalent 1088470 1077520 18610 28040 -0.06738 2.77057 330000 Protective Service Occupations 2958730 3297180 29650 43980 0.72466 2.66334 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.24456 2.43627
434171 Receptionists and information clerks High school diploma or equivalent 987680 981150 19870 27830 -0.04421 2.27144 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.27138 2.31985
252031 Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education Bachelor's degree 947010 960380 41430 59330 0.09351 2.42295 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.73026 2.60768
372012 Maids and housekeeping cleaners Less than high school 913470 929540 15530 22500 0.11633 2.50241 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 4274200 4371450 18910 26370 0.1501 2.24166 5 0.16 2.37163 2.17901 2.14817
373011 Landscaping and groundskeeping workers Less than high school 739460 868770 19380 26720 1.08018 2.16423 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 4274200 4371450 18910 26370 0.1501 2.24166 5 0.16 2.37163 2.26095 2.14817
351012 First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers High school diploma or equivalent 545700 867340 23860 32420 3.13728 2.06484 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.3563 2.05938
472061 Construction laborers Less than high school 763450 852870 26510 35750 0.74113 2.01352 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.4127 2.54357
352021 Food preparation workers Less than high school 878650 850220 15740 21340 -0.21904 2.04991 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.18348 2.05938
311011 Home health aides Less than high school 577530 799080 18810 22400 2.18827 1.17129 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 2970780 3940500 19780 28820 1.90106 2.54107 3 0.266667 2.37163 2.24882 2.1715
533033 Light truck or delivery services drivers High school diploma or equivalent 1085050 797010 23530 33870 -2.03575 2.45808 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.34928 2.3016
436011 Executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants High school diploma or equivalent 1316290 713730 30870 53590 -3.99832 3.74563 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.5055 2.31985
292061 Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses Postsecondary non-degree award 688510 695610 29020 43420 0.06842 2.72264 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.46613 2.85473
537064 Packers and packagers, hand Less than high school 1114330 693170 16280 23040 -3.11533 2.34231 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.19497 2.3016
435071 Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks High school diploma or equivalent 886230 661530 22080 31770 -1.9306 2.45533 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.31842 2.31985
333051 Police and sheriff's patrol officers High school diploma or equivalent 581860 638810 38710 59560 0.62446 2.91423 330000 Protective Service Occupations 2958730 3297180 29650 43980 0.72466 2.66334 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.67237 2.43627
493023 Automotive service technicians and mechanics High school diploma or equivalent 587320 633390 30130 39980 0.50471 1.90361 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.48975 2.52103
252022 Middle school teachers, except special and career/technical education Bachelor's degree 570010 630620 39690 57620 0.67594 2.51627 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.69323 2.60768
472031 Carpenters High school diploma or equivalent 771030 617060 34420 45590 -1.4741 1.89133 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.58106 2.54357
231011 Lawyers Doctoral or professional degree 464250 603310 90360 133470 1.76206 2.63461 230000 Legal Occupations 858320 1052900 66780 101110 1.3715 2.80396 2 0.4 2.37163 3.77169 3.43228
511011 First-line supervisors of production and operating workers Postsecondary non-degree award 760050 592830 41250 59060 -1.64287 2.42154 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.72643 2.32226
131111 Management analysts Bachelor's degree 300600 587450 58350 90860 4.568 2.99642 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 3.09039 2.87754
319092 Medical assistants Postsecondary non-degree award 281480 584970 22650 31220 4.99753 2.16237 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 2970780 3940500 19780 28820 1.90106 2.54107 3 0.266667 2.37163 2.33055 2.1715
399011 Childcare workers High school diploma or equivalent 377110 582970 15430 21710 2.94657 2.3025 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.17688 2.18545
353011 Bartenders Less than high school 358450 579700 14700 22620 3.25672 2.91492 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.16134 2.05938
472111 Electricians High school diploma or equivalent 611920 566930 42180 54520 -0.50781 1.72553 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.74622 2.54357
