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Created May 21, 2013 17:26
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Save douglasgoodwin/5621578 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
with Frank's tags
<!-- Snowplow starts plowing -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var spSrc = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + '://';
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + spSrc + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
var spTrackObj = function(){};
spTrackObj.prototype ={
initialize: function(){
var self = this;
this.snowplowTracker = SnowPlow.getTrackerCf('d3da8gtxngrv8u');
this.options = {
BannerID: {{BannerID}},
CampaignID: {{CampaignID}},
AdvertiserID: {{AdvertiserID}},
app_id: '{{blogger.username}}'
this.snowplowTracker.trackImpression(this.options.BannerID, this.options.CampaignID, this.options.AdvertiserID, this.options.app_id);
this.evtData = {
// {{ title }} with {{campaign}} by {{sponsor}}
Category: "{{sponsor}}",
Action: "test Action",
Label: "{{campaign}}",
Property: "",
Value: "{{ title }}"
trackStructEvent: function(){
this.snowplowTracker.trackStructEvent(this.evtData.Category, this.evtData.Action, this.evtData.Label, this.evtData.Property, this.evtData.Value);
pageLoad: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "{{BannerID}}", // The name you supply for the group of objects you want to track
Action: "{{CampaignID}}", // string which defines the type of user interaction for the web object
Label: "{{AdvertiserID}}", // optional string which identifies the specific object being actioned
Property: "{{blogger.username}}", // optional string describing the object or the action performed on it
Value: "" //
ProductVideoEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "media", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "play-video", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "timeline", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: 0.0 // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
TabWatchandsaveEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "tab", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "watch-and-save", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: "" // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
TabInnovationEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "tab", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "innovation", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: "" // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
TabReviewsEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "tab", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "twitter", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "hashtag", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: "" // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
TabGenericEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "tab", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "generictab", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "tabid", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: 0.0 // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
HotspotEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "hotspot", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "click", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}_DESCRIPTION", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "xy", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: 0.0 // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
TabStorefinderEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "tab", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "storefinder", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "zipcode", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: "" // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
VideoStartEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "video", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "start-video", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}_VIDEOID", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "timeline", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: 0.0 // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
VideoEndEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "video", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "end-video", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}_VIDEOID", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "timeline", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: 1.0 // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
ConversionEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "conversion", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "amazon", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}_RETAILERID", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: "" // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
CouponEvent: function(){
this.evtData = {
Category: "coupon", // e.g. 'media', 'ecomm'
Action: "watchandsave", // e.g. 'play-video', 'add-to-basket'
Label: "{{UserID}}_COUPONID", // e.g. ID of the video being played, or the SKU or the product added-to-basket
Property: "", // e.g. quantity of an item added to basket
Value: "" // e.g. price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of pressed video
// testEventTwo: function(){
// this.evtData = {
// Category: "testEventTwo Category",
// Action: "testEventTwo Action",
// Label: "testEventTwo Label",
// Property: "",
// Value: ""
// };
// this.trackStructEvent();
// }
var sp = new spTrackObj();
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