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Last active February 20, 2019 19:51
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"polite":"Mighty fine day we’re having."
"bored":"Good day."
"annoyed":"Why aren’t you smiling, aren’t you enjoying the day?"
"contemptuous":"Good day, ain’t it?"

"polite":"Nice day, isn’t it?"
"bored":"It’s a slow day for Ol’ Bill."
"annoyed":"What d’you think yer doin’?"
"contemptuous":"You’re a weed I’d like to pull."
"disgusted":"Oh. You smell like ol’ grits."

"bored":"<Tips Hat>"
"annoyed":"Move it along."
"contemptuous":"This town is bi enough for the both of us, But I wish it wasn’t."
"disgusted":"Take a shower, then we’ll talk."

"polite":"How are you?"
"bored":"Hi? I guess."
"annoyed":"Why are you here?"
"contemptuous":"This town ain’t big enough for the two of us."
"disgusted":"Fuck off."

"polite":"It’s nice to see you."
"bored":"Hey I’m bored."
"annoyed":"You’re on my nerves."
"contemptuous":"You gotta problem?"
"disgusted":"Even a mother couldn’t love that face."

"polite":"How do you do?"
"annoyed":"Oh, it’s you."
"contemptuous":"Still here?"
"disgusted":"I don’t want to talk to you."

"polite":"Good day."
"annoyed":"What do you want?"
"contemptuous":"Well ain’t you a “peach.”"
"disgusted":"Thank you for ruining my day."

"polite":"Don’t mind if I do."
"bored":"Is that all you got to say?"
"annoyed":"What is it now?"
"contemptuous":"What’s it to you?"
"disgusted":"You’re a dirty traito."

"polite":"Mighty nice to see you."
"bored":"*Eye roll emoji*"
"annoyed":"I’d rather walk barefoot in the desert."
"contemptuous":"Draw your gun."
"disgusted":"Get lost, punk."


"polite":"Well I’ll be damned!"
"contemptuous":"You mean to tell me (repeat their response)?"

"annoyed":"I reckon."
"contemptuous":"*Throws beer bottle*"

"polite":"Do go on, friend."
"annoyed":"There’s more?"
"contemptuous":"You’re runnin’ your mouth."
"disgusted":"Shut your pie hole!"

"polite":"Please go on."
"bored":"You still talkin’?"
"annoyed":"And then what"
"contemptuous":"I ain’t even listenin’ to ya."
"disgusted":"How dare you!"

"polite":"*Cowboy emoji*"
"annoyed":"I reckon."
"contemptuous":"I’m done listenin’"
"disgusted":"I don’t see what you’re getting at."

"polite":"Gee, you’re the sharpest tool in the shed!"
"annoyed":"Gosh golly."
"contemptuous":"Gee, you’re the sharpest tool in the shed."
"disgusted":"I’m not really trynna hear you talk no more."

"polite":"That’s a real nice story."
"bored":"Tell me something new."
"annoyed":"If you keep chattering, I’ll have to clock you."
"contemptuous":"You’re not from around these parts."
"disgusted":"You’re yellow-bellied."

"polite":"That’s a humdinger!"
"annoyed":"Ain’t that a burr on your boot?"
"contemptuous":"You better finish that drink or I’ll do it for you."
"disgusted":"<Spits into bucket>"

"polite":"That right?"
"contemptuous":"Ain’t you tired yet?"
"disgusted":"I’d rather converse with a spider."

"polite":"Do tell!"
"annoyed":"Shut up if you don’t have something good to say."
"contemptuous":"I ain’t listening to this no more."
"disgusted":"The sound of your voice is like one million dyin’ bees."

"polite":"Yes, it’s true."
"bored":"I’m bored."
"annoyed":"I’m annoyed."
"contemptuous":"I’m contemptuous."
"disgusted":"I’m disgusted."

