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Last active April 15, 2020 21:54
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Student-Guided Marathon

Student-Guided Rails Marathon


  • Your roadmapping groups for this week will be your Marathon group
  • Designate one person to create a Zoom meeting and to host the app with VSCode
    • If you have a slower machine, we recommend deferring to another student for hosting, as VSCode, Slack and Zoom all take a lot of processing power
  • Share the link to your meeting for your group in #zoom-meetings, mentioning which students are in your group
    • Note: you may have to create an additional meeting, as zoom puts a meeting time limit on meetings with numerous attendees
  • The meeting host should share their screen so that everyone can see the browser and codebase
  • Have the host share the VSCode liveshare link
    • With VS Code open, click the last icon on the left navbar (looks like an arrow over a circle) to manage the Liveshare session - this should also be present at the bottom of your window
    • You can start a shared terminal and server from this menu
    • Make sure that read-and-write access is on for everyone (it should be by default)


  • Read through the marathon’s criteria to identify and prepare for potential challenges
  • Discuss and draw out an ER Diagram
  • Take turns satisfying the criteria, switching the driver at each bullet point
    • Try to have each driver code for at least 5-10 minutes. If after that point the driver is struggling with a portion of the implementation, then they can yield the driving to someone else.


  • When it is your turn on the keys, you’re the Driver:

    • Use the Liveshare bullhorn to focus everyone’s attention
    • Read the step out loud
    • Talk through your thought process and your actions to keep your group informed
    • Try to work through the step without referencing code or asking the group for guidance - it’s great system check practice, and a little bit of awkward silence is okay!
    • If you do get stuck, read any error messages in the terminal and browser, talk through what is happening, explain what you expect to happen, and what your next step might be
  • When it is NOT your turn on the keys, you’re a Navigator:

    • Your attention should be with the rest of your group helping on the current step
    • Avoid clicking around in the app or switching to other windows/ programs
    • Try not to shout out the answer, wait until they ask for help from the group to guide them in the right direction
    • Respect the driver’s ownership of their step when offering advice even if they type something incorrectly, encountering errors is a great learning opportunity


  • Be supportive of your peers and have patience with them as they tackle a challenge
  • Be sure to include the whole group in discussions so that everyone is on the same page and no Launcher is left behind!

You do not need to continue to work with your group after 12:00pm. However, if you want to continue to work on the assignment with others in the afternoon, then go for it!

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