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A UIScrollView subclass that allows scrolling using a hardware keyboard like NSScrollView. Supports arrow keys, option + arrow keys, command + arrow keys, space bar, page up, page down, home and end.
// Douglas Hill, November 2019
// Find the latest version of this file at
import UIKit
/// A scroll view that allows scrolling using a hardware keyboard like `NSScrollView`.
/// Supports arrow keys, option + arrow keys, command + arrow keys, space bar, page up, page down, home and end.
/// Limitations:
/// - Paging scroll views (isPagingEnabled = true) are not supported yet.
/// - The scroll view must become its own delegate so setting the delegate is not supported yet.
/// - Does not consider zooming. This has not been tested at all.
public class KeyboardScrollView: UIScrollView, UIScrollViewDelegate {
// MARK: - Key commands
override public var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
var commands = super.keyCommands ?? []
guard isScrollEnabled else {
return commands
commands += [UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow, UIKeyCommand.inputLeftArrow, UIKeyCommand.inputRightArrow].flatMap { input -> [UIKeyCommand] in
[UIKeyModifierFlags(), .alternate, .command].map { modifierFlags in
UIKeyCommand(input: input, modifierFlags: modifierFlags, action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand))
commands += [
UIKeyCommand(input: " ", modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand)),
UIKeyCommand(input: " ", modifierFlags: .shift, action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand)),
UIKeyCommand(input: keyInputPageUp, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand)),
UIKeyCommand(input: keyInputPageDown, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand)),
UIKeyCommand(input: keyInputHome, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand)),
UIKeyCommand(input: keyInputEnd, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(scrollFromKeyCommand)),
return commands
@objc private func scrollFromKeyCommand(_ keyCommand: UIKeyCommand) {
let diff = contentOffsetDiffFromKeyCommand(keyCommand)
let target = boundedContentOffsetFromProposedContentOffset(startingContentOffsetForAnimation + diff)
if target != startingContentOffsetForAnimation {
setContentOffset(target, animated: true)
// MARK: - Allowing animations to be redirected
/// The content offset the scroll view is heading towards in an animation, or nil if no animation is happening.
private var currentAnimationTargetContentOffset: CGPoint?
/// The content offset that should be used as a base when starting an animation to account for in-flight animations.
private var startingContentOffsetForAnimation: CGPoint {
return currentAnimationTargetContentOffset ?? contentOffset
override public func setContentOffset(_ contentOffset: CGPoint, animated: Bool) {
currentAnimationTargetContentOffset = contentOffset
super.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: animated)
// MARK: - Delegate handling
public override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
private func sharedInit() {
super.delegate = self
public override var delegate: UIScrollViewDelegate? {
get {
set {
// TODO: Support setting the delegate.
fatalError("Setting the delegate is not supported. Needs a bunch of code forwarding methods. Contributions to fix this are welcome.")
public func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
guard scrollView === self else {
currentAnimationTargetContentOffset = nil
// MARK: - Determining where to scroll to
/// Restricts a proposed content offset to lie within limits of the scroll view content size.
private func boundedContentOffsetFromProposedContentOffset(_ proposedContentOffset: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
let insets = adjustedContentInset
var offset = proposedContentOffset
offset.x = max(offset.x, -insets.left)
offset.y = max(offset.y,
offset.x = min(offset.x, insets.right + contentSize.width - bounds.width)
offset.y = min(offset.y, insets.bottom + contentSize.height - bounds.height)
return offset
private func contentOffsetDiffFromKeyCommand(_ keyCommand: UIKeyCommand) -> CGVector {
guard let direction = directionFromKeyCommand(keyCommand), let step = scrollStepFromKeyCommand(keyCommand) else {
return .zero
let resolvedDirection = resolvedDirectionFromDirection(direction)
// TODO: Have not considered zooming yet.
let viewportScrollSize = bounds.inset(by: adjustedContentInset).insetBy(dx: 0.5 * viewportScrollingOverlapDistance, dy: 0.5 * viewportScrollingOverlapDistance).size
// Easier to deal with than CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude to avoid overflow.
