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Created March 9, 2018 18:28
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Rastafarian Language Course
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The Rastafarian language also called Iyaric, Livalect or Italk is a very
interesting phenomena in the linguistics world. It is a dialect of English but
pushes it forward with some intruiging concepts.
It uses the idea of "WORDSOUND", a concept where the sound of a pronounced
word, or its written name is thought to have powers and hidden meaning. Words
have higher realities and should never be spoken carelessly or withouth thought.
"It is a conjuction of mind, heart and tongue to project positive and enlighted
concepts of thought and heart"
The power of words can be changed: negative sounding words have to become
more postive within their meaning and viceversa. Words are thus changed if its
pronouncation or written name does not comply with its meaning.
For example:
Appreciate becomes Apprecilove, because "ate" sounds like hate.
Dedication becomes Livication because "Ded" sounds like dead.
Concept becomes Incept because "con" has a negative meaning
Understanding becomes Innerstanding because "Under" doesn't fit the meaning
of the word.
Oppressor becomes Downpressor because "Op" is related to up and its vibration
is too positive for such a negative word.
Invention becomes Outvention for mechanical things - because a machine is
seen as outward, it is not "in the mind", but for a more spiritual concept like
Rastafarianism you can use Invention, because it comes from the innermind.
More words and phrases:
Irie - Good, positive, peacefull emotions.
Ax / Aks - To Ask
Creation Stepper - Means you step it in and throughout Babylon withouth fear -
cutting edge, living on the edge, fearing no foe. Looking Justice in the eye
and saying what are you doing?" as said by Clinton Fearon.
Bong Belly Pickney - A gluttonous little fat brat
Babylon - The corrupt establishment, the system, church, state, the police
Cool Runnings - Rastafarian term for "have a safe journey"
Polytrickster - A Politician
Whore of Babylon - Queen Elizabeth II
Scientist - Occult practioner
Leggo Beas - Wild, Disorderly, like an uncaged ferocious animal
First Light - Tommorow
I an I - term for Me, Myself, I
I-Wah time - What Hour or What is the Time?
I-nerversity - Your unexplored mental universe, self teaching
Wolf - Non rasta dreadlocks
Sight? - Do you understand?
Chalice - Rastafarian Bong made out of a hollow coconut
Bandulu Bizness - a racket, swindle
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