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Created January 10, 2011 00:19
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Save dound/772171 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python implementation of UPSERT for use with postgresql.
def upsert(db_cur, table, pk_fields, schema=None, **kwargs):
"""Updates the specified relation with the key-value pairs in kwargs if a
row matching the primary key value(s) already exists. Otherwise, a new row
is inserted. Returns True if a new row was inserted.
schema the schema to use, if any (not sanitized)
table the table to use (not sanitized)
pk_fields tuple of field names which are part of the primary key
kwargs all key-value pairs which should be set in the row
assert len(pk_fields) > 0, "must be at least one field as a primary key"
if schema:
rel = '%s.%s' % (schema, table)
rel = table
# check to see if it already exists
where = ' AND '.join('%s=%%s' % pkf for pkf in pk_fields)
where_args = [kwargs[pkf] for pkf in pk_fields]
db_cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 1" % (rel, where), where_args)
fields = [f for f in kwargs.keys()]
if db_cur.fetchone()[0] > 0:
set_clause = ', '.join('%s=%%s' % f for f in fields if f not in pk_fields)
set_args = [kwargs[f] for f in fields if f not in pk_fields]
db_cur.execute("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (rel, set_clause, where), set_args+where_args)
return False
field_placeholders = ['%s'] * len(fields)
fmt_args = (rel, ','.join(fields), ','.join(field_placeholders))
insert_args = [kwargs[f] for f in fields]
db_cur.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % fmt_args, insert_args)
return True
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