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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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CoffeeOps 04/24 questions from Adam's ChefConf 2015 keynote

Questions from ChefConf 2015 Keynote

Start at the 11:00 min mark

Are we trying to create a high-velocity organization? Why and how?

Safety is defined as "the ability for individuals to act without fear of unintended consequences". How should we improve how we build systems to make them safer?

16:16 - Knowledge

Do you agree that access to financial data would help EPG engineers make faster progress towards our $20B in 2020 goal?

If so, what data do we need and how do we disseminate it?

23:40 Failure

How do we treat failure as an organization?

27:00 Sense of Larger Purpose

  1. Make it public
  2. Aim for one sentence
  3. Include people you are trying to help
  4. Include your product or service
  5. Include the change the people you are helping will see

What's our sense of purpose? Why does EPG exist? Why does each team exist?

29:12 Beliefs

  1. What brings about good outcomes in your environment
  2. Public
  3. Active voice
  4. Include the principals of DevOps
  5. Mix in things which are unique to Nordstrom/EPG

"We build software for users; we do what is right for them. (The right hard thing)"

What are our beliefs?

31:35 Empowered Teams

  1. Permission to act
  2. Context to make good decisions

33:01 Leaders who care about your purpose

  1. And share those Beliefs

Do we have empowered teams? How do we know?

Do we provide enough context for empowered teams to make decisions which align with EPG goals?

=========== Stop Here ==============

35:00 Form diverse bonds

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