537051 Industrial truck and tractor operators Less than high school 590710 521840 25650 33320 -0.82302 1.75939 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.3944 2.3016
352011 Cooks, fast food Less than high school 418400 519910 13610 19030 1.45865 2.2599 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.13814 2.05938
113031 Financial managers Bachelor's degree 646050 518030 69100 130230 -1.46151 4.31551 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.31919 3.37755
436013 Medical secretaries High school diploma or equivalent 247950 516050 23940 33530 5.00787 2.27134 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.35801 2.31985
433071 Tellers High school diploma or equivalent 453140 514520 18330 26650 0.85048 2.52639 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.2386 2.31985
359021 Dishwashers Less than high school 538360 502280 14090 19540 -0.4614 2.20392 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.14836 2.05938
533022 Bus drivers, school or special client High school diploma or equivalent 463860 499440 20460 29910 0.49391 2.56379 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.28394 2.3016
471011 First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers High school diploma or equivalent 476770 496370 45720 65150 0.26894 2.38914 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.82157 2.54357
433021 Billing and posting clerks High school diploma or equivalent 551410 490860 23880 35560 -0.77247 2.69008 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.35673 2.31985
519061 Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers High school diploma or equivalent 577650 489750 27140 38400 -1.09445 2.34063 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.42611 2.32226
353022 Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop Less than high school 407960 476470 14210 19820 1.04028 2.24309 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.15091 2.05938
131071 Human resources specialists Bachelor's degree 181710 456170 39400 62590 6.32854 3.1337 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.68706 2.87754
412021 Counter and rental clerks Less than high school 392560 437610 16690 27560 0.72689 3.40023 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.2037 2.36679
491011 First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers High school diploma or equivalent 386170 434810 45040 64670 0.79401 2.44096 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.8071 2.52103
333012 Correctional officers and jailers High school diploma or equivalent 381250 434420 31070 44910 0.87418 2.48653 330000 Protective Service Occupations 2958730 3297180 29650 43980 0.72466 2.66334 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.50976 2.43627
519198 Helpers--production workers Less than high school 584060 420520 18680 25600 -2.16627 2.12315 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.24605 2.32226
359011 Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers Less than high school 425600 410460 13940 20510 -0.24119 2.60776 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.14517 2.05938
533031 Driver/sales workers High school diploma or equivalent 385210 405810 22520 27720 0.34791 1.39464 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.32778 2.3016
352012 Cooks, institution and cafeteria Less than high school 438660 402800 17420 24970 -0.56695 2.42942 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.21923 2.05938
514041 Machinists High school diploma or equivalent 419800 392700 30540 41540 -0.44389 2.07197 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.49848 2.32226
519111 Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders High school diploma or equivalent 379760 381760 20790 28940 0.03502 2.22951 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.29096 2.32226
413021 Insurance sales agents High school diploma or equivalent 241730 374700 47690 63730 2.96514 1.95169 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.8635 2.36679
359031 Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop Less than high school 380850 372670 14840 19940 -0.14464 1.98886 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.16432 2.05938
472152 Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters High school diploma or equivalent 413170 372570 38750 54620 -0.68719 2.31485 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.67322 2.54357
514121 Welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers High school diploma or equivalent 410040 369610 27870 40040 -0.68965 2.44493 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.44165 2.32226
292052 Pharmacy technicians High school diploma or equivalent 196430 368760 20050 31090 4.28833 2.96756 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.27521 2.85473
112022 Sales managers Bachelor's degree 367640 358920 69560 126040 -0.1599 4.04229 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.32898 3.37755
