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Last active April 4, 2021 23:58
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Change#1 (Remove)


set(CLANG_EXPORTED_TARGETS "clangBasic;clangLex;clangParse;clangAST;clangDynamicASTMatchers;clangASTMatchers;clangCrossTU;clangSema;clangCodeGen;clangAnalysis;clangEdit;clangRewrite;clangARCMigrate;clangDriver;clangSerialization;clangRewriteFrontend;clangFrontend;clangFrontendTool;clangToolingCore;clangToolingInclusions;clangToolingRefactoring;clangToolingASTDiff;clangToolingSyntax;clangDependencyScanning;clangTransformer;clangTooling;clangDirectoryWatcher;clangIndex;clangStaticAnalyzerCore;clangStaticAnalyzerCheckers;clangStaticAnalyzerFrontend;clangFormat;clangTesting; diagtool;clang;clang-format;clangHandleCXX;clangHandleLLVM;clang-offload-bundler;clang-offload-wrapper;clang-scan-deps;clang-rename;clang-refactor;clang-check;clang-extdef-mapping; libclang")

Change#2 (Remark)


## Loop over all imported files and verify that they actually exist
#foreach(target ${_IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS} )
#  foreach(file ${_IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_${target}} )
#    if(NOT EXISTS "${file}" )
#      message(FATAL_ERROR "The imported target \"${target}\" references the file
#   \"${file}\"
#but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:
#* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
#* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
#* The installation package was faulty and contained
#but not all the files it references.
#    endif()
#  endforeach()
#  unset(_IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_${target})

Change#3 (Remark)


#set_target_properties(LLVMDebugInfoPDB PROPERTIES
#  INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "LLVMBinaryFormat;LLVMDebugInfoCodeView;LLVMDebugInfoMSF;LLVMObject;LLVMSupport;C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/DIA SDK/lib/amd64/diaguids.lib"

Change#4 (Remark)


## Loop over all imported files and verify that they actually exist
#foreach(target ${_IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS} )
#  foreach(file ${_IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_${target}} )
#    if(NOT EXISTS "${file}" )
#      message(FATAL_ERROR "The imported target \"${target}\" references the file
#   \"${file}\"
#but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:
#* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
#* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
#* The installation package was faulty and contained
#but not all the files it references.
#    endif()
#  endforeach()
#  unset(_IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_${target})
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