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Created November 11, 2022 05:30
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rust cli
rustup check # Check for updates to Rust toolchains and rustup
rustup component list # List installed and available components of the current Rust toolchain
rustup install stable
rustup default beta
rustup update # updating to the latest version
rustup toolchain list # list installed toolchains
rustup toolchain install stable-gnu # to install the GNU ABI (application binary interface)
cargo new [OPTIONS] <path>
# create a new Cargo package in the given directory;
# includes a simple template with a Cargo.toml manifest, sample source file, and a VCS ignore file
cargo check [OPTIONS]
# check a local package and all of its dependencies for errors; it does all compilation steps except for code generation.
# Some diagnostics and errors are only emitted during code generation, so "cargo check" can pass while "cargo build" may fail.
cargo test
cargo doc
cargo doc --open # builds documentation provided by all of your dependencies locally and opens it in your browser
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