211093 Social and human service assistants High school diploma or equivalent 242530 354800 22760 31860 2.56863 2.26764 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.33289 2.48965
252011 Preschool teachers, except special education Associate's degree 339310 352420 19610 32040 0.25305 3.32712 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.26585 2.60768
433011 Bill and account collectors High school diploma or equivalent 383090 346960 24860 35540 -0.65823 2.41127 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.37759 2.31985
472073 Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators High school diploma or equivalent 324350 344510 34760 48020 0.40281 2.17771 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.5883 2.54357
395012 Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists Postsecondary non-degree award 314750 343140 20800 27940 0.57739 1.98686 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.29117 2.18545
414011 Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific products Bachelor's degree 341930 335540 52140 86750 -0.12569 3.45224 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.95821 2.36679
113021 Computer and information systems managers Bachelor's degree 280820 330360 74430 136280 1.08901 4.11475 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.43263 3.37755
537061 Cleaners of vehicles and equipment Less than high school 302380 321740 16650 23340 0.41459 2.27727 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.20284 2.3016
399032 Recreation workers Bachelor's degree 245180 321110 18500 25830 1.81488 2.25005 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.24222 2.18545
413031 Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents Bachelor's degree 249660 316340 71640 103260 1.59064 2.46726 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 3.37325 2.36679
319091 Dental assistants Postsecondary non-degree award 175160 314330 24130 36260 3.97527 2.75226 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 2970780 3940500 19780 28820 1.90106 2.54107 3 0.266667 2.37163 2.36205 2.1715
499041 Industrial machinery mechanics High school diploma or equivalent 176070 313880 36210 50440 3.92943 2.23426 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.61916 2.52103
119111 Medical and health services managers Bachelor's degree 230640 310320 58090 103680 1.998 3.93765 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.08485 3.37755
332011 Firefighters Postsecondary non-degree award 252730 308790 34070 48750 1.34456 2.41734 330000 Protective Service Occupations 2958730 3297180 29650 43980 0.72466 2.66334 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.57361 2.43627
435052 Postal service mail carriers High school diploma or equivalent 352550 307490 36610 51790 -0.90752 2.33945 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.62767 2.31985
132072 Loan officers Bachelor's degree 200180 300580 45210 73670 2.74703 3.30874 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.81072 2.87754
435061 Production, planning, and expediting clerks High school diploma or equivalent 298770 297050 31700 47590 -0.03848 2.74573 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.52317 2.31985
291051 Pharmacists Doctoral or professional degree 226300 290780 63030 118470 1.68542 4.29674 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 3.19 2.85473
131023 Purchasing agents, except wholesale, retail, and farm products High school diploma or equivalent 224110 288430 42510 64730 1.69633 2.8429 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.75325 2.87754
211021 Child, family, and school social workers Bachelor's degree 262570 286520 31720 46180 0.58363 2.53561 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.52359 2.48965
393091 Amusement and recreation attendants Less than high school 190600 274230 14920 20590 2.45492 2.17057 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.16602 2.18545
232011 Paralegals and legal assistants Associate's degree 175870 272580 36550 51840 2.96433 2.35723 230000 Legal Occupations 858320 1052900 66780 101110 1.3715 2.80396 2 0.4 2.37163 2.6264 3.43228
172141 Mechanical engineers Bachelor's degree 202910 270700 57010 87140 1.94024 2.86898 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 2506380 2418020 51600 81520 -0.23898 3.0958 6 0.133333 2.37163 3.06187 3.02507
452092 Farmworkers and laborers, crop, nursery, and greenhouse Less than high school 215080 269650 14150 20820 1.51885 2.60809 450000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 463360 447130 18000 25160 -0.23742 2.25767 1 0.8 2.37163 2.14964 2.12376
113011 Administrative services managers Bachelor's degree 363530 268730 48580 92250 -1.99421 4.36798 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 2.88244 3.37755
131031 Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators High school diploma or equivalent 154770 266280 41960 63500 3.68361 2.80066 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.74154 2.87754
