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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Apex code examples for blog post
* Written by Doug Ayers,
* Inspired by Paul Donders,
* BMC Communities,
trigger BMCRF_IncidentTrigger on BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c ( before update ) {
if ( Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate ) {
BMCRF_IncidentTriggerHelper.checkAndSetImpact( );
BMCRF_IncidentTriggerHelper.checkAndSetUrgency( );
* Written by Doug Ayers,
* Inspired by Paul Donders,
* BMC Communities,
public class BMCRF_IncidentTriggerHelper
public static void checkAndSetImpact( List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c> incidents ) {
// get list of all active impacts
List<BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c> impactList = new List<BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c>([
SELECT id, name FROM BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c WHERE BMCServiceDesk__inactive__c = false
// convert list of impacts into a map so we can do look ups by impact name (eg, 'MEDIUM')
Map<String, BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c> impactMap = new Map<String, BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c>();
for ( BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c impact : impactList ) {
impactMap.put(, impact );
// loop through each incident and check if its impact should be set
for ( BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c incident : incidents ) {
System.debug( 'Incident Impact: ' + incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKImpact__r );
System.debug( 'Change Impact Controller: ' + incident.Change_Impact_Controller__c );
if ( String.isNotBlank( incident.Change_Impact_Controller__c ) ) {
// get the impact reference from the map whose name matched the custom controller field's value
BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c impact = impactMap.get( incident.Change_Impact_Controller__c );
if ( impact != null ) {
System.debug( 'Changing impact to: ' + impact );
incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKImpact__c =;
} else {
System.debug( LoggingLevel.WARN, 'Unknown impact to set: ' + incident.Change_Impact_Controller__c );
// clear the controller value so this code doesn't run again
// unless the workflow rules reset the controller value
incident.Change_Impact_Controller__c = null;
public static void checkAndSetUrgency( List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c> incidents ) {
// get list of all active urgencies
List<BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c> urgencyList = new List<BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c>([
SELECT id, name FROM BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c WHERE BMCServiceDesk__inactive__c = false
// convert list of urgencies into a map so we can do look ups by urgency name (eg, 'MEDIUM')
Map<String, BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c> urgencyMap = new Map<String, BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c>();
for ( BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c urgency : urgencyList ) {
urgencyMap.put(, urgency );
// loop through each incident and check if its urgency should be set
for ( BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c incident : incidents ) {
System.debug( 'Incident Urgency: ' + incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKUrgency__r );
System.debug( 'Change Urgency Controller: ' + incident.Change_Urgency_Controller__c );
if ( String.isNotBlank( incident.Change_Urgency_Controller__c ) ) {
// get the urgency reference from the map whose name matched the custom controller field's value
BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c urgency = urgencyMap.get( incident.Change_Urgency_Controller__c );
if ( urgency != null ) {
System.debug( 'Changing urgency to: ' + urgency );
incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKUrgency__c =;
} else {
System.debug( LoggingLevel.WARN, 'Unknown urgency to set: ' + incident.Change_Urgency_Controller__c );
// clear the controller value so this code doesn't run again
// unless the workflow rules reset the controller value
incident.Change_Urgency_Controller__c = null;
private class BMCRF_IncidentTriggerHelperTest
static void test_set_incident_impact_and_urgency() {
BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c impact = new BMCServiceDesk__Impact__c(); = 'MEDIUM';
insert impact;
BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c urgency = new BMCServiceDesk__Urgency__c(); = 'MEDIUM';
insert urgency;
BMCServiceDesk__Category__c category = new BMCServiceDesk__Category__c(); = 'Test Category';
category.BMCServiceDesk__AvailableForIncidents__c = true;
insert category;
BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c incident = new BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c();
incident.BMCServiceDesk__incidentDescription__c = 'Test';
incident.BMCServiceDesk__IncidentType__c = 'Incident';
incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKCategory__c =;
incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKClient__c = UserInfo.getUserId();
System.assert( incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKImpact__c == null );
System.assert( incident.BMCServiceDesk__FKUrgency__c == null );
insert incident;
incident = [ select id, BMCServiceDesk__Impact_Id__c, BMCServiceDesk__Urgency_Id__c from BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c where id = ];
System.assert( incident.BMCServiceDesk__Impact_Id__c == 'MEDIUM' );
System.assert( incident.BMCServiceDesk__Urgency_Id__c == 'MEDIUM' );
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