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Created May 17, 2021 19:59
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Brew Wxmac Formula
class Wxmac < Formula
desc "Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxWidgets for macOS)"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "d7b3666de33aa5c10ea41bb9405c40326e1aeb74ee725bb88f90f1d50270a224"
license "wxWindows"
revision 1
head ""
livecheck do
url ""
strategy :github_latest
bottle do
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "f8d6ccae11c8d99b893e2605ca272a376a374faac8864304d1cdf544c6152421"
sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "3ca3a19a14b407d0cdda507a7930c2e84ae1c8e74f946e0144d2fa7d881f1a94"
sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "110aa0b2134d8bff1647de0cd8500f160133794b347f789bba3e1894b991b788"
sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "5f703423fc3f1e36d647a2d8be2d271a92f5d60f49ceba8e3478391bbd4f5303"
sha256 cellar: :any, high_sierra: "1de8aa03e1c50af387888ffa51cfa4e0c99d158f25edb0acbf312e10c629a31d"
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "libpng"
depends_on "libtiff"
on_linux do
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
def install
args = [
# This is the default option, but be explicit
# Set with-macosx-version-min to avoid configure defaulting to 10.5
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "install"
# wx-config should reference the public prefix, not wxmac's keg
# this ensures that Python software trying to locate wxpython headers
# using wx-config can find both wxmac and wxpython headers,
# which are linked to the same place
inreplace "#{bin}/wx-config", prefix, HOMEBREW_PREFIX
test do
system bin/"wx-config", "--libs"
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