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Last active April 15, 2021 21:55
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One-to-Many Associations with Express and Postgres

One-to-Many Associations with Express and Postgres

A Look Ahead

  • ER Diagrams are an essential tool
  • Establishing the right relationships will be one of the most important things
  • Multiple tables to store info => keeps data organized, DRY and easily query-able

Let's plan an app...

I love unicorns, but it's difficult to keep track of them. Help!

  • an app about tracking unicorn location
  • unicorns can only exist in one enchanted forest at a time
  • an enchanted forest can house multiple unicorns

Relationship: One-to-Many An enchanted forest has many unicorns, a unicorn belongs to an enchanted forest

Todo List (tools)

  • React front-end (forest index, show, and new)
  • Front-end routing (react router)
  • SQL Schema (enchantedForests, unicorns)
  • Models (EnchantedForest, Unicorn)

Todo Lists can also be feature driven!

Todo List (features)

  • See a list of all Enchanted Forests
  • See the details of one Enchanted Forest
  • On the show page, see all Unicorns in that forest

Let's look at the app thus far!

-- server/db/schema.sql

CREATE TABLE enchanted_forests (
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

-- server/db/schema.sql

CREATE TABLE unicorns (
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  age INTEGER,
  enchanted_forest_id INTEGER REFERENCES enchanted_forests(id)

// server/models/EnchantedForest.js
class EnchantedForest {
  constructor({ id, name }) { = id = name

 // ...

// server/models/Unicorn.js

class Unicorn {
  constructor({ id, name, age, enchantedForestId, enchanted_forest_id }) { = id = name
    this.age = age
    this.enchantedForestId = enchantedForestId || enchanted_forest_id
  // ...

Take note of both enchantedForestId and enchanted_forest_id!

Inserting Related Records

const queryString = `INSERT INTO unicorns (name, enchanted_forest_id) VALUES ($1, $2);`
await pool.query(queryString, [unicornName, enchantedForestId])

Retrieving Related Records: Many

An Enchanted Forest has many Unicorns

// server/models/EnchantedForest.js

class EnchantedForest {
  // ...
  async unicorns() {
    // import within method to avoid circular dependency
    // import as Promise-based method with await
    const unicornFile = await import("./Unicorn.js")
    const Unicorn = unicornFile.default
    try {
      const query = `SELECT * FROM unicorns WHERE enchanted_forest_id = $1;`
      const result = await pool.query(query, [])
      const relatedUnicornsData = result.rows
      const relatedUnicorns = => new Unicorn(unicorn))
      return relatedUnicorns
    } catch (error) {
  // ...

Retrieving Related Records: One

A Unicorn belongs to one Enchanted Forest

// server/models/Unicorn.js

class Unicorn {
  // ...
  async enchantedForest() {
    const enchantedForestFile = await import("./EnchantedForest.js")
    const EnchantedForest = enchantedForestFile.default
    try {
      const query = `SELECT * FROM enchanted_forests WHERE unicorn_id = $1;`
      const result = await pool.query(query, [this.enchantedForestId])
      const relatedEnchantedForestsData = result.rows
      const relatedEnchantedForests = => new EnchantedForest(enchantedForest))
      return relatedEnchantedForests
    } catch (error) {
  // ...

Thanks! Any Questions?

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