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Created August 12, 2022 02:28
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Script to update the JDK Version for VSCode to match the one defined in the Brachyura after switching branches
#!/usr/bin/env node
// copy this file into .git/hooks/post-checkout
const path = require("path")
const fs = require("fs")
//find the required java version from the build script
const javaVersion = parseInt(
path.join(__dirname, "../../buildscript/src/main/java/")
.match(/public int getJavaVersion\(\) \{.*?return (\d)+;.*?\}/s)?.[1] ??
//switch the defalt runtime to the correct version in settings.json
const settingsPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../.vscode/settings.json")
const settings = JSON.parse(
.replace(/,(\s*[}\]])/gs, "$1")
let modified = false
settings["java.configuration.runtimes"].forEach(runtime => {
if ("1.", "").includes("-" + javaVersion.toString())) {
if (!runtime.default) {
runtime.default = true
modified = true
} else if (runtime.default) {
runtime.default = false
modified = true
// write the modified settings.json back to the file
if (modified) {
fs.writeFileSync(settingsPath, JSON.stringify(settings, null, " "))
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