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Created June 29, 2013 18:39
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Shows module functions used by new SMOF.
* The header core options for the Shoestrap theme
if ( !function_exists( 'shoestrap_module_header_options' ) ) {
function shoestrap_module_header_options() {
/* The Options Array */
// Set the Options Array
global $of_options, $smof_details;
// Header
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Header Options", "shoestrap"),
"type" => "heading"
$url = admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' );
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => "",
"desc" => "",
"id" => "help7",
"std" => "<h3 style=\"margin: 0 0 10px;\">Navbar Options</h3>
<p>You can activate or deactivate your Primary NavBar here, and define its properties.
Please note that you might have to manually create a menu if it doesn't already exist
and add items to it from <a href=\"$url\">this page</a>.</p>",
"icon" => true,
"type" => "info"
$url = admin_url( 'nav-menus.php?action=locations' );
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Show the Main NavBar", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("ON by default. If you want to hide your main navbar you can do it here.
When you do, the main menu will still be displayed but not styled as a navbar.
If you want to completely disable it, then please click on <a target='_blank' href='$url'>this link</a>
and make sure that no menu is selected for your Primary Navigation."),
"id" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 1,
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("NavBar Menu Style", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("You can use an alternative menu style for your NavBars. OFF by default. ", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_style",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 'default',
"type" => "select",
"customizer"=> array(),
"options" => array(
'default' => __( "Default", "shoestrap"),
'style1' => __( "Style", "shoestrap") . " 1",
'style2' => __( "Style", "shoestrap") . " 2",
'style3' => __( "Style", "shoestrap") . " 3",
'style4' => __( "Style", "shoestrap") . " 4",
'style5' => __( "Style", "shoestrap") . " 5",
'style6' => __( "Style", "shoestrap") . " 6",
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Display Branding (Sitename or Logo) on the NavBar", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Default: ON", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_brand",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 1,
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Use Logo (if available) for branding on the NavBar", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("If this option is OFF, or there is no logo available, then the sitename will be displayed instead. Default: ON", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_logo",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 1,
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Logo Margin from top", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Tweak the margin from top of the logo in your Navbar. Minimum: -30px, Maximum: 30px. Default: 0", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "logo_top_margin",
"fold" => "navbar_logo",
"std" => 0,
"min" => -30,
"step" => 1,
"max" => 30,
"less" => true,
"type" => "sliderui"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("NavBar Background Color", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Pick a background color for the NavBar. Default: #eeeeee.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_bg",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => "#eeeeee",
"less" => true,
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "color"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("NavBar Background Opacity", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Pick a background opacity for the NavBar. Default: 100%.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_bg_opacity",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 100,
"min" => 0,
"step" => 1,
"max" => 100,
"less" => true,
"type" => "sliderui"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("NavBar Text Color", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Pick a color for the NavBar text. This applies to menu items and the Sitename (if no logo is uploaded). Default: #777777.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_color",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => "#777777",
"less" => true,
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "color"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Display social links in the NavBar.", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Display social links in the Navbar. These can be setup in the \"Social\" section on the left. Default: OFF", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_social",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"customizer"=> array(),
"std" => 0,
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Search form on the NavBar", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Display a search form in the Navbar. Default: OFF", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_search",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"customizer"=> array(),
"std" => 0,
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Float NavBar menu to the right", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Floats the primary navigation to the right. Default: OFF", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_nav_right",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 0,
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("NavBar Positioning", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Using this option you can set the navbar to be fixed to top, fixed to bottom or normal. When you're using one of the \"fixed\" options, the navbar will stay fixed on the top or bottom of the page. Default: Normal", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_fixed",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 0,
"on" => __("Fixed", "shoestrap"),
"off" => __("Scroll", "shoestrap"),
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Fixed NavBar Position", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Using this option you can set the navbar to be fixed to top, fixed to bottom or normal. When you're using one of the \"fixed\" options, the navbar will stay fixed on the top or bottom of the page. Default: Normal", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_fixed_position",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 0,
