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Forked from theagreeablecow/setupnewuser.ps1
Created January 15, 2018 17:42
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Setup New User in AD, Exchange and Lync
# This script will set up AD, User Directories, Exchange and Lync, using basic data retrived from a CSV file
# Requires the Active Directory module for Windows Powershell and appropriate credentials
# CSV file with corresponding header and user(s) info:
# Office,UserName,FirstName,LastName,Initial,Department,Role,Title,SetupSameAs,Manager,MailboxAccess,Extension,Mobile
$exchangeserver = ""
$Lyncserver = ""
$DC = ""
$AdminEmail = ""
$ScriptUser = $env:username
$usercredential= get-credential -credential domain\AdminUser
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Loading modules for AD, Exchange and Lync..."
$exchangeSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://$exchangeserver/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $UserCredential
Import-PsSession $exchangesession
$lyncsession = new-pssession -connectionuri https://$Lyncserver/ocspowershell -credential $usercredential
Import-PSSession $lyncsession
import-module ActiveDirectory
#Get Script User's Name
$ScriptUserDetails = Get-ADUser $ScriptUser -Server $DC -properties givenName | select-object givenName
$ScriptUserName = $ScriptUserDetails.givenName
#Email Communications
$EmailCC1 = ""
$EmailCC2 = ""
$InputPath = "\\\Scripts\Data\"
$InputFile = $InputPath + "NewUserInfo.csv"
Invoke-Item $inputFile
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Update user details and save CSV file. Press any key to continue"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
$inputFile = Import-CSV $inputFile
foreach($line in $inputFile)
#Retrieve user details from CSV file
$office = $line.Office
$username = $line.UserName
$firstname = $line.FirstName
$lastname = $line.LastName
$initial = $line.Initial
$department = $line.Department
$Role = $line.Role
$title = $line.Title
$SetupSameAs = $line.SetupSameAs
$manager = $line.Manager
$MailboxAccess = $line.MailboxAccess
$Extension = $line.Extension
$Extension = $Extension.substring($Extension.length -3, 3)
$Mobile = $line.Mobile
$info = ""
#Prompt for any missing details
if ($username -eq "") {$username = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Unique Username"}
if ($office -eq "") {$office = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Office for"}
if ($initial -eq "") {$initial = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Unique User Initials"}
if ($department -eq "") {$department = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Department"}
if ($Role -eq "") {$Role = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Role"}
if ($title -eq "") {$title = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Title"}
if ($SetupSameAs -eq "") {$SetupSameAs = read-host -prompt "Please Enter SetupSameAs"}
if ($manager -eq "") {$manager = read-host -prompt "Please Enter thier Manager's Username"}
if ($Extension -eq "") {$Extension = read-host -prompt "Please Enter 3 Digit Phone Extension"}
#if ($Mobile -eq "") {$Mobile = read-host -prompt "Please Enter Mobile in (+61) 405 123 123 format"}
#Get 'SetupSameAs' Details
$SameAsDetails = Get-ADUser $SetupSameAs -Server $DC -properties Office,DisplayName,sAMAccountName | select-object Office,DisplayName,sAMAccountName
$SameAsOffice = $SameAsDetails.Office
$SameAsDisplayName = $SameAsDetails.DisplayName
#Get Script User's Details
$ScriptUserDetails = Get-ADUser $ScriptUser -Server $DC -properties mail | select-object mail
$ScriptUserMail = $ScriptUserDetails.mail
#Define Fixed Variables
$umpolicy="UMDial Default Policy"
$companyname="My Company"
$Country = "Australia"
$DisplayName = $firstname +" " +$lastname
$SharepointPage = "http://intranet/my/Person.aspx?accountname=domain\" +$username
$HomePath = "\\fileserver\home$\" +$username
$LogFile = $InputPath+"SetupLog_" +$username +".txt"
#Define Generated and Localised Variables
$Name=$Firstname+" "+$Lastname
$accountpassword = read-host -assecurestring -prompt "Please enter temporary password for new user"
$upn = $username+ ""
$email = $Firstname+"."+$Lastname +""
if ($office -eq "City1")
$EnableVoice = $True
$Telephone = "(+61) 3 1234 5" +$Extension
$Street = "123 My Street"
$City = "City"
$State = "State"
