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Last active May 15, 2023 19:29
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Git Signing Commit Verification for Local and Yubikey - How to setup

How to

sudo apt install git gnupg gpg -y

Why I put this together? These informations came from different places, but I didnt find them all in one place, so I added them all here. I take no credit for it.

Generated Key Steps

Generate new gpg key

gpg --gen-key


  • Enter the email address, ensure that you enter the verified email address from the git provider
  • No expiration
  • Add a password if you prefer

Yubikey Steps

If you are also going to use a Yubikey, install their lib

  1. Plug your Yubikey into USB
  2. Type gpg --card-edit and the information from the card should appear, and you also have access to it
  3. Enter admin mode by typing admin
  4. (Optional) You can change the password (PIN) and (Admin PIN) by typing passwd
  5. Generate a gpgkey by typing generate
  6. Your own choice whether you want a off-card backup
  7. If you have a key already in the card, and try to generate another, it will give a option to replace or not
  8. Type 0 so the key does not expire and y to confirm.
  9. Identity, set exactly what you used at the git provider, after you press O for Okay
  10. It will show you the paths that it created for the backup and the rest
  11. To quit the card-edit, type quit
  12. Type gpg --card-status to show all the information, it will include data from the new generated key. Any key you see is also a identifier, there is the signature, encryption and authentication, though this has no use for commit signing.
  13. Now you continue the steps from the armor export command below from all steps

(Optional): You can import a gpg key into the card, but it's one way, you cannot remove it. Also if you lose the yubikey, you obviously lose the gpg key, so back it up, if you do this way.

  1. Type gpg --edit-key <KEY_ID> or <EMAIL>
  2. It will show the secret key, move by typing key 0 and keytocard
  3. Type y to confirm the move
  4. Type 1, that will use the signature key slot
  5. Now type key 1, it will show a * for the selected sub key and keytocard
  6. Type 2 for encryption key slot
  7. If you list the keys with gpg --list-keys the specific key will have a > in the right side indicating that is stored somewhere else

For all steps

After being created and return, copy your key id <KEY_ID> (without < and >)

pub   4096R/<KEY_ID> 2023-05-01
uid                          User Name <>
ssb   4096R/62E5B29EEA7145E 2023-05-01

List generated keys

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

Export the (public) key that you specify in ASCII-armored format

gpg --armor --export <KEY_ID>/<EMAIL>

Additionally, you can add --output pubkey.asc in the command above to generate a file with the key.

Now, add it to Github or whatever provider you might be using. Follow steps from the url below if you dont know

Note: You can also enable the Flag unsigned commits as unverified in the keys page in Github, if you prefer.

Specifiy, so git auto sign your key

git config --global user.signingkey <KEY_ID>
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global tag.gpgSign true
git config --global tag.forceSignAnnotated true
git config --global gpg.program $(which gpg2)

Note: There is a command that should not be used by default, at least Github do NOT support it, to push signed. If you want to test, type git config --global push.gpgSign true, if it fail, you can set to false.

Edit / Create ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf and add a way for the gpg agent to remember your passphrase for 12 hours in seconds

default-cache-ttl 43200
max-cache-ttl 42300

You can check if gpg is running or not. If not.

gpg-agent --daemon


If you need the key in another machine. You can export the key

gpg --output gpgseckey.gpg --armor --export-secret-key <KEY_ID>

Import public and secret keys in the other machine

gpg --import ~/gpgpubkey.gpg
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import ~/gpgseckey.gpg


sec - Secret key
SC - Signing and Certifying
ssb - Sub key
E - Signed and Certified for Encrypting
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