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Created November 5, 2016 18:09
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# name: Mr. McNally
# date: 2016-04-25
# description: Text-based space adventure game
import random
import time
def displayIntro():
print("It is the end of a long year of fighting space criminals")
print("you come to crossroads on your trip home, one path leads home")
print("where you will be handsomly rewarded for a job well done")
print("and the other leads through a gamma ray burst that will disentigrate you")
def choosePath():
path = ""
while path != "1" and path != "2": # input validation
path = input("Which path will you choose? (1 or 2): ")
return path
def checkPath(chosenPath):
print("You head down the path")
print("there's an asteroid nearby that looks familiar, that must be a good sign...")
print("But your skin begins to tingle...")
correctPath = random.randint(1, 2)
if chosenPath == str(correctPath):
print("That tingling was just the feeling of admiration from the citizens of the galaxy!")
print("Welcome home!")
print("An extremely energetic burst of gamma rays pass through you")
print("causing all of the atoms in your body to dissociate")
print("there is no record left of your existence.")
playAgain = "yes"
while playAgain == "yes" or playAgain == "y":
choice = choosePath()
checkPath(choice) # choice is equal to "1" or "2"
playAgain = input("Do you want to play again? (yes or y to continue playing): ")
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Solo158 commented Jun 30, 2021


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