$PostCode = "3000"
$ProfilePath = "\\fileserver\profiles\" +$username
$Fax = "(+61) 3 1234 5678 "
$IPphone = "3" +$Extension
$teluri = "tel:+612345" +$Extension +";ext=" +$IPphone
$info = "random text about user"
$Operator = "1000"
elseif ($office -eq "City2")
$EnableVoice = $True
$Telephone = "(+61) 3 1234 5" +$Extension
$Street = "123 My Street"
$City = "City"
$State = "State"
$PostCode = "3000"
$ProfilePath = "\\fileserver\profiles\" +$username
$Fax = "(+61) 3 1234 5678 "
$IPphone = "3" +$Extension
$teluri = "tel:+612345" +$Extension +";ext=" +$IPphone
$info = "random text about user"
$Operator = "1000"
elseif ($office -eq "City3")
$EnableVoice = $True
$Telephone = "(+61) 3 1234 5" +$Extension
$Street = "123 My Street"
$City = "City"
$State = "State"
$PostCode = "3000"
$ProfilePath = "\\fileserver\profiles\" +$username
$Fax = "(+61) 3 1234 5678 "
$IPphone = "3" +$Extension
$teluri = "tel:+612345" +$Extension +";ext=" +$IPphone
$info = "random text about user"
$Operator = "1000"
elseif ($office -eq "City4")
$EnableVoice = $True
$Telephone = "(+61) 3 1234 5" +$Extension
$Street = "123 My Street"
$City = "City"
$State = "State"
$PostCode = "3000"
$ProfilePath = "\\fileserver\profiles\" +$username
$Fax = "(+61) 3 1234 5678 "
$IPphone = "3" +$Extension
$teluri = "tel:+612345" +$Extension +";ext=" +$IPphone
$info = "random text about user"
$Operator = "1000"
write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Office not recognised. Quitting..."
# $archivedatabase="Your Database holding online archives"
# $retentionpolicy="Your retention policy"
# $dialplan="Lync Voice Dial Plan"
# $voicepolicy="Lync Voice Policy"
# $locationpolicy="Lync Location Policy"
# $externalaccesspolicy="Lync External Access Policy"
Start-Transcript -path $LogFile -append
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "New user setup starting for:" $firstname $lastname
write-host "`r"
#Create user and enable mailbox
New-Mailbox -DomainController $DC -name $name -userprincipalname $upn -Alias $username -OrganizationalUnit $userou -SamAccountName $username -FirstName $FirstName -Initials $initial -LastName $LastName -Password $accountpassword -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true -Database $mailboxdatabase | out-null
#OPTIONAL/FUTURE: -Archive -ArchiveDatabase $archivedatabase -RetentionPolicy $retentionpolicy
#pause for Exchange
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "New mailbox created - Pausing 10 seconds for Exchange changes"
write-host "`r"
Start-Sleep -s 10
#Update Notes info
Get-Mailbox $username -DomainController $DC | Set-User -DomainController $DC -notes $info
#Enable For Unified Messaging
if ($EnableVoice -eq $true)
Get-Mailbox $username -DomainController $DC | Enable-UMMailbox -DomainController $DC -ummailboxpolicy $umpolicy -sipresourceidentifier $email -extensions $IPphone
Start-Sleep -s 5
Get-Mailbox $username -DomainController $DC | Set-UMMailbox -OperatorNumber $Operator
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Unified Messaging Properties updated - Pausing 10 Seconds for Exchange changes"
write-host "`r"
Start-Sleep -s 10
#Setup mailbox permissions
if (!($MailboxAccess -eq "")) {Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $manager -User $username -AccessRights 'FullAccess'}
#Update user properties
Set-ADUser -server $DC -Identity $username -City $City -Company $companyname -Country "AU" -Department $department -description $title -DisplayName $DisplayName -Division $department -Fax $Fax -HomePage $SharepointPage -Manager $manager -Office $office -OfficePhone $Telephone -postalCode $PostCode -profilePath $ProfilePath -State $State -StreetAddress $Street -Title $title -add @{ipphone=$IPphone}
#Update non-mandatory items
if (!($Mobile -eq "")) {Set-ADUser -server $DC -Identity $username -Replace @{mobile=$Mobile}}
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Active Directory properties updated"
write-host "`r"
#Add to Groups (using SetupSameAs)
$ds = new-object directoryServices.directorySearcher
$ds.filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(samAccountName="+$SetupSameAs+"))"
$dn = $ds.findOne()
$user = [ADSI]$dn.path
foreach ($group in $user.memberof)
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $username
#Trim group names
$GroupTrim = $group.indexof(",OU=")