"polite":"Hot dog!"
"bored":"Mmm… Hot dogs…"
"annoyed":"You’re peeving’ me."
"contemptuous":"Your face looks funny when you talk. "
"disgusted":"You really gonna act like that in public"

"polite":"I hear you."
"annoyed":"Uh huh."

"polite":"Tell me more."
"bored":"O, ok."
"annoyed":"For sure my guy."
"contemptuous":"Whatever you say pal."
"disgusted":"Wrong answer."

"polite":"Good story, partner."
"annoyed":"I ain’t got time for this."
"contemptuous":"Tell it to some one who cares."

"polite":"Keep goin’."
"bored":"What did you say?"
"annoyed":"Are you done?"
"contemptuous":"Thanks for ruining my day with your story."

"polite":"You have my interest piqued. "
"bored":"Uh huh."
"annoyed":"I don’t care enough."
"contemptuous":"Sorry, what?"
"disgusted":"This is the worst story ever."

"polite":"Wow, that’s fascinating."
"bored":"Sure thing… "
"annoyed":"Tell someone else."
"disgusted":"I almost died listening."

"polite":"Isn’t that lovely."
"annoyed":"You’re a waste of air, friend."
"contemptuous":"How dare you talk to me like that!"
"disgusted":"Never met such a sick person."

"bored":"Woopty doo, skipty poo."
"annoyed":"OH really, yOu DoN’t sAy."
"contemptuous":"You think you’re so great."
"disgusted":"Don’t say another word."

"polite":"Do you have anything else to say?"
"contemptuous":"I can’t listen o you anymore."
"disgusted":"I don’t want to talk anymore."

"polite":"Keep going."
"bored":"…What did you say?"
"contemptuous":"Stop blathering!"
"disgusted":"I don’t care whatever you say."

"polite":"That’s so interesting."
"bored":"Hmm… Okay."
"annoyed":"I don’t get it at all."
"disgusted":"That’s disgusting."

"polite":"Thank you for letting me know."
"annoyed":"So what?"
"contemptuous":"That’s bullshit."
"disgusted":"Just cut the crap."


"polite":"You reckon?"
"bored":"Oh really, what do you think?"
"annoyed":"What do you mean by that?"
"contemptuous":"What do you think?"
"disgusted":"You already know the answer."

"polite":"You mind changing the subject partner?"
"bored":"I’m growing weary, let’s talk about somethin’ else."
"annoyed":"Next question."
"contemptuous":"I don’t mean to answer that."
"disgusted":"I’m disgusted by that question."

"polite":"Let’s continue this chat some other time."
"bored":"And this is where I stop you."
"annoyed":"You’re talking my ear off."
"disgusted":"Never wanna see you again."

"polite":"That’s a good question!"
"bored":"I don’t know."
"annoyed":"Do I look like I know that?"
"contemptuous":"I don’t have to respond to the likes of you."
"disgusted":"Oh, please!"

"polite":"Can this wait?"
"bored":"Who cares?"
"contemptuous":"Are you done flappin’ your lips?"
"disgusted":"I’m done with your lip-flappin’."

"polite":"You’re cute, but I got a pardner."
"bored":"What was that again?"
"annoyed":"Get outta my hair."
"contemptuous":"That’s a sissy thing to ask."

"polite":"Gee whiz, I do not know!"
"bored":"Who knows?"
"annoyed":"Go to the library."
"contemptuous":"Do I look like a teacher?"
"disgusted":"You some kinda fed?"

"polite":"Let me google that for you."
"bored":"I don’t know."
"annoyed":"Couldn’t tell you."
"contemptuous":"Fight me."
"disgusted":"Bite me."

"polite":"Let me ask around about that."
"contemptuous":"Go away."
"disgusted":"*vomit  emoji*"

"polite":"That’s a good question."
"bored":"Why don’t you look it up yourself."
"annoyed":"Ask someone else."
"contemptuous":"Why would you ask me that?"
"disgusted":"What an ugly question."

