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Created May 31, 2023 22:41
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Next JS generateMetadata function to twitter opengraph
export async function generateMetadata(
{ params }: { params: { slug: string } }): Promise<Metadata> {
const data: PostFullProps = await getData(params.slug);
return {
title: 'title of your page',
metadataBase: new URL("YOUR_BASE_URL"),
description: 'page description',
keywords: [],
authors: [{ name: 'YOUR NAME' }],
creator: 'YOUR NAME' ,
publisher: 'YOUR NAME' ,
openGraph: {
images: [''],
description: 'page description',
type: 'article',
url: 'YOUR_BASE_URL' + params.slug,
title: 'title of your page',
twitter: {
images: [''],
card: 'summary_large_image',
title: 'title of your page',
description: 'page description',
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