172051 Civil engineers Bachelor's degree 209100 263460 55660 87130 1.55252 3.03267 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 2506380 2418020 51600 81520 -0.23898 3.0958 6 0.133333 2.37163 3.03313 3.02507
132051 Financial analysts Bachelor's degree 142820 262610 56340 92250 4.14413 3.34195 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 3.04761 2.87754
499021 Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers Postsecondary non-degree award 187850 261390 32040 46880 2.2269 2.56984 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.53041 2.52103
439041 Insurance claims and policy processing clerks High school diploma or equivalent 268650 252670 32000 38740 -0.408 1.2824 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.52955 2.31985
353041 Food servers, nonrestaurant Less than high school 192850 250840 16170 22510 1.76813 2.22984 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.19263 2.05938
411012 First-line supervisors of non-retail sales workers High school diploma or equivalent 302870 248770 53380 84010 -1.30327 3.0695 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.98461 2.36679
131041 Compliance officers Bachelor's degree 123280 246970 41960 68000 4.74101 3.27096 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.74154 2.87754
211012 Educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors Master's degree 190930 246280 41490 56040 1.71156 2.02431 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.73154 2.48965
111011 Chief executives Bachelor's degree 597060 246240 101240 180700 -5.73379 3.93785 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 4.00326 3.37755
493031 Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists High school diploma or equivalent 273320 243080 31800 45160 -0.77864 2.36586 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.5253 2.52103
434081 Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks High school diploma or equivalent 152040 241140 16200 22180 3.12266 2.11662 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.19327 2.31985
399031 Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors High school diploma or equivalent 127310 241000 27300 39410 4.34628 2.47775 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.42952 2.18545
172112 Industrial engineers Bachelor's degree 155910 236990 57450 85110 2.83092 2.65483 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 2506380 2418020 51600 81520 -0.23898 3.0958 6 0.133333 2.37163 3.07123 3.02507
292041 Emergency medical technicians and paramedics Postsecondary non-degree award 172360 235760 23280 35110 2.11015 2.77714 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.34396 2.85473
419041 Telemarketers Less than high school 485650 234520 21100 25800 -4.73711 1.3497 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.29756 2.36679
119032 Education administrators, elementary and secondary school Master's degree 186220 231800 65480 91780 1.47035 2.27652 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.24214 3.37755
412022 Parts salespersons Less than high school 265380 231240 25410 32450 -0.91384 1.64375 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.38929 2.36679
119021 Construction managers Bachelor's degree 240490 227710 60160 94590 -0.36338 3.06293 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.12891 3.37755
492022 Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers, except line installers Postsecondary non-degree award 172700 213620 41130 54630 1.42771 1.91032 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.72388 2.52103
436012 Legal secretaries High school diploma or equivalent 272090 212910 32200 45670 -1.62179 2.35719 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.53381 2.31985
434131 Loan interviewers and clerks High school diploma or equivalent 145400 212440 26600 38120 2.56003 2.42786 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.41462 2.31985
272022 Coaches and scouts Bachelor's degree 65820 211760 32010 39150 8.10167 1.3514 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 1551600 1793700 37650 55790 0.97131 2.65641 3 0.266667 2.37163 2.52977 2.65087
131051 Cost estimators Bachelor's degree 201500 209130 46000 64340 0.24809 2.26214 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.82753 2.87754
273031 Public relations specialists Bachelor's degree 118280 208030 40780 64050 3.83593 3.05557 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 1551600 1793700 37650 55790 0.97131 2.65641 3 0.266667 2.37163 2.71643 2.65087
512022 Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers High school diploma or equivalent 387430 207330 21840 32070 -4.08248 2.59427 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.31331 2.32226
439021 Data entry keyers High school diploma or equivalent 520220 205950 21070 30130 -5.99052 2.41313 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.29692 2.31985
472141 Painters, construction and maintenance Less than high school 260880 204600 29280 39780 -1.60697 2.06408 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.47166 2.54357