let limit: CGFloat = 1e6
switch (step, resolvedDirection) {
case (.nudge, .up): return CGVector(dx: 0, dy: -nudgeDistance)
case (.nudge, .down): return CGVector(dx: 0, dy: +nudgeDistance)
case (.nudge, .left): return CGVector(dx: -nudgeDistance, dy: 0)
case (.nudge, .right): return CGVector(dx: +nudgeDistance, dy: 0)
case (.viewport, .up): return CGVector(dx: 0, dy: -viewportScrollSize.height)
case (.viewport, .down): return CGVector(dx: 0, dy: +viewportScrollSize.height)
case (.viewport, .left): return CGVector(dx: -viewportScrollSize.width, dy: 0)
case (.viewport, .right): return CGVector(dx: +viewportScrollSize.width, dy: 0)
case (.end, .up): return CGVector(dx: 0, dy: -limit)
case (.end, .down): return CGVector(dx: 0, dy: +limit)
case (.end, .left): return CGVector(dx: -limit, dy: 0)
case (.end, .right): return CGVector(dx: +limit, dy: 0)
/// Distance in points to scroll with a regular arrow key press.
private var nudgeDistance: CGFloat {
UIFontDescriptor.preferredFontDescriptor(withTextStyle: .body).pointSize * 3
/// This distance in points is subtracted from the visible width/height when scrolling by `ScrollStep.viewport`.
private var viewportScrollingOverlapDistance: CGFloat {
private enum ScrollAxis {
case horizontal
case vertical
private var primaryScrollAxis: ScrollAxis {
// TODO: Consider zooming.
if contentSize.width > bounds.width && contentSize.height <= bounds.height {
return .horizontal
// Default to vertical when there is no scrolling or is scrolling in both directions, because vertical scrolling is more common.
return .vertical
/// A concrete direction in which scrolling can take place.
private enum ResolvedDirection {
case up
case down
case left
case right
private func resolvedDirectionFromDirection(_ direction: Direction) -> ResolvedDirection {
switch direction {
case .up: return .up
case .down: return .down
case .left: return .left
case .right: return .right
case .backwards:
switch primaryScrollAxis {
case .horizontal:
switch effectiveUserInterfaceLayoutDirection {
case .rightToLeft: return .right
case .leftToRight: fallthrough @unknown default: return .left
case .vertical: return .up
case .forwards:
switch primaryScrollAxis {
case .horizontal:
switch effectiveUserInterfaceLayoutDirection {
case .rightToLeft: return .left
case .leftToRight: fallthrough @unknown default: return .right
case .vertical: return .down
/// An unresolved direction in which scrolling can take place. Includes semantic directions.
private enum Direction {
case up
case down
case left
case right
/// Semantic direction. Towards the start.
case backwards
/// Semantic direction. Towards the end.
case forwards
private func directionFromKeyCommand(_ keyCommand: UIKeyCommand) -> Direction? {
switch keyCommand.input {
case UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow: return .up
case UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow: return .down
case UIKeyCommand.inputLeftArrow: return .left
case UIKeyCommand.inputRightArrow: return .right
case " ": return keyCommand.modifierFlags.contains(.shift) ? .backwards : .forwards
case keyInputPageUp: return .up
case keyInputPageDown: return .down
case keyInputHome: return .backwards
case keyInputEnd: return .forwards
default: return nil
private enum ScrollStep {
/// Scroll by a few lines of text.
case nudge
/// Scroll by the width or height of the visible region minus a bit of overlap for context.
case viewport
/// Scroll all the way to the top, bottom, left or right.
case end
private func scrollStepFromKeyCommand(_ keyCommand: UIKeyCommand) -> ScrollStep? {
switch keyCommand.input {
case UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow, UIKeyCommand.inputLeftArrow, UIKeyCommand.inputRightArrow:
return scrollStepForArrowKeyWithModifierFlags(keyCommand.modifierFlags)
case " ", keyInputPageUp, keyInputPageDown:
return .viewport
case keyInputHome, keyInputEnd:
return .end
default: return nil
private func scrollStepForArrowKeyWithModifierFlags(_ modifierFlags: UIKeyModifierFlags) -> ScrollStep {
if modifierFlags.contains(.command) {
return .end
if modifierFlags.contains(.alternate) {
return .viewport
return .nudge
private func + (lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGVector) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.dx, y: lhs.y + rhs.dy)
// These were found in the open source WebKit.
private let keyInputPageUp = "UIKeyInputPageUp"
private let keyInputPageDown = "UIKeyInputPageDown"
// These were found by guessing.
private let keyInputHome = "UIKeyInputHome"
private let keyInputEnd = "UIKeyInputEnd"
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