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Created April 1, 2015 03:18
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  • Save dovy/214c0e5c824bcc761a3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dovy/214c0e5c824bcc761a3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Force load of a Redux object even if it's been run.
Redux::getSection( $opt_name = '', $id = '' )
Get a specific section for the given opt_name by the section_id
Redux::setSections( $opt_name = '', $sections = array() )
Set a group of sections at once.
Redux::setSection( $opt_name = '', $section = array() )
Set a single section
Redux::getField( $opt_name = '', $id = '' )
Get a specific field array via ID
Redux::setFieldsetField( $opt_name = '', $field = array() )
Set a single field. Be sure to specify section_id!
Redux::setHelpTab( $opt_name = "", $tab = array() )
Set a help tab array.
Redux::setHelpSidebar( $opt_name = "", $content = "" )
Set a help sidebar content.
Redux::setArgs( $opt_name = "", $args = array() )
Set the global args for an instance.
Redux::getArgs( $opt_name = "" )
Get the args for a given opt_name.
Redux::getArg( $opt_name = "", $key = "" )
Get a single arguemnt via opt_name and key
Redux::setExtensions( $opt_name, $path )
Can be used multiple times. Can be used a single extension or a folder of extensions.
Redux::getExtensions( $opt_name = "", $key = "" )
Get all extensions for the opt_name or a specific one as denoted by key.
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