253021 Self-enrichment education teachers High school diploma or equivalent 125650 202360 29900 41020 3.22799 2.13038 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.48486 2.60768
291123 Physical therapists Doctoral or professional degree 131050 200670 58350 83940 2.88128 2.45391 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 3.09039 2.85473
516011 Laundry and dry-cleaning workers Less than high school 217350 199330 15760 22170 -0.57532 2.30118 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.1839 2.32226
119051 Food service managers High school diploma or equivalent 287940 198610 33360 53500 -2.44566 3.19893 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 2.5585 3.37755
271024 Graphic designers Bachelor's degree 119820 197540 36210 50670 3.38917 2.26527 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 1551600 1793700 37650 55790 0.97131 2.65641 3 0.266667 2.37163 2.61916 2.65087
531031 First-line supervisors of transportation and material-moving machine and vehicle operators High school diploma or equivalent 175260 197000 41650 57530 0.7826 2.17672 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.73494 2.3016
292021 Dental hygienists Associate's degree 90050 196520 48150 71970 5.34038 2.71574 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.87329 2.85473
132052 Personal financial advisors Bachelor's degree 79970 196490 64680 108090 6.17629 3.48269 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 3.22511 2.87754
292034 Radiologic technologists Associate's degree 177850 193400 35510 57510 0.56036 3.26651 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.60426 2.85473
434111 Interviewers, except eligibility and loan High school diploma or equivalent 164310 190710 21320 32230 0.99828 2.79332 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.30224 2.31985
434151 Order clerks High school diploma or equivalent 376430 190390 23950 33110 -4.44267 2.18259 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.35822 2.31985
435032 Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance High school diploma or equivalent 171560 190330 29420 39710 0.69458 2.01965 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.47464 2.31985
514031 Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic High school diploma or equivalent 353300 190250 23640 32430 -4.04254 2.12999 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.35162 2.32226
292071 Medical records and health information technicians Postsecondary non-degree award 142720 184740 23150 38860 1.73532 3.51345 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.34119 2.85473
112021 Marketing managers Bachelor's degree 202710 184490 71010 137400 -0.62591 4.49876 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.35984 3.37755
352015 Cooks, short order Less than high school 163160 180800 15560 21430 0.68675 2.15685 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.17965 2.05938
119041 Architectural and engineering managers Bachelor's degree 248210 179320 81560 138720 -2.14404 3.60422 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.58439 3.37755
533041 Taxi drivers and chauffeurs Less than high school 119630 178260 18200 25690 2.6946 2.32447 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.23584 2.3016
172071 Electrical engineers Bachelor's degree 149210 174550 61520 95780 1.0512 2.99526 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 2506380 2418020 51600 81520 -0.23898 3.0958 6 0.133333 2.37163 3.15786 3.02507
513011 Bakers Less than high school 176080 173730 19990 25550 -0.08953 1.64949 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.27393 2.32226
531021 First-line supervisors of helpers, laborers, and material movers, hand High school diploma or equivalent 138210 171720 35080 48980 1.4578 2.25015 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.59511 2.3016
119141 Property, real estate, and community association managers High school diploma or equivalent 143040 171140 40940 65880 1.20289 3.22234 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 2.71983 3.37755
371011 First-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial workers High school diploma or equivalent 202460 168960 24270 39110 -1.19863 3.23205 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 4274200 4371450 18910 26370 0.1501 2.24166 5 0.16 2.37163 2.36503 2.14817
251071 Health specialties teachers, postsecondary Doctoral or professional degree 72130 168090 66470 112950 5.80229 3.59784 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 3.26321 2.60768
113051 Industrial production managers Bachelor's degree 213510 167200 61480 101640 -1.61674 3.4083 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.15701 3.37755
433051 Payroll and timekeeping clerks High school diploma or equivalent 196660 166400 26800 40910 -1.1077 2.85995 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.41888 2.31985
