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Forked from Milkyway3640/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Nuts and Bolts v1.3.1

Reactorcraft, Gendustry, Nether Ores, Aroma1997's Dimensional World and A LOT OF FREAKIN UPDATES!

In addition to adding the mods mentioned above we've updated a whole bunch of other ones.

Mods Updated for v1.3.1

  1. Advanced Generators
  2. AE2Stuff
  3. AsieLib
  4. Automagy
  5. BDLib
  6. Binnies mods
  7. Biomes O' Plenty
  8. Botania
  9. Buildcraft
  10. Buildcraft Additions
  11. Buildcraft Compat
  12. Carpenters' Blocks
  13. Chisel 2
  14. CodeChickenCore
  15. CoFHLib
  16. ComputerCraft
  17. DragonAPI
  18. ElectricalAge
  19. Electricraft
  20. Ender IO
  21. Expanded Redstone
  22. ExtraCells
  23. Immibis Core
  24. JABBA
  25. Logistics Pipes
  26. MFFS - Withheld due to reasons
  27. MrTJPCore
  28. Not Enough Resources
  29. Not Enough Items
  30. Project Red
  31. Railcraft
  32. Refined Relocation
  33. Resonant Engine
  34. RotaryCraft
  35. RouterReborn
  36. Steves Addons
  37. Technomancy
  38. Thaumcraft NEI addon
  39. Thaumic Infusion
  40. The Erebus
  41. ttCore
  42. Waila

Updated Configs and Other Mods

  • Railcraft's Trackmans Goggles are now disabled via config in addition to the residual heat blocks that were previously disabled.
  • Block O Bones has been enabled in the Erebus config. This means that your armor and Galacticraft items will be saved upon death. Your baubles will spill out on the ground similar to vanilla. You have 5 minutes to reclaim your jewelry.
  • Forge is updated to 1307.
  • Recipe for Buildcraft Additions Emerald Stick added.
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