"on" => __("Bottom", "shoestrap"),
"off" => __("Top", "shoestrap"),
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Navbar Height", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Select the height of the Navbar. If you're using a logo then this should be equal or greater than its height.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_height",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 50,
"min" => 10,
"step" => 1,
"max" => 120,
"less" => true,
"type" => "sliderui"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => "",
"desc" => "",
"id" => "help9",
"std" => "<h3 style=\"margin: 0 0 10px;\">Secondary Navbar</h3>
<p>Sometimes you need an extra nav spot or social bar. That's where the secondary navbar comes into play.</p>",
"icon" => true,
"type" => "info"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Enable the secondary navbar", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Turn this ON to display branding (Sitename or Logo)on your Header. Default: ON", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "secondary_navbar_toggle",
"customizer"=> array(),
"std" => 0,
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Secondary Navbar Background Color", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Select the brand color that will serve as the background color. You can select the brand primary or secondary color. Default: Primary.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_secondary_bg",
"std" => 1,
"on" => "Primary",
"off" => "Secondary",
"customizer"=> array(),
'fold' => 'secondary_navbar_toggle',
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Secondary Navbar Background Opacity", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Pick a background opacity for the NavBar. Default: 100%.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_secondary_opacity",
"fold" => "secondary_navbar_toggle",
"std" => 100,
"min" => 0,
"step" => 1,
"max" => 100,
"less" => true,
"type" => "sliderui"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Secondary Navbar Text Color", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Select the background color for your header. Default: #EEEEEE.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_secondary_color",
"std" => "#333",
"customizer"=> array(),
'fold' => 'secondary_navbar_toggle',
"type" => "color"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Secondary Navbar Text", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Sometime you just need something a little more custom. Here you can enter a string of text to display in your secondary navbar.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_secondary_text",
"std" => "",
"type" => "text"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Secondary Navbar - Left Side", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("You can use an alternative menu style for your NavBars. OFF by default. ", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_secondary_left",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 'menu',
"type" => "select",
"customizer"=> array(),
"options" => array(
'none' => __( "None", "shoestrap"),
'social' => __( "Social Links", "shoestrap"),
'menu' => __( "Secondary Menu", "shoestrap"),
'text' => __( "Secondary Navbar Textbox", "shoestrap"),
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Secondary Navbar - Right Side", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("You can use an alternative menu style for your NavBars. OFF by default. ", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "navbar_secondary_right",
"fold" => "navbar_toggle",
"std" => 'social',
"type" => "select",
"customizer"=> array(),
"options" => array(
'none' => __( "None", "shoestrap"),
'social' => __( "Social Links", "shoestrap"),
'menu' => __( "Secondary Menu", "shoestrap"),
'text' => __( "Secondary Navbar Textbox", "shoestrap"),
$url = admin_url( 'widgets.php' );
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => "",
"desc" => "",
"id" => "help9",
"std" => "<h3 style=\"margin: 0 0 10px;\">Extra Branding Area</h3>
<p>You can enable an extra branding/header area. In this header you can add your logo, and any other widgets you wish.
To add widgets on your header, visit <a href=\"$url\">this page</a> and add your widgets to the <strong>Header</strong> Widget Area.</p>",
"icon" => true,
"type" => "info"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Display the Header.", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Turn this ON to display the header. Default: OFF", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "header_toggle",
"customizer"=> array(),
"std" => 0,
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Display branding on your Header.", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Turn this ON to display branding (Sitename or Logo)on your Header. Default: ON", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "header_branding",
"customizer"=> array(),
"std" => 1,
"type" => "switch"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Header Background Color", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Select the background color for your header. Default: #EEEEEE.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "header_bg",
"std" => "#EEEEEE",
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "color"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Header Background Opacity", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Select the background opacity for your header. Default: 100%.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "header_bg_opacity",
"std" => 100,
"min" => 0,
"step" => 1,
"max" => 100,
"less" => true,
"type" => "sliderui"
$of_options[] = array(
"name" => __("Header Text Color", "shoestrap"),
"desc" => __("Select the text color for your header. Default: #333333.", "shoestrap"),
"id" => "header_color",
"std" => "#333333",
"customizer"=> array(),
"type" => "color"
do_action( 'shoestrap_module_header_options_modifier' );
$smof_details = array();
foreach( $of_options as $option ) {
if (isset($option['id']))
$smof_details[$option['id']] = $option;
add_action( 'init', 'shoestrap_module_header_options', 65 );
include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/functions.navbar.php' );
include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/functions.secondary.navbar.php' );
include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/functions.header.php' );
include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/functions.slide-down.php' );
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