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Last active April 5, 2020 15:08
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A way to use Cloudflare CDN with Netlify
1- Create Github account.
2- Create your private repo and push your files.
3- Login into Netlify with Github and add your repo there.
4- Given that you have your netlify.toml in your project already configured. Keep Post Process disabled.
5- Add your domain to Netlify, but do not configure the DNS nor Alias.
6- Create a Cloudflare account.
7- Add your domain there and configure the DNS to theirs where you bought your domain.
8- Configure the DNS adding CNAME @ with generated Netlify URL from your project in target and CNAME www with @ in target. Both with orange cloud activated (proxified).
9- SSL > Full.
10- Speed > Optimization, Activate Brotli and Rocket Loader and Minify all 3 options.
11- Caching > Browser Cache TTL to Respect Existing Headers and Always Online to ON. Given that you are setting the s-max-age header in the netlify.toml file in your project.
12- Network > Activate HTTP/3 and 0-RTT Connection Resumption.
13- Scrape Shield > Activate all 3 options.
14- Create a account, or use another similar service.
15- Create a Scenario with a WebHook and point to a HTTP Request and configure based on the steps below.
16- Add the Webhook url to Netlify as Deploy is Successful.
17- Wait for some time for the DNS to take effect.
18- Done.
Make sure you are using proper CSP headers to have certain Cloudflare features working.
Cloudflare Purge Cache Steps - Http Request:
1) Create a new webhook
2) Set URL method as DELETE and value as<ZONE_ID>/purge_cache. You can find the Zone ID in the Overview page of your site in Cloudflare.
3) Set triggers and filters. (Depends on the Service used)
4) Add customer headers X-Auth-Email and X-Auth-Key. The values are your Cloudflare account e-mail and main API key, which can be found in My Profile --> API Keys.
5) Set Content type as application/json.
6) Check Automatically compute the value of the Content-Length header. (Depends on the Service used)
7) Select Customize the webhook payload and set the following payload:
"purge_everything": true
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