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Last active June 28, 2019 09:20
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Translate Minetest players in IRC
## @Doyousketch2 AGPL-3 Jun 17, 2019
# sudo apt install translate-shell
## header
__module_name__ = 'Translate'
__module_version__ = '1.5'
__module_description__ = 'Translate Minetest players in IRC'
import hexchat
import difflib
import subprocess as sp
info = ( __module_name__, __module_version__, __module_description__ )
hexchat .prnt( '{}, ver. {} loaded.\n {}'.format( *info ) )
''' notes: written in Python 3
translation prints before the original message, so channel names stay intact.
order can be reversed with EAT_HEXCHAT, but then it doesn't specify channel.
perhaps that info comes from userdata, but wiki doesn't specify how to resolve.
/command NICK Hi there!
word[0] is command
word[1] is NICK
word[2] is Hi
word[3] is there!
word_eol[0] is command NICK Hi there!
word_eol[1] is NICK Hi there!
word_eol[2] is Hi there!
word_eol[3] is there!
strange results found so far, mostly w/ single words:
hiya CAMc = Is the thickness
minetest = pastor
okidoki = okidok
mese = month
afk = afkan
noo = us
ye = is ~~ V
yes returned error code 2 ..?
had to rewrite using a "try, except" to ignore exceptions like this.
## variable declaration
print_debug_msgs = False ## set to True if you want to see excess jibberish.
dbg_string = 'dbg{}||{}||'
diff = difflib .Differ()
IRC_msgs = False ## set to True if you wish to translate all messages, even IRC lurkers.
## normally, IRC chatters should know what language is desired, so we don't waste bandwidth on their messages.
chmsg = 'Channel Message'
hilight = 'Channel Msg Hilight'
prmsg = 'Private Message to Dialog'
trans = ['trans', '-brief']
channels = [ '#ve-minetest-servers', '#insidethebox', '##minetest-ctf' ]
## define functions
def translate( word, word_eol, userdata ):
chan = hexchat .get_info( 'channel' )
if chan in channels:
original_msg = hexchat .strip( word_eol[1] .rstrip( ' +' ), -1, 3 )
## only translate players, not IRC chat, unless specified.
if original_msg .startswith( '<' ) or IRC_msgs:
## don't translate msg's that begin w/ arrows <--- or web links
if original_msg .find( '>', 1 ) and ( original_msg .find( 'http', 1 ) < 0 ):
delimiter = original_msg .split('> ')
msg = delimiter[1]
if print_debug_msgs: hexchat .prnt( dbg_string.format( 1, msg ) )
phrase = trans + [str(msg)]
if print_debug_msgs: hexchat .prnt( dbg_string.format( 2, ', '.join(map(str, phrase)) ) )
translation = sp .check_output( phrase, universal_newlines=True ) .rstrip()
if msg.lower() != translation.lower() and translation != '':
name = delimiter[0] .lstrip('<')
if print_debug_msgs:
hexchat .prnt( dbg_string.format( 3, name ) )
hexchat .prnt( dbg_string.format( 4, translation ) )
differences = list( diff .compare( msg.split(), translation.split()) )
new_msg = ''
total_diffs = 0
for difference in differences:
if difference[0] != ' ':
if total_diffs < 3:
new_msg = new_msg +difference +' '
total_diffs += 1
new_msg = '\{{}\} {}'.format( name, translation )
hexchat .prnt( new_msg )
except sp .CalledProcessError as err:
if print_debug_msgs:
hexchat .prnt( 'command: {} returned code: {}'.format( err.cmd, err.returncode ) )
hexchat .prnt( dbg_string.format( 5, err.output ) )
hexchat .prnt( 'returned code: {}' .format( err.returncode ) )
## main loop
hexchat .hook_print( chmsg, translate, {'msgtype': chmsg} )
## less likely to ever recieve /irc_msg that needs translated,
## for the sake of completeness though.
hexchat .hook_print( prmsg, translate, {'msgtype': prmsg} )
## eof
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