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Created December 8, 2019 21:32
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Tries really hard to read a string from a file. Brute forces encodings if necessary.
// Douglas Hill, December 2019
// Made for
import Foundation
/// Tries really hard to read a string from a file.
/// Brute forces encodings if necessary. This will only fail if the file can’t be interpreted
/// in any encoding, or if some other error occurs like not being able to read from the file.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileURL: The URL of the file to read from.
/// - suggestedEncoding: The expected encoding of the file or nil if no expectation can be given.
/// - Returns: The string ready from the file, and the encoding that was used to interpret the file.
func readStringFromFileAtURL(_ fileURL: URL, suggestedEncoding: String.Encoding?) throws -> (String, String.Encoding) {
// First try the suggested encoding.
if let encoding = suggestedEncoding {
do {
let contents = try String(contentsOf: fileURL, encoding: encoding)
return (contents, encoding)
} catch CocoaError.fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding {
// The suggested encoding is wrong. Keep trying.
} catch {
// Bail on any other error. Might be something like reading from the file failed.
throw error
// Try the inference API.
// Inference seems to fail for ShiftJIS encoded text. For example from
let inferenceError: Error
do {
var encoding = String.Encoding.windowsCP1252
let contents = try String(contentsOf: fileURL, usedEncoding: &encoding)
return (contents, encoding)
} catch {
if case CocoaError.fileReadUnknownStringEncoding = error {
// We’ll keep trying, but save this error because it will make more sense to return than an error from brute forcing if brute forcing fails.
inferenceError = error
} else {
throw error
// Brute force with all possible encodings.
// This array is roughly sorted by likelihood based on
let encodings: [String.Encoding] = [
// ASCII may seem redundant because it is a subset of UTF-8. However sometimes Foundation
// is able to read data as ASCII but not as UTF-8, so it is still worth trying.
// Example:
].filter { $0 != suggestedEncoding }
for encoding in encodings {
do {
let contents = try String(contentsOf: fileURL, encoding: encoding)
return (contents, encoding)
} catch CocoaError.fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding {
// Keep trying.
} catch {
throw error
// The inference error (fileReadUnknownStringEncoding) will make more sense than the one from brute forcing (fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding).
// The error truly is that the text encoding can’t be determined, even after trying really hard.
throw inferenceError
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