391021 First-line supervisors of personal service workers High school diploma or equivalent 84610 161990 29150 38240 4.42499 1.82599 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.46889 2.18545
392021 Nonfarm animal caretakers Less than high school 84760 161820 17160 22970 4.40535 1.96307 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.2137 2.18545
292011 Medical and clinical laboratory technologists Bachelor's degree 145750 161710 39310 60560 0.69515 2.92294 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.68514 2.85473
292012 Medical and clinical laboratory technicians Associate's degree 142090 160460 28430 40750 0.81385 2.42911 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.45357 2.85473
252012 Kindergarten teachers, except special education Bachelor's degree 158250 158240 36770 53480 -0.000421 2.52895 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.63108 2.60768
533021 Bus drivers, transit and intercity High school diploma or equivalent 160210 158050 26450 39410 -0.09045 2.69407 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.41143 2.3016
419022 Real estate sales agents High school diploma or equivalent 107680 157660 36990 55530 2.57443 2.74552 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.63576 2.36679
413011 Advertising sales agents High school diploma or equivalent 142830 154220 41400 60910 0.51281 2.60753 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 12938130 14248470 27060 38660 0.64521 2.40683 13 0.061538 2.37163 2.72962 2.36679
472051 Cement masons and concrete finishers Less than high school 151760 152570 31210 40970 0.03549 1.83056 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.51274 2.54357
513022 Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers Less than high school 159890 150310 17370 24190 -0.41106 2.23252 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.21817 2.32226
434071 File clerks High school diploma or equivalent 266890 148280 18590 29510 -3.84246 3.12865 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.24414 2.31985
514011 Computer-controlled machine tool operators, metal and plastic High school diploma or equivalent 168170 148040 28420 37920 -0.84635 1.94117 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.45336 2.32226
211022 Healthcare social workers Master's degree 101680 145920 35400 53590 2.43742 2.8029 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.60192 2.48965
516031 Sewing machine operators Less than high school 403770 142070 16750 23990 -6.72658 2.42383 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.20497 2.32226
474051 Highway maintenance workers High school diploma or equivalent 139540 140650 26730 37910 0.05284 2.35687 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.41739 2.54357
434181 Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks High school diploma or equivalent 222340 138260 25930 34790 -3.11752 1.97885 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.40036 2.31985
493021 Automotive body and related repairers High school diploma or equivalent 179960 137140 33720 43870 -1.79524 1.76974 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.56616 2.52103
513021 Butchers and meat cutters Less than high school 138870 137050 24890 30380 -0.08791 1.33766 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.37822 2.32226
173023 Electrical and electronics engineering technicians Associate's degree 242160 137040 39390 60330 -3.72438 2.88289 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 2506380 2418020 51600 81520 -0.23898 3.0958 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.68684 3.02507
536021 Parking lot attendants Less than high school 109340 136440 15350 21610 1.4871 2.30647 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.17518 2.3016
434161 Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping High school diploma or equivalent 174110 135270 27140 38980 -1.66868 2.44296 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.42611 2.31985
172072 Electronics engineers, except computer Bachelor's degree 106830 133990 63410 99660 1.52164 3.06017 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 2506380 2418020 51600 81520 -0.23898 3.0958 6 0.133333 2.37163 3.19808 3.02507
259031 Instructional coordinators Master's degree 76870 133780 43800 64040 3.76294 2.56483 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.7807 2.60768
254021 Librarians Master's degree 137760 133150 41270 58110 -0.22665 2.30757 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.72686 2.60768
472211 Sheet metal workers High school diploma or equivalent 231690 132530 33110 48700 -3.65546 2.60566 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.55318 2.54357
119033 Education administrators, postsecondary Master's degree 95690 131070 60170 101910 2.1196 3.5752 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.12912 3.37755
514072 Molding, coremaking, and casting machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic High school diploma or equivalent 179640 128540 22480 30600 -2.20672 2.0771 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.32693 2.32226
