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Last active December 13, 2022 15:26
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  • Save dovakeen118/1136d9f9cfe32751ae33d6731c9d3573 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dovakeen118/1136d9f9cfe32751ae33d6731c9d3573 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Virtual Pairing

Getting Setup

Make sure to communicate extra clearly about start times and links for virtual pairing.

Pairing Etiquette

Before Pairing

  • Establish start and end times for your pairing
  • Establish when and if you will be breaking during your pairing session
  • Share with your partner ways in which you want to improve your pairing ability
  • Share what you think will be your biggest technical hurdle for the day's work
  • Ask your partner what they like to see in a good pairing session

During Pairing

  • Overcommunicate, unless your partner notes otherwise
  • If driving, make sure to work at a pace that is conducive and understandable to everyone
  • Be willing to discuss and compromise on implementation and focus
  • Be open about what is technically challenging. You shouldnt necessarily give up the keyboard when struggling (because coding while stumped is essential!) but you should communicate and ask for support so that everyone can move forward.
  • Review how the pairing is going mid pairing session

After Pairing

  • Make sure to either use git to share your code, or download via VSCode itself as a folder.
  • Ask your partner for feedback on how the pairing went and how you can be a better pair partner in the future.
  • Give one another a virtual high-five


  • After signing up with Tuple you can download the app (
  • Once installed, the application icon will appear in the top right bar of your screen (where the date and time are)
  • Clicking the icon shows you your contacts list where you can connect via voice call, or a pairing call that also shares your screen
  • You can choose at anytime during a Tuple call to share your screen, stop share, or switch sharing to a different person's screen
  • When screen sharing anyone can take control of the screen by double clicking with the mouse to initial control
  • During a call, you can call additional people to add them to the call
  • When you are viewing someone else's screen, you will see Tuple in a separate window. When you are sharing your screen, Tuple takes over to share the entire desktop (rather than picking what you want to share)
  • Tuple provides a quick 4-minute tutorial video of the basic features (


  • One partner will need to "host" by creating a meeting in the zoom app and sharing a url link
  • Once both partners are in, one person will need to "host" the codebase on VSCode on their machine. Ideally, this is the first "Driver" in the pairing dynamic.
  • The driver/host should share their screen with the entire desktop being shown, so that both the codebase and browser can be seen.
  • From here, you could pair program on zoom alone. Zoom has a "remote control" feature, that the Navigator can use (found in the zoom control tools once someone is sharing their screen) to reqest control of the entire screen. However, do note that this feature does have some lag. Instead, we recommend giving remote update access via VSCode.
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