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Last active April 13, 2020 16:33
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Rails Roadmapping Guidelines

This is a mulit-day assignment separated into core and non-core user stories. You should focus on completeing all core user stories before proceding to non-core stories. Suggested daily goals:

  • Day 1: Viewing All Questions, View a Question's Details
  • Day 2: Post a Question (requires reading Rails Forms), Answering a Question (requires reading Rails Nested Routes)
  • Day 3: Viewing a Question's Answers (requires reading Rails Nested Routes), non-core user stories

Before beginning the assignment, make sure you cover the following bullets below with your roadmapping group, answering each of the questions succinctly. The aim here is not to create the app as a team line by line, but to create an outline or "roadmap" to guide you as you code!

  1. Take a moment to read over the core user stories of the assignment, and then discuss the ER Diagram. What resources will you need? What will the relationships look like between resources?
  2. Which folders are we going to be working in?
  3. What command line commands are you going to need?
  4. What migrations need to be run in order to properly set up the database? What columns does your table need? Any database level validations?
  5. What model(s) do you need? Any model level validations?
  6. What endpoints are required for accessing your resource(s)?
  7. What actions are needed in your controller(s)?
  8. What view templates do you need? What information is each template to display?
  9. What do you think will be the most challenging portion of the implementation? Why? What resources do you have available to answer this question, and how can you escalate to getting support from the rest of the group or EEs?
  10. What pitfalls might you encounter? How can we make sure we stay on track and accountable when working?


  • Monday nights homework will cover nested reources and forms in a Rails application - both readings are required for some core user stories, you can read ahead if you get to this point Monday afternoon
  • bundle exec rails console is our new equivalent to pry -r "./server.rb" where we can interact with records in our database or create new records (remember, we are no longer using the psql command!)
  • Refer back to the MVC Map Diagram (Model, View, Controller reading) often
  • When debugging errors check your terminal output (this is where Rails logs each request), use pry's, look at the SQL request in the console, check the params that were sent, check the status code for the request, check the view you're trying to render.
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