434031 Court, municipal, and license clerks High school diploma or equivalent 93910 128490 26700 37340 2.11209 2.2612 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.41675 2.31985
499098 Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers High school diploma or equivalent 145610 126980 20860 27720 -0.90853 1.91355 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.29245 2.52103
291127 Speech-language pathologists Master's degree 85920 126500 47820 74900 2.61238 3.03659 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.86627 2.85473
251191 Graduate teaching assistants Bachelor's degree 124750 126030 20840 32970 0.06808 3.1054 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.29202 2.60768
291062 Family and general practitioners Doctoral or professional degree 134490 124810 104090 186320 -0.49674 3.95771 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 4.06392 2.85473
519023 Mixing and blending machine setters, operators, and tenders High school diploma or equivalent 114540 122670 26360 35950 0.4582 2.09009 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.40951 2.32226
434061 Eligibility interviewers, government programs High school diploma or equivalent 107650 122400 29290 42460 0.85974 2.50634 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.47187 2.31985
435053 Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators High school diploma or equivalent 234820 121590 30100 48710 -4.29289 3.26111 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.48911 2.31985
251194 Vocational education teachers, postsecondary Bachelor's degree 129780 121200 37650 53130 -0.45495 2.32262 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 7344830 8435780 36040 52210 0.92751 2.50175 12 0.066667 2.37163 2.64981 2.60768
513092 Food batchmakers High school diploma or equivalent 64760 120850 21260 28790 4.24678 2.04191 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.30096 2.32226
211014 Mental health counselors Master's degree 62910 120010 29430 43990 4.39984 2.71588 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.47485 2.48965
291126 Respiratory therapists Associate's degree 80230 119410 36860 58490 2.68656 3.12606 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.63299 2.85473
493042 Mobile heavy equipment mechanics, except engines High school diploma or equivalent 113540 119280 33790 48720 0.32933 2.4695 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.56765 2.52103
351011 Chefs and head cooks High school diploma or equivalent 118070 118130 28040 45880 0.00339 3.33712 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 9687970 12277720 15600 21980 1.59188 2.31207 15 0.053333 2.37163 2.44527 2.05938
493011 Aircraft mechanics and service technicians Postsecondary non-degree award 125970 116830 39280 58850 -0.5009 2.73182 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.6845 2.52103
119151 Social and community service managers Bachelor's degree 88340 116670 40370 67730 1.87168 3.5098 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 2.7077 3.37755
537081 Refuse and recyclable material collectors Less than high school 135320 115170 25020 36030 -1.06913 2.46097 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.38099 2.3016
499051 Electrical power-line installers and repairers High school diploma or equivalent 99090 114540 43490 64990 0.97065 2.7142 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.77411 2.52103
499052 Telecommunications line installers and repairers High school diploma or equivalent 158990 114420 35790 54430 -2.16923 2.83441 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.61022 2.52103
393031 Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers Less than high school 88590 113700 14050 20530 1.67754 2.56067 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 2556920 4154360 20300 24980 3.28862 1.39264 9 0.088889 2.37163 2.14751 2.18545
518031 Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators High school diploma or equivalent 81830 111640 31350 46140 2.0925 2.60992 510000 Production Occupations 12620920 8934050 25400 35490 -2.27692 2.25506 19 0.042105 2.37163 2.51572 2.32226
492011 Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers Some college, no degree 130090 110940 31290 38450 -1.05597 1.38321 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.51444 2.52103
131022 Wholesale and retail buyers, except farm products High school diploma or equivalent 133070 110560 39770 58190 -1.22785 2.5698 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 4361980 6828940 46100 72410 3.03339 3.05597 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.69493 2.87754
291122 Occupational therapists Master's degree 78950 110520 51910 80000 2.26788 2.92541 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6001950 7854380 45250 76010 1.80942 3.51822 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.95332 2.85473