if ($GroupTrim -gt 0)
$GroupName = $group.substring(0,$GroupTrim)
$GroupName = $GroupName -replace ("CN="," `n")
$RPTGroups = $RPTGroups+" "+$GroupName
#pause for AD changes
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Active Directory groups and permissions update - Pausing 10 Seconds for all AD changes"
write-host "`r"
Start-Sleep -s 10
# User profile
$win7Profile = $ProfilePath +".V2"
IF (!(TEST-PATH $win7Profile)) {NEW-ITEM $win7Profile -type Directory}
#Build Access Control Entry List
$colRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
$InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
$PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None
$objType =[System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("MyDomain\"+$username)
$objACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($objUser, $colRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $objType)
#Apply Permissions
$objACL = Get-ACL $win7Profile
Set-ACL $win7Profile $objACL
#Apply Ownership
$objACL = Get-ACL $win7Profile
Set-Acl -aclobject $objACL -path $win7Profile -passthru
# User Home Drive
IF (!(TEST-PATH $HomePath)) {NEW-ITEM $HomePath -type Directory}
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "User Directories Created"
write-host "`r"
#enable for lync and configure settings
Get-mailbox $username -DomainController $DC | Enable-csuser -DomainController $DC -registrarpool $lyncserver -sipaddresstype EmailAddress -sipdomain $sipdomain
#pause for Lync changes
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "User setup for Lync - Pausing 10 Seconds for Lync Changes"
write-host "`r"
Start-Sleep -s 10
#Enable For Enterprise Voice
if ($EnableVoice -eq $true) {Get-mailbox $username -DomainController $DC | Set-CSUser -DomainController $DC -enterprisevoiceenabled $True -lineuri $teluri}
#OPTIONAL/FUTURE (if not <Default>):
#Get-mailbox $username | Grant-CSVoicePolicy -policyname $voicepolicy
#Get-mailbox $username | Grant-CSDialPlan -policyname $dialplan
#Get-mailbox $username | Grant-CSLocationPolicy -policyname $locationpolicy
#Get-mailbox $username | Grant-CSExternalAccessPolicy -policyname $externalaccesspolicy
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Applying final user settings and generating report..."
write-host "`r"
Start-Sleep -s 10
#Active Directory
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Active Directory Details"
Get-ADUser $username -Server $DC
write-host "`r"
write-host "New user has been added to the following groups:" $RPTGroups
write-host "`r"
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "User Directories"
write-host "`r"
write-host "Profile Path is " $win7Profile
write-host "Home Path is " $HomePath
write-host "`r"
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Exchange Details"
Get-Mailbox $username -DomainController $DC
if ($EnableVoice -eq $true)
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Unified Messaging Details"
get-ummailbox $username -DomainController $DC
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Lync Details"
Get-CSUser $username -DomainController $DC
#Email IT report
$MailSubject = "[AUTO] New account setup for " +$firstname+" "+$lastname
$MailBody = "A new user account has been setup for " +$firstname+" "+$lastname+", by "+$ScriptUserName+" on "+(get-date)+". `r
"+$firstname+" was setup with the following information:
Office: "+$office+"
Username: "+$username+"
First Name: "+$firstname+"
Last Name: "+$lastname+"
Initials: "+$initial+"
Departsment: "+$department+"
Role: "+$Role+"
Title: "+$title+"
Setup Same As: "+$SetupSameAs+"
Manager: "+$manager+"
Extension: "+$Extension+"
Mobile: "+$Mobile+"
Please confirm these groups in AD (they have been copied from "+$SameAsDisplayName+", but may need to be changed) `n
IT to complete the following items:
- Manual Steps 1 `r
- Manual Steps 2 `r
- Manual Steps 3 `r
Admin Scripts"
Send-MailMessage -To $ScriptUserMail -cc $AdminEmail,$EmailCC1,$EmailCC2 -From "" -Subject $MailSubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body $MailBody -attachment $LogFile
#Pause for review, then load next line
write-host "`r"
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "User setup finished. Press any key to continue"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
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