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Last active June 24, 2024 17:08
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Analyzing SQL Server agent job history
USE msdb
-- List info on all failed SQL Server agent jobs
select as JobName,
h.step_name as StepName,
CONVERT(char(10), CAST(STR(h.run_date, 8, 0) AS datetime), 111) as RunDate,
STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST(h.run_time AS varchar(6)), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') as RunTime,
h.run_duration as StepDuration,
case h.run_status
when 0 then 'Failed'
when 1 then 'Succeeded'
when 2 then 'Retry'
when 3 then 'Cancelled'
when 4 then 'In Progress'
end as ExecutionStatus,
h.message as MessageGenerated
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h
inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
on j.job_id = h.job_id
where h.run_status = 0
order by h.run_date desc, h.run_time desc
-- List SQL Server jobs and schedules
select as [Job name],
t.step_id as [Step ID],
j.description as [Description],
t.command as [Command],
t.database_name as [Database name],
when h.freq_type = 1 then 'One time only'
when h.freq_type = 4 then 'Daily'
when h.freq_type = 8 then 'Weekly'
when h.freq_type = 16 then 'Monthly'
else 'Other'
end as [Frequency type],
h.freq_interval as [Interval],
(v.last_run_time / 10000 * 3600) +
(((v.last_run_time % 10000 - v.last_run_time % 100) / 100) * 60) +
(v.last_run_time % 100),
convert(datetime, cast(nullif(v.last_run_date, 0) as nvarchar(10))))
as [Last run datetime],
(s.next_run_time / 10000 * 3600) +
(((s.next_run_time % 10000 - s.next_run_time % 100) / 100) * 60) +
(s.next_run_time % 100),
convert(datetime, cast(nullif(s.next_run_date, 0) as nvarchar(10))))
as [Next run datetime]
from msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules s
on j.job_id = s.job_id
left join msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps t
on j.job_id = t.job_id
left join msdb.dbo.sysschedules h
on s.schedule_id = h.schedule_id
left join msdb.dbo.sysjobservers v
on j.job_id = v.job_id
where j.enabled = 1
order by 1, 2;
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Added as Notebook to the database-resources repo.

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