211023 Mental health and substance abuse social workers Bachelor's degree 72730 109460 31150 45820 2.76285 2.60609 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.51146 2.48965
432011 Switchboard operators, including answering service High school diploma or equivalent 248570 108890 19780 28000 -5.35392 2.34394 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.26946 2.31985
333021 Detectives and criminal investigators High school diploma or equivalent 83340 108720 47620 80540 1.78811 3.56543 330000 Protective Service Occupations 2958730 3297180 29650 43980 0.72466 2.66334 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.86201 2.43627
113071 Transportation, storage, and distribution managers High school diploma or equivalent 123450 106000 54140 93180 -1.01084 3.68604 110000 Management Occupations 8063410 6741640 64740 112490 -1.18646 3.75191 17 0.047059 2.37163 3.00078 3.37755
536031 Automotive and watercraft service attendants Less than high school 109050 104750 15770 22660 -0.26784 2.44605 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.18412 2.3016
193031 Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists Doctoral or professional degree 92460 104730 49720 74030 0.83419 2.68928 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 909530 1144440 45660 70070 1.54341 2.8963 2 0.4 2.37163 2.90671 2.86573
537063 Machine feeders and offbearers Less than high school 176400 104340 20890 30630 -3.4401 2.58422 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9538820 9249310 24630 34460 -0.20526 2.26414 16 0.05 2.37163 2.29309 2.3016
211015 Rehabilitation counselors Master's degree 93130 103890 26520 37890 0.73157 2.4071 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 1404540 1930750 31640 45310 2.14398 2.42292 7 0.114286 2.37163 2.41292 2.48965
472181 Roofers Less than high school 115280 103650 29870 39600 -0.70645 1.89761 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 5938860 5290270 33650 46600 -0.76802 2.19431 11 0.072727 2.37163 2.48422 2.54357
331012 First-line supervisors of police and detectives High school diploma or equivalent 111600 101420 54100 84260 -0.63564 2.99788 330000 Protective Service Occupations 2958730 3297180 29650 43980 0.72466 2.66334 6 0.133333 2.37163 2.99993 2.43627
371012 First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers High school diploma or equivalent 91330 101190 33000 46020 0.68581 2.24188 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 4274200 4371450 18910 26370 0.1501 2.24166 5 0.16 2.37163 2.55084 2.14817
434121 Library assistants, clerical High school diploma or equivalent 89050 100800 19010 26010 0.82969 2.1121 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 22562480 21638470 25310 35530 -0.27838 2.28694 32 0.025 2.37163 2.25308 2.31985
191042 Medical scientists, except epidemiologists Doctoral or professional degree 21200 100740 55880 90160 10.9493 3.2406 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 909530 1144440 45660 70070 1.54341 2.8963 2 0.4 2.37163 3.03782 2.86573
493093 Tire repairers and changers High school diploma or equivalent 99880 100510 18630 25610 0.04193 2.14406 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 5140210 5244670 32810 45220 0.13421 2.16174 14 0.057143 2.37163 2.24499 2.52103
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<div id="content">
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<div class="button selected" id="switchMajor">General occupations</div>
<div class="button" id="switchDetailed">Specific jobs*</div>
<div id="header">
<div id="block"></div>
<h1>America's income growth</h1>
<div id="select">
<select id="selectMenu" onchange="highlight()">
<option value="scatter">All occupations</option>
<option value="code370000">Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance</option>
<option value="code130000">Business and financial operations</option>
<option value="code470000">Construction and extraction</option>
<option value="code250000">Education, training, and library</option>
<option value="code350000">Food preparation and serving related</option>
<option value="code290000">Healthcare practitioners and technical</option>
<option value="code310000">Healthcare support</option>
<option value="code490000">Installation, maintenance, and repair</option>
<option value="code110000">Management</option>
<option value="code430000">Office and administrative support</option>
<option value="code390000">Personal care and service</option>
<option value="code510000">Production</option>
<option value="code330000">Protective service</option>
<option value="code410000">Sales and related</option>
<option value="code530000">Transportation and material moving</option>
<div id="container">
<div id="chart"></div>
<p id="note">*With at least 100,000 workers</p>
<p id="source">Source: U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="chart.js"></script>
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