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Last active January 17, 2024 05:13
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ZatsuDachi Twitch Plugin (readonly)
# NOTE: You must update your twitch URL by editing this file!
# Import required packages
from api import PluginBase, Message, Color
from flask import escape
import threading
import itertools
import asyncio
import irc.client_aio
import irc.client
import sys
# Define the plugin class
class Plugin(PluginBase):
# Set plugin name and target stream
name = "Twitch Chat Plugin (readonly)"
# Set image URL for the plugin
pluginImageURL = ""
# Lock
_lock = threading.Lock()
# Plugin loop
_connection = None
# CONNECTION NOTE: Paste the id of your livestream here!
targetStream = "doxy_ai"
# Asynchronous method for the plugin's main functionality
async def go(self):
# If the plugin is already running... don't start it again!
if self._connection is not None:
# Initialize IRC reactor and connect to Twitch IRC server
reactor = irc.client.Reactor()
self._connection = reactor.server().connect("", 6667, "justinfan1234")
except irc.client.ServerConnectionError:
raise SystemExit(1)
# Add event handlers
self._connection.add_global_handler("welcome", self.on_connect)
self._connection.add_global_handler("join", self.on_join)
self._connection.add_global_handler("disconnect", self.on_disconnect)
self._connection.add_global_handler("pubmsg", self.on_message)
# Register Twitch badges if not already registered
self.register_badge_if_not_registered("broadcaster", "")
self.register_badge_if_not_registered("moderator", "")
self.register_badge_if_not_registered("vip", "")
self.register_badge_if_not_registered("founder", "")
# Main loop to process events
while self._keepAlive:
# Method to stop the plugin
def stop(self):
if self._connection is not None:
self._connection = None
print("Twitch stopped!")
# Disable GUI updating
def setupGUI(self, content, applyButton):
return None
# Event handler for when the plugin connects to Twitch channel
def on_connect(self, connection, event):
# Request to see commands
connection.cap("REQ", "")
# Request to see more information about messages!
connection.cap("REQ", "")
# Attempt to join the target channel!
target = "#" + self.targetStream
if irc.client.is_channel(target):
raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to the twitch channel `" + target + "` it doesn't seam to exist!")
# Event handler for when the plugin successfully joins the channel
def on_join(self, connection, event):
print("Connected to Twitch Channel " + self.targetStream)
# Event handler for incoming messages
def on_message(self, connection, event):
# Extract message information
tags = {}
for pair in event.tags:
tags[pair['key']] = pair['value']
messageContent: str = event.arguments[0]
# Extract badge information
badges = []
if tags["badges"] is not None:
badges = [badge.split("/")[0] for badge in tags["badges"].split(",")]
# Handle emojis in the message!
if tags["emotes"] is not None:
for emote in tags["emotes"].split('/'):
emoteId, positions_str = emote.split(':')
textPositions = [
'startPosition': int(start),
'endPosition': int(end)
for start, end in (position.split('-') for position in positions_str.split(','))
start_pos = textPositions[0]['startPosition']
end_pos = textPositions[0]['endPosition'] + 1
emote_url = f'{emoteId}/default/dark/3.0'
emote_text = messageContent[start_pos:end_pos]
self.register_emote(emote_text, emote_url)
# Pass message information to receive_message method
self.recieve_message(Message(content=messageContent, sender=tags["display-name"], senderColor=Color(tags["color"]), senderBadges=badges, pluginImageUrl=self.pluginImageURL))
# Event handler for disconnection
def on_disconnect(self, connection, event):
raise SystemExit()
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