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Created March 4, 2019 16:29
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# Build a fairly big data frame with empty totals (except the first one)
# and daily interest rates
n <- 10000
t0 <- 100.0
daily <- data.frame(total = c(t0, rep(NA_real_, n-1)),
interest = runif(n, 0.0001, 0.002))
# Simple R loop solution, easy to read.
r_daily_compound <- function(df) {
if (nrow(df) < 2) stop("Need at least two rows")
for (i in 1:(nrow(df)-1)) {
df$total[i+1] <- df$total[i] * (1 + df$interest[i])
# purrr accumulator. Not as clear but R only
accumulate_daily_compound <- function(df) {
df$total <- purrr::accumulate(df$interest,
function(x, y)
(x * (1 + y)),
.init = df$total[1])[-nrow(df)]
# Rcpp solution. Nearly as readable as the R solution (minus boiler plate) but
# has to be compiled
c_daily_compound <- Rcpp::cppFunction('
DataFrame modifyDataFrame(DataFrame df) {
// access the columns
DoubleVector interest = df["interest"];
DoubleVector total_df = df["total"];
DoubleVector total(total_df.length());
total[0] = total_df[0];
int nr = interest.length();
for(int i=0; i<nr-1; i++) {
total[i + 1] = total[i] * (1 + interest[i]);
// return a new data frame
return DataFrame::create(_["total"]=total,
_["interest"]= interest);
res <- microbenchmark(
rloop = r_daily_compound(daily),
cpp = c_daily_compound(daily),
raccumulate = accumulate_daily_compound(daily),
times = 100
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# rloop 388533.8 405999.70 473492.131 422580.20 496424.5 1007163.4 100 c
# cpp 277.2 397.15 571.434 524.15 581.6 4820.4 100 a
# raccumulate 25164.7 27227.75 31476.141 27970.60 34915.7 61437.8 100 b
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