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Last active February 10, 2019 23:59
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Notes on Terraform

Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform

General stuff


You may want to add to your .gitignore:



How do I set regions when creating a instance?

If you're in Linode's dashboard you'll see something like "US, Dallas, TX", but what you really need in your terraform file is something like "us-central".

If you check Linode API:


and you will get:

  "data": [
      "id": "us-central",
      "country": "us"
      "id": "us-west",
      "country": "us"

Well.. still not what you want, so instead look at:

Terraform Region Linode Dashboard
us-east US, Newark, NJ
us-southeast US, Atlanta, GA
us-central US, Dallas, TX
us-west US, Fremont, CA
eu-central EU, Frankfurt, DE
eu-west EU, London, UK
ap-south SG, Singapore, SG
ap-northeast JP, Tokyo2, JP


resource "linode_instance" "my_instance" {
  image = "linode/debian9"
  region = "us-southeast" # US, Atlanta, GA
  # ...

Digital Ocean

Example simple droplet + cloud firewall

  • prompt for var.digitalocean_token}. Get your token in your Digital Ocean panel.
  • let's say you have your public key in your account, and the name is "Douglas"
  • specs:
    • Debian Stretch
    • 1gb/1cpu
    • monitoring agent installed
    • private networking enabled
    • and access with ssh key
  • with the droplet created, let's add Digital Ocean Cloud Firewall rules to our new droplet
    • allow incoming traffic in http, https and ssh
    • allow all outcomming traffic
provider "digitalocean" {
  # create a file 
  token = "${var.digitalocean_token}"

data "digitalocean_ssh_key" "douglas" {
  name = "Douglas"

resource "digitalocean_droplet" "mydroplet" {
  image = "debian-9-x64"
  name = "mydroplet-web-1"
  region = "nyc3"
  size = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
  monitoring = true
  private_networking = true
  tags = ["mydroplet", "web"]

  ssh_keys = ["${data.digitalocean_ssh_key.douglas.fingerprint}"]

resource "digitalocean_firewall" "web" {
  name = "only-22-80-and-443"

  droplet_ids = ["${}"]

  inbound_rule = [
      protocol = "tcp"
      port_range = "22"
      source_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
      protocol = "tcp"
      port_range = "80"
      source_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
      protocol = "tcp"
      port_range = "443"
      source_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
      protocol = "icmp"
      source_addresses = ["", "::/0"]

  outbound_rule = [
      protocol = "tcp"
      port_range = "1-6553"
      destination_addresses   = ["", "::/0"]
      protocol = "udp"
      port_range = "1-6553"
      destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
      protocol = "icmp"
      destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
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