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Last active May 27, 2017 23:26
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Weekly Gist 20170505

Weekly Gist 20170505

How to not suck at design, a 5 minute guide for the non-designer.

Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript #cleancode

Elements of JavaScript Style #javascript

ECMAScript modules in browsers #javascript

Asynchronous JavaScript with async/await #javascript

It’s The Future - Heroku Docker | CircleCI - docker vs rocket, docker heroku, heroku vs docke

Why I’m Moving on to Web Components and Not Looking Back

Nest FINAL release is here! Node.js framework built on top of TypeScript #nodejs #typescript

Node v6.10.3 (LTS) #nodejs

Create a Continuous Deployment Pipeline with Node.js and Jenkins #devops

segmentio/create-next-app: Create Next.js apps in one command #javascript #node

Chromium Blog: Chrome 59 Beta: Headless Chromium, native notifications on macOS, and service worker navigation preload

CSS Custom Properties and Theming | CSS-Tricks #css

What changed in Bootstrap 4.0 ? #bootstrap

Using Device Motion on the Web #mobileweb

A11Y Style Guide #a11y

Griddy #css

tc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript Proposals #javascript

Async iterators and generators #javascript

Patterns for Object Inheritance in JavaScript ES2015 #javascript

gothinkster/realworld: TodoMVC for the RealWorld™ — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅

7 tips to handle undefined in JavaScript #javascript

Why TypeScript Is Growing More Popular - The New Stack #typescript

(298) Everything is a plugin! Mastering webpack from the inside out - Sean Larkin - YouTube #webpack

Home - Documentation #javascript

sindresorhus/p-event: Promisify an event by waiting for it to be emitted #javascript

Five Techniques to Lazy Load Images for Website Performance — SitePoint

Getting Started with Headless Chrome  |  Web  |  Google Developers

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