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Created April 3, 2013 00:22
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package main
import (
type C struct {
Name string
Guess uint8
var darksidersContestants = []*C{
&C{"iSparkz", 64},
&C{"tupto", 128},
&C{"Nitrous_Ninja", 142},
&C{"hotsweatyham", 199},
&C{"phillmans", 21},
&C{"dualstrike98", 138},
&C{"Cheeseburgur26", 32},
&C{"Roger_rabbit23", 62},
var rfaContestants = []*C{
&C{"rbryan06", 17},
&C{"Abe_lincolin", 56},
&C{"MrPanda1593", 149},
func getNumber() uint8 {
res, _ := http.Get("")
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
response := string(body)
response = strings.Trim(response, "\t \n")
no, _ := strconv.ParseUint(response, 10, 8)
no8 := uint8(no)
if no8 == 42 {
return getNumber()
return no8
func pickClosest(n uint8, contestants []*C) *C {
f := float64(n)
closest := contestants[0]
for _, c := range(contestants) {
if math.Abs(float64(c.Guess) - f) < math.Abs(float64(closest.Guess) - f){
closest = c
return closest
func Rollin(game string, contestants []*C) string {
winningNo := getNumber()
winner := pickClosest(winningNo, contestants)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s wins %s with a guess of %d which was closest to %d!", winner.Name, game, winner.Guess, winningNo)
func main() {
fmt.Println(Rollin("Darksiders", darksidersContestants))
fmt.Println(Rollin("Red Faction: Armageddon", rfaContestants))
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