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Created July 11, 2012 10:05
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include io.h
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
data segment
la db cr,lf,'Enter a',0
lb db cr,lf,'Enter b',0
l1 db cr,lf,'Enter x',0
ly db cr,lf,'Enter y',0
f dw 40 dup(?)
a db ?
b db ?
x db ?
y db ?
data ends
code segment
assume cs: code, ds:data
start: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
output l1
inputs f,40
atoi f
mov x,ax
output ly
inputs f,40
atoi f
mov y,ax
output la
inputs f,40
atoi f
mov a,ax
output lb
inputs f,40
atoi f
mov b,ax
add dx,a ;dx = a+b
mov cx,a
sub cx,ax ;cx = a-b
mov bx,x
mov ax,y
add ax,bx ;ax = x+y
sub bx,y ;bx = x-y
imul cx ;ax = (x+y)(a-b)
mov cx,ax ;cx = (x+y)(a-b)
mov ax,bx;
imul dx
mov bx,ax ;bx = (x-y)(a+b)
mov ax,cx;
idiv bx
itoa f,ax
output f
mov al,00h
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start
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