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Created April 2, 2010 05:38
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from google.appengine.ext import db
class ChoiceProperty(db.IntegerProperty):
"""A property for efficiently storing choices made from a finite set.
This works by mapping each choice to an integer. The choices must be hashable
(so that they can be efficiently mapped back to their corresponding index).
Example usage:
>>> class ChoiceModel(db.Model):
... a_choice = ChoiceProperty(enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue']))
... b_choice = ChoiceProperty([(0,None), (1,'alpha'), (4,'beta')])
You interact with choice properties using the choice values:
>>> model = ChoiceModel(a_choice='green')
>>> model.a_choice
>>> model.b_choice == None
>>> model.b_choice = 'beta'
>>> model.b_choice
>>> model.put() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
datastore_types.Key.from_path(u'ChoiceModel', ...)
>>> model2 = ChoiceModel.all().get()
>>> model2.a_choice
>>> model.b_choice
To get the int representation of a choice, you may use either access the
choice's corresponding attribute or use the c2i method:
>>> green = ChoiceModel.a_choice.GREEN
>>> none = ChoiceModel.b_choice.c2i(None)
>>> (green == 1) and (none == 0)
The int representation of a choice is needed to filter on a choice property:
>>> ChoiceModel.gql("WHERE a_choice = :1", green).count()
def __init__(self, choices, make_choice_attrs=True, *args, **kwargs):
choices: A non-empty list of 2-tuples of the form (id, choice). id must be
the int to store in the database. choice may be any hashable value.
make_choice_attrs: If True, the uppercase version of each string choice is
set as an attribute whose value is the choice's int representation.
super(ChoiceProperty, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.index_to_choice = dict(choices)
self.choice_to_index = dict((c,i) for i,c in self.index_to_choice.iteritems())
if make_choice_attrs:
for i,c in self.index_to_choice.iteritems():
if isinstance(c, basestring):
setattr(self, c.upper(), i)
def get_choices(self):
"""Gets a list of values which may be assigned to this property."""
return self.choice_to_index.keys()
def c2i(self, choice):
"""Converts a choice to its datastore representation."""
return self.choice_to_index[choice]
def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class):
if model_instance is None:
return self
index = super(ChoiceProperty, self).__get__(model_instance, model_class)
return self.index_to_choice[index]
def __set__(self, model_instance, value):
index = self.c2i(value)
except KeyError:
raise db.BadValueError('Property %s must be one of the allowed choices: %s' %
(, self.get_choices()))
super(ChoiceProperty, self).__set__(model_instance, index)
def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance):
# just use the underlying value from the parent
return super(ChoiceProperty, self).__get__(model_instance, model_instance.__class__)
def make_value_from_datastore(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
return self.index_to_choice[value]
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