"polite":"I wish I had time to help you right now. "
"bored":"I wish I knew."
"annoyed":"Still with the questions?"
"contemptuous":"Bid you say something?"
"disgusted":"Stop bothering me."

"polite":"I’m afraid now it’s personal."
"bored":"Can we talk about something else?"
"annoyed":"How many questions are you going to ask?"
"contemptuous":"You seem overly interested in my life."
"disgusted":"What kind of question is that?"

"polite":"I would refer not to answer."
"bored":"Perhaps another topic."
"annoyed":"You ask a lot of questions."
"contemptuous":"All of these questions make me uneasy."
"disgusted":"Who even thinks of something like that."

"polite":"Now isn’t a good time."
"bored":"I am not a huge fan of chit chat."
"annoyed":"Who made you think that that  is a good question?"
"contemptuous":"This is an intense line of questioning."
"disgusted":"You ask the strangest questions."

"polite":"I haven’t the slightest."
"bored":"If I l wanted to think about the weather I would look outside."
"annoyed":"Why would you ask me that?"
"contemptuous":"Very prying from a stranger."
"disgusted":"That is an awful thing to think about."


"polite":"Could you repeat that?"
"bored":"I wasn’t paying attention."
"annoyed":"What did you say??"
"disgusted":"You’re dumber than a bat."

"annoyed":"What are ya sayin?"
"contemptuous":"Lick my boot."
"disgusted":"Lick both my boots."

"polite":"You can’t tell skunks from house cats."
"bored":"My hat’s 10 gallons, but yours is a"
"annoyed":"You’re as slow as mollasus"
"contemptuous":"Yo mama so fat."
"disgusted":"Your ma’s a cat."

"bored":"Umm… Okay."
"annoyed":"Speak up."
"disgusted":"That’s some yipp-dippy doo-doo."

"polite":"Excuse me?"
"bored":"Um, what?"
"annoyed":"I don’t quite get your drift."
"contemptuous":"You stupid, or somethin’?"
"disgusted":"Learn some gotdamn manners."

"polite":"Not catching your drift."
"bored":"Should we talk about something else."
"annoyed":"Not smelling what you’re steppin in?"
"contemptuous":"What is that suppose to mean?"
"disgusted":"That’s disgusting."

"polite":"Can you repeat that in a different way?"
"bored":"Is that relevant?"
"annoyed":"I thought we went over this?"
"contemptuous":"What are you trying to say?"
"disgusted":"You’re nasty."

"polite":"Say that again?"
"contemptuous":"What are you talkin’ about?"
"disgusted":"Ugh, what?"

"annoyed":"What are you even saying?"
"contemptuous":"Do you even speak my language?"
"disgusted":"Are you even trying to make sense."


"bored":"Haha. If I was a fish I’d be Old Gill."
"annoyed":"I don’t owe you a joke."
"contemptuous":"Maybe later."

"polite":"Why’d the chicken cross the road."
"bored":"If I were a lady I’d be Old Jill."
"annoyed":"Why should I entertain you?"
"contemptuous":"No jokes for the wicked."
"disgusted":"You backwater goober."

"polite":"What do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher!"
"bored":"What did the kitchen cross to road? To get to the other side?"
"annoyed":"Kock knock. Who’s there? Not you."
"contemptuous":"It’d be funny if you died right now."
"disgusted":"Yo mama so fat that when God said “Let there be light” we asked your mama to move out the way."

"polite":"Where do cowboys cook their meals? On the range."
"bored":"Cowboy jokes? Maybe later."
"annoyed":"I’m not in the mood for jokes."
"contemptuous":"I’m not here to make you laugh."
"disgusted":"What do you call a cowboy who doesn’t like you? Old Bill."

"polite":"If you wear cowboy clothes, are you ranch dressing?"
"bored":"Knock knock? I don’t have time for this."
"annoyed":"Jokes are annoying."
"contemptuous":"Keep yourself entertained."
"disgusted":"